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Libra Srs


Submitted By achiti
Words 3628
Pages 15
Software Requirements Specification

Revision History
|Date |Version |Description |People |
| | |First draft |Project Owner and Client: |
| | | |Rajkumar Buyya |
| | | |Faculty Advisor: Dr. Arif Zaman |
| | | |Project Group: Jahanzeb Sherwani,|
| | | |Nosheen Ali, Nausheen Lotia, |
| | | |Zahra Hayat |
| | | | |
| | | | |
| | | | |

Table of Contents

1. Introduction 4 1.1 Purpose 4 1.2 Scope 4 1.3 Definitions, Acronyms and Abbreviations 4 1.4 References 6 1.5 Overview 7

2. Overall Description 7 2.1 Product Perspective 7 2.2 Product Functions 7 2.3 User Characteristics 8 2.4 Constraints 9 2.5 Assumptions and dependencies 9 2.6 Apportionment of requirements 9

3. Specific

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Silent Dancing

...Silent Dancing – Judith Ortiz Cofer When Cofer says that they were one of the firsts to have a TV in El Building she now realizes that it was because of her father’s decently paying job that they had some finer things than their neighbors did. When her father explains that they should keep to themselves I was confused and then realized that it was so they would not become attached because he had plans for a better place. We all do this at some point. This is my senior year at Central and even though I allowed myself to get close to my roommates I have already started to distance myself by being progressively less present in our pod and in our room. It is easier to say goodbye to something that you do not feel attached to. I feel that by the time I have to say goodbye to my roommates distancing myself will make it less of a ‘change.’ If I start the process now it will hopefully not feel like such a big change. Cofer’s reference to the silent homemade film draws me in when she describes her own experience. “It is both comical and sad to watch silent dancing.” (77) I do this as well; all I could think about is watching some of my own home videos and seeing the facial expressions and the body language of everyone. It is comical. In one of my own videos all four of my siblings and I are going off to school. We were all smiling and in good spirits. When we came back everyone was in a pissed off mood and shoving each other. It is very comical to watch it especially to see the changes...

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Robinson Crueso

...Max. Speed: 3.2 mach (2,200 mph) Take-off speed: 210 knots Landing speed: 150-155 knots. Uses a drag chute to stop. Service Ceiling: 85,000 ft plus Max. Range: 2,982 miles un-refueled (has flown 18,000 mile missions with in-flight refueling) Weight: 145,000 lb max weight Crew: 2 Cost: $24.616 million in 1972 Total Built: 32 Number Lost: 12(accidents) Number in Museums:  20 as of  Nov 2008 References: The US War Machine, 1983. Ray Bond. Arsenal of Democracy II, 1981. Tom Gervasi. March Field Museum Literature. Lockheed SR71, 1993, Paul Crickmore SR71 in Action, Signal Publications Flight magazine, Feb 2000 Airpower magazine (above, as of 18 April 2013) | | Description | Manufacturer: | Lockheed | Designation: | SR-71 | Version: | A | Nickname: | Blackbird | Type: | General Reconnaissance | Specifications | Length: | 107' 5" | 32.74 M | Height: | 18' 6" | 5.64 M | Wingspan: | 55' 7" | 16.94 M | Empty Weight: | 60000.0 lbs | 27210.0 Kg | Gross Weight: | 145000 lbs | 77097.0 Kg | Propulsion | No. of Engines: | 2 | Powerplant: | Pratt & Whitney J58 | Thrust (each): | 34000 | 14512 | Performance | Range: | 3000 miles | 4669.00 Km | Max Speed: Mach 3.2+ | 2200.00 Mph | 3220.00 Km/H | 1740.54 Kt | Ceiling: | 85000.0 Ft | 25907.0 M...

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Aerodynamics and Aircraft Performance

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...2013 EVEREADY: A Part of Every Moment A mother and her son are cuddled up next to each other under a blanket, laughing and having a good time while reading a book about space: the room is dark, and only a flashlight is being used as a source of light. The flashlight is powered by the one and only EVEREADY brand of batteries: the brand for “every family, everywhere, every day.” With women who have children being the target audience of this advertisement, the advertiser plays on the women’s emotions through the good time the women and boy seem to be having, which is made possible by the use of the EVEREADY batteries in the flashlight. Also, the setup of the advertisement as a whole plays a role- what women, who has a child, does not want to cuddle up next to their son or daughter, and use a flashlight to read? The advertiser plays on a mothers need to nurture her child, which also ties in with her need to guide her child. In the advertisement, by cuddling up next to her son before bed with a flashlight, the mother is nurturing her son by spending quality time with him and making memories. She is guiding her son by participating in activities that are beneficial to him at his age, like reading. Mothers everywhere will be able to relate to this because every mother wants to guide and nurture her child. A mother might also be able to relate to the advertisement by how it brings about the feeling of a need to escape. Maybe she has had a bad day, and cuddling up next to her son...

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