Premium Essay

Lia's Recovery In My Sister By Laurie Halse Anderson

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Words 224
Pages 1
The strongest moment of the book is when Emma walked in on Lia cutting herself. That was the moment that became the turning point for the story. Lia still didn’t think that she had a problem, but she knew that she had not only scared her sister because of what she saw but scarred her for life. The weakest moment in the book is Lia’s recovery. Lia does decide that she wants to live and takes her third admittance in New Spring seriously. The readers get a little inside into her recovery, but Anderson does not really focus to much on her recovery. The last sentence of the book is Lia saying “I am thawing (Anderson)” which is referring to her no longer being a wintergirl. The book would have been even better if Anderson had put the number to a

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