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Lewinsky's Essay On Slut Shaming '

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According to a blog from the feminist post Jezebel, “slut-shaming” is a terminology that does not carry the weight it is intended to carry anymore, it was remarked, the term does not mean anything anymore. The argument is, “when we call everything “slut-shaming”, we seriously erode its power as a concept, there by automatically attributing the terminology to anything that expresses a negative sexual view devoid it of its proper meaning”. In this regard, I personally don’t categorized Monica Lewinsky’s experience as “slut-shaming”, granted she is probably not the first intern, male or female to have an affair with their boss, however, after listening to her Ted Talk, the impression I got is that she is catching up and lending her voice and experience to what has caught on in the world of complex sexual classification of women particularly. …show more content…
Even though the wall street journal editorial in 1998 called Ms Lewinsky “ A little tart”, I still have a hard time calling that “ slut- shaming”. Also, I did not read anything that indicated She was experimenting her sexuality with other interns, senators or congressmen, at least that was not reported as a correlation to the affair with Bill Clinton. The affair with the President and as she announced on “Ted Talk” she was “in love” carries with it, I guess a bragging right, if it had gone unnoticed or the amount of targeted reproach she experienced. Unfortunately, the woman is always the one who wears the scarlet letter. Currently, the Alabama governor is caught in an alleged extramarital affair. In this case, he refuses to resign, meanwhile, the alleged mistress on the other hand has

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