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Liebeck V. Mcdonalds

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The Case of Liebeck V. McDonalds
Business Law & Ethics
University of the People
Term 4, 2017 The Case of the Really, Really Hot Coffee

In 1994, 79 year old Ms. Stella Liebeck purchased some coffee from the drive through window at the local McDonalds restaurant. The coffee was heated to the usual high temperature of 88c. When Ms. Liebeck subsequently spilled her coffee on her lap and received burns on her legs and groin area.

She was hospitalized for 8 days and underwent skin grafts to repair the 3rd degree burns she received. Third degree burns are significant injuries where permanent damage is done to the skin, underlying muscles and nerves. It often causes life long chronic pain in the area due to the nerve damage. Ms. Liebeck …show more content…
The case was often reported as an example of the ludicrous, arbitrary and undeserving amounts of money involved in lawsuits. Little was said about the amount being only 2 days worth of revenue McDonalds received from the sale of coffee only. In retrospect, it seems that the truncated reporting of the case by mainstream media outlets lead many people to come to the conclusion that it was indeed a frivolous lawsuit which led to exorbitant awards.

This case triggered an outcry for Tort reform. Many people saw this as a case of frivolous and out of control suing where people could become predatory extortionists at the expense of legitimate businesses. To this day, the debate about how responsibility is ascribed to the involved parties is still ongoing. (NYTimes, …show more content…
Although it is not the most beneficial way to circulate money and increase its velocity, it does indeed serve that purpose of circulating money. We often hear about the negative costs and effects of the tort system, but we must admit that that money which is awarded to litigants does not “vaporize”; but rather is spent by the litigant which is a plus for the economy. Additionally, tort law creates a strong and profitable industry of lawyers and their employees. Here in America there is approximately one lawyer for every 260 Americans (Leichter, 2017). According to Thoma, the tort system costs each American family of four $9,827 per year. This calculates to a total cost of close to a trillion dollars ($876 billion each year). (Thoma, 2007) Keep in mind that the national GDP is $18.56 trillion

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