...reality, I have been born and raised in an era where technology is viewed more as a machine and not as the thriving life source of our community as it is now. Today we have digital technology everywhere; in our pockets, in our homes, in our cars, for some - even in their glasses. We are never too far from our technology or the access to social media it possesses. Social media is taking over our world. Now is this a good or bad thing? My answer to that is it always has been and always will be – there is no wrong or right. Meaning that technology and media in itself has always been progressing and digital media is just another step. Today’s media is in an ever progressing state, and it will continue to grow; such is the nature of media and social relations in themselves. Technology today has given us the ability to interact with one another much differently than we have in the past, it also has reached new heights in our ability to share and distribute knowledge, but one of the biggest problems is that of the generation gap between the technologically savvy and the technologically dim. Media is an ever-changing presence in our world today. It tends to get argued that it is all consuming and distracting, but in reality we as a society choose how to use technology and we decide what technology will do for us not the other way around. Some people believe that the internet is too distracting and takes away from our day-to-day lives. Rick Csiernik, from...
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...years. It has become alot more efficient and convient. Mobile phones and internet have become a way of life for many people, they offer varies ways to communicate, and stay organized. Years ago mobile phones were used simply for receiving and making calls and sending and receiving text messages. Mobile Phones have become a necessity for many people in their everyday life, and without it people would feel incomplete. They now use mobile phones for a voice recorder, diary, alarm clock, and watch for making and confirming appointments. This type of technology has become a way of life for many people. Mobile phones are not used as just communication tools but are also considered as devices which have strong communication networks along with the other functionalities such as audio solutions, FM radio and camera features. Although mobile phones were very popular and useful, the internet was also a very useful too. The internet has come a long way from years ago, it is used for multiple different purposes. It can be used at home for personal use and at work for professional use. The internet can also be used for informational purposes. Even if you want to have very specific information, you will find it in a short time on the internet. There are multiple different search engines to use for finding information. People use yahoo, dogpile, and the most used I would think is google. Before the internet you would normally have to find a book and look up the information, which...
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...certain changes the rapid advancement of technology has brought about… especially modern man’s growing dependence on the Internet. This reaction is nothing new historically, for there have been alarmists at every turning point in human progress. In Nicholas Carr’s article, “IS GOOGLE MAKING US STIPID?” the author voices this same fear. He writes, “When we read online…….we tend to become mere decoders of information.” Carr shares this argument with Maryanne Wolf, a psychologist at Tufts University and author of “Proust and the Squid: The Story and Science of the reading Brain”. Carr’s primary concern is that physical changes to the human brain are caused by heavy use of online technology such as Google. He focuses only on changes to a single aspect of brain function, but these changes may not be even as harmful as he fears. While he did good research, and there is no question about his facts, this paper argues that the positive aspects of online reading far outweigh the negative aspects. Speaking at Asheville-Buncombe Technical Community College on September 28, 2012, Nicholas Carr was quick to acknowledge that Google and the Internet have made many positive contributions to modern life. As a vast and readily available source of information, the Internet has greatly benefited education in particular. Carr’s main concern is that the minds of heavy Internet users may become mere decoders of information, rather than being processors of knowledge and wisdom. That would present...
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...The Unplugged Challenge Back to the Stone Age. That is what went through my mind as I prepared to begin the Unplugged Challenge and disconnect from the internet for five days. Several questions crossed my mind before I began. How will I stay connected with people? What if I miss an email naming me the Publishers Clearing House ‘Grand Prize Winner?’ Could I live for nearly a week without the search capability of Google or the hilarious videos of YouTube? It seemed to me that living without the internet was akin to losing an arm. Would I be able to survive without it? The first morning of the challenge I awoke to a blaring alarm clock. Really, 6am already?! I dragged myself out of bed and grabbed my phone to check the news and weather, like I normally do. Wait, NO!! I quickly reminded myself of the challenge and put down my phone before the browser could open. Wow, I thought, only fifteen minutes into the challenge and I have nearly had a failure. The rest of the first day was a bitter struggle of human willpower vs. technology. Every ten or fifteen minutes I found myself instinctively grabbing my phone and dialing up Facebook or Google. Each and every time I had to consciously remind myself of the challenge. Back away, I told myself, put the phone down, and everything will be alright. Though everything turned out alright, by the end of day one I felt quite frustrated and disconnected. I just wanted to post a Facebook update or send an email to a friend. With four more days of...
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...Hamlet’s Blackberry | My Disconnected Blackberry | A way of life revisited | | Kent Olden English 20 Section 36Professor Lynda Radican | 5/12/2011 | As any teacher worth their weight in salt will tell you, they set out to give students the best possible education. Along that path they often influence the future generations. My teacher has identified one of the many problems troubling this burgeoning generation. The problem being the busyness that technology has created. The purpose of this assignment was to examine my screen habits and make change as I saw fit. By reading powers book, I was able to articulate the problem and take steps towards a remedy. I struggle as a writer; at times I am brilliant, in my mind at least. Most other times I am just sitting staring at a screen or finding some other distraction. My writing process involved discussing the books topics with others. The lesson being taught by this book made me think of my teenage child now and in the future, accordingly I wrote to that audience. Reading this book has been a help to me. I sit for hours, but it could be even longer with the distraction of a connected screen. I have taken steps to alleviate this distraction. I thank you for introducing me to William Powers. It is my hope that with this paper you will gain a degree of insight into my balanced life. Also it was my intention to fashion my thoughts into an “A” grade paper. Free of grammatical error and on task with the assignment...
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...doing when waiting for a bus, sitting in the subway, or even before a meal comes to the table? How many of them are holding a smartphone with eyes focused on the screen and fingertips busy dancing back and forth on the touch panel, and never get bored? With the development of 3G and wireless technology, cell phones are no longer restricted to simple communications such as calling or texting. After the appearance of smartphones, things like surfing the Internet, socializing, taking photos or even FaceTime can be done instantly in your hand. Smartphones are becoming parts of many people's lives. These days, a new phenomenon named "smartphone addiction" has emerged. In fact, recently in China, the spread of smartphones has attracted more and more young people into the world of virtual Internet at the expense of their interaction with real world relationships; it has also aroused heated discussions on whether or not we should take some actions on limiting this tendency. As a matter of fact, even though smartphones have created a more convenient life and have also changed our way of communication in a digital era, the improper use of smartphones is problematic in our daily lives, and the public should be aware of this. It is necessary for the Chinese to pay serious attention to the excessive dependence on smartphones, and try to lessen the negative influence of smartphones in our daily interpersonal relationships. Before talking about the impacts, we have to take a look at the...
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...the topic of censorship, many Americans have different opinions on if censorship is a violation of their rights as a citizen of the United States or if it is to preserve the wellbeing of the country. Before the internet became as powerful as it is today, the government reviewed every article, news report, and television show before being released for public viewing to prevent indecencies from occurring in the media. Consequently, as the media continues to flourish, it creates difficulties in the...
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...century way of viewing the world. Chapter 1 Aristotle - Biography Aristotle was born in 384 BCE. at Stagirus, a Greek colony and seaport on the coast of Thrace. His father Nichomachus was court physician to King Amyntas of Macedonia, and from this began Aristotle's long association with the Macedonian Court, which considerably influenced his life. At age 17 his guardian, Proxenus, sent him to Athens, the intellectual center of the world, to complete his education. He joined the Academy and studied under Plato, attending his lectures for a period of twenty years. In the later years of his association with Plato and the Academy he began to lecture on his own account, especially on the subject of rhetoric. At the death of Plato in 347, the pre-eminent ability of Aristotle would seem to have designated him to succeed to the leadership of the Academy. But his divergence from Plato's teaching was too great to make this possible, and Plato's nephew Speusippus was chosen instead. Aristotle on Metaphysics Aristotle's editors gave the name "Metaphysics" to his works on first philosophy, either because they went beyond or followed after his physical investigations. Aristotle begins by sketching the history of...
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...died people (internet source 2). In (figure 1) the great leap forward, the death rate got the highest point on 1960, because of the tens millions of people which died because of a famine (internet source 3). In addition, the birth rate was at the highest point for the hole last 50 years ago in the same decade. Otherwise, after the enforcement of the on child policy the birth rate decreased significantly and stay stable until the last...
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...Interaction? Social media is defined as Internet-based applications that rely on the technological foundations of Web 2.0 and allow the generation and exchange of content generated by users. Social media is diverse in nature and includes blogs, such as Twitter, video sharing sites, such as YouTube, photograph sharing space, such as Instagram and social networking venue, such as Facebook. In contrast, face-to-face communication is described as a situation when people see each other physically and talk to each other. The debate that arises from the advent of social media is whether the social media complement or substitute traditional face-to-face communication. In my opinion, social media is like drugs, which people consume, become addicted to and forget how to talk face-to-face without feeling intimidated. The development of social media can be traced back to the advent of Internet. In fact, the popularity of social media is nothing more obvious than the Internet going back to its roots. The internet was initially developed as a platform for people to exchange ideas. However, it was taken over by large corporations. Corporate web pages marginalized individuals’ activities online. For instance, Amazon and eBay arrived in 1995 and offered a new kind of value proposition to consumers; nevertheless, many corporations slowed down on their online activities after the dot-com burst in 2001. Then, the “social media revolution” made the internet return to the roots or what it was originally...
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...transmitted condition of the over-load, debt, anxiety, and waste resulting from the dogged pursuit of more." In recent years, the U.S. has entered the age of affluenza completely. Therefore, a book which is named after the disease is written to introduce the symptoms, explain the causes of the disease, and provide the treatment to cure affluenza. After taking the self-diagnosis exam from that book, I realize that I am somehow infected by the sickness and I recognize I have symptoms of it. There is a symptom that influenceed my lifestyle indirectly. Although I am not under any stress, but my parents are affected. They work almost 7 days a week, from 8 am to 7 pm, about half of the day. The reason that they keep working is so they always want to buy something extra to our household, such as furnitures which does not fit in the apartment. For instance, I have two computers so there is always a free one for my parents to use. During last Thanksgiving, my mom bought another laptop computer. I was able to count how many times she has used it with my hands. Finally, that laptop computer was given to my cousin who started attending college last year. Currently, my mom is making plans to buy another replacement. The particular issue which affects me the most is my addiction to Internet and video...
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...Baidu, Inc., the most famous Chinese Internet search engine company, has succeeded at changing the Internet core search engine technology in China over the past twelve years. Robin, which is the English name of Yanhong Li, graduated from Beijing University with a degree in Information Management in 1991. Then he received a master’s degree of Computer Science at the State University of New York in Buffalo. In 1999, Robin foresaw the great potential development of the Chinese search engine services and Internet development in China when he was working at Silicon Valley in California. In 2000, after Robin quit his high-paying job, he moved back to China and established Baidu, Inc. with his friend, Eric Xu. Their goal was to show that science changes peoples’ lives. Before founding Baidu, Robin had received the American patent of “hyperlink analysis” technology, which he used later for the Baidu search engine. After several years effort, Baidu has become the most frequently used website in China. Approximately 81.2% of Chinese netizens use Baidu to locate the information that they need every day. Baidu offers many different search services, such as Baidu MP3, Baidu Knows, Baidu Encyclopedia and so on. I knew about Baidu when I was in high school, and I am used to searching information through the Internet by using Baidu. It makes my daily life much easier and more convenient. For instance, I can find millions of images from the Internet on Baidu Image, I can read local, national...
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...accountant (bookkeeper) keeping track of a company’s debits and credits, without this feature for a company there would not be any way for a company to know whether or not they are gaining or losing money (Instructor, 2002-2005)! Therefore, an accountant will gather information from the company which consists of their total income that has been brought in as well as receipts for everything the company has bought to determine the debit that the company has spent. After the accountant has gathered all of this information, the accountant can than determine the company’s equity rather or not they are losing money or gaining money (Instructor, 2002-2005). There are fourteen different steps when dealing with accounting process. Fist the accountant must gather the information from the business and be able to recognize the information (Internet Center for Management and Business Administration, 2002-2010). Second the accountant must prepare all of the transactions which include all of the business’s transactions and or invoice (Internet Center for Management and Business Administration, 2002-2010). The third step involves the accountant to identify all of the business’s transactions in dollar and...
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...on the revolution in Egypt. Social media have a great power, because thanks to them, people can share their thoughts in every single minute of their life. Even though there are other ways of communication, social media, such as blogs, Twitter or Facebook, had a great impact on Egyptian revolution in 2011 because people could organize their dissidence fast and could easily share their ideas of the free Egypt. When Hosni Mubarak became a president in 1981, he became suppressing all his opponents. People were not happy, but they were not united in order to oppose Mubarak. Everyone trying to oppose Mubarak without the support of the people put his life and lives of his family into the risk. There was no simple nor easy way to connect with people who shared the same opinion about the government, because having such a discussion at any public place was dangerous at that time. Although it was possible to find people with the same political views, the idea of making any non-violent protest was unrealistic. To make such a protest many people need to join the demonstration, but without internet, people couldn’t share the information about the demonstration well. They could only talk about it, but in secret and only in small groups. In small group, the idea of making such a mass demonstration seems stupid. On the other hand, on the internet when you see how many people share your views it suddenly seems much easier to make such an event. Of course it was somehow possible to make a change...
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...then I and my bestfriend were late in the meeting of the group of our section so we don’t have any other choice but to build another group with the other sections. At first I didn’t expect that it would be successful for our group because we’re not that close. Before the camping, our teacher gave us the list of the things that we should only bring. Our camp started assembling by 4 in the afternoon. We are given tents to build shelter or the place that we will be sleeping in. At that time, we also met the persons that are assigned to give us our tasks from our main commander and also to guide and help us. We are first assigned to elect the leaders for our group, and after that the main leaders was task to go them for further instructions. They thought our leaders the whistle signals that they will be using and our leaders also thought them to us while we were eating our packed dinners. They also assigned the name of each group and they tasked us to make a cheer. The first night was not that exciting because they only introduced their selves to us then they let us watch videos that gave us information about the history of rover scouting. At about 10 in the evening they let us wash and sleep. Our group planned to wake up before the time that they said to us, so we were awake by 3 in the morning. We took...
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