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Preventing Domestic Violence Research

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Preventing domestic violence is a global concern across the nation, it has a serious impact on women health and their well-beings and has an important impact on their children. The violence has been happening for centuries and some women have accepted it to keep their families together and some just have financial concerns when it comes to taking care of their children. others have managed to get away. Most women are poorly prepared to protect themselves when their spouse have become violent and being harassed in a place of business. Preventing Domestic Violence is a concern because Most women want to keep their familes together, Reproductive justice is a framework and movement that links reproductive health and rights with social justice, …show more content…
Abused and unabused children witness their parents in a violent act, from physical to emotional abuse. Children go through pressure when their parents aren't on good term. The manipulator manipulates the child(ren) to bring the father back into the home and just want the violence to stop and the family to stay together(Buel)d Multiple behavioral and functioning problems are among children associated with exposure due to seeing domestic violence. There are concerns about research methodology use in this area and the research and knowledge of this issue have been point out.# cited
The abusive victim fear is losing child custody to the attacker. Many men are aware of the women's weakness and that her child. The abuser will make threats to obtain child custody of the child(ren) so that she can come to an agreement with the violent partner likings. they use this method to take control of the victim and the situation(Buel). According to the coalition abuse in NY, thousands of mothers have lost their custody case to the ex-partner. Furthermore, many other women do not report these problems because they do not want to face losing their children the carried and gave birth too.# …show more content…
The reproductive system frameworks provide a different proposition that changes a discussion another way for person rights. (National Resource Center on Domestic Violence, 2013) Reproductive is a movement that is linked to health rights and social justice. It also emphasizes that women's health choice isn't just by choice but by factors and conditions within one's experiences, family, and the community.(National Resource Center on Domestic Violence, 2013) As for the reproductive framework, the movement offers a lot of justice and violent free society for

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