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Summary Of The Great Gatsby Dialectical Journal

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Sorry if the novel is not understood, English is not my mother tongue

Nest is the name of the protagonist, please do not get confused

On weekends, the sunlight is seen through the window, which for the nest that he thought was a quiet day, where he would sleep all day and play all night.

* ding ding ding *

"who ruins my dream, CALLED"

Nest that is lying in his bed was awakened by a sound similar to that of a bell.

* ding ding ding ding ding ding *


* ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding ding *


Nest that was prepared to throw his pillow to the person or object that produces that sound, but when turning around he did not see any person, the door of his room is

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