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Liberal Arts Education Vs Stem Summary

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In the article, Gerald Greenberg compares the liberal arts to the concept of ‘Tao’ expounds on the breadth of what a liberal arts education is. He states that everything is a part of ‘liberal arts’ and the liberal arts are a part of everything. Thus far, I agree with him.
I, however, do not think that a liberal arts education is the best form, or the only form of education that will lead to a successful and empowering life.
Both liberal arts and STEM have their own merits and demerits. Both of them provide a different base, and are designed to equip student differently. A liberal arts student will explore a variety of subjects (‘breadth’), while a STEM major will mostly be exploring a single subject in its depth, It is difficult to conclude which of these is better, since a liberal arts major will probably not hold the same jobs as a STEM major. …show more content…
We live in an age that holds far more appreciation for science than it does for the arts, and this has lead to the assumption that a STEM career is more important than a career in the humanities. I firmly disagree with this. While an engineer or a doctor may be extremely important to a community, so is a politician, a social worker, or a journalist. Yes, a STEM major might hold these jobs too, while an arts major will probably not go on to become an engineer, but this doesn’t mean that studying the arts is not as good a studying the

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