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Life Changing Event


Submitted By jmccullough
Words 881
Pages 4
Life Changing Event
Jonathan McCullough
English Composition 1
Tina Miller
February 3rd 2014

Life before my daughter’s birth was excellent, or so I thought. I was entirely wrapped up in my desires and myself. I was the definition of selfish, but somehow my wonderful wife put up with me through those years. The worst part of it was I didn’t even realize it. The funny thing about having children is that they give you a deep understanding of selflessness. Even when we found out that my wife was pregnant, I still carried on pretty much the same way I always had. I had no idea that my world was going to come crashing down around me. Through all of the dust and rubble of the remainder of what I thought was my great life, a brilliant light began to shine through. The light was the love that I felt for my daughter, once you have experienced that depth of love, your life will never be the same.

The birth of my daughter was one of the most positively impactful events of my life. The day she was born will be etched into my memory forever. After a scheduled doctor visit we were sent straight to the hospital to begin the journey. I remember the excitement that was almost tangible as we drove to the hospital. After checking in they put us in a small examination room on the labor and delivery floor. We were to spend a long and uncomfortable night. My wife was uncomfortable for obvious reasons, me on the other hand, I had pushed to hospital chairs together to form a makeshift bed for the night. The next morning things would begin to progress rather quickly. When we woke up the next morning, and I use the term “woke up” lightly as we did not sleep much at all, we were transferred into an actual delivery room. This was a much better environment minus all the delivery tools. The Doctors had to induce my wife because she was quickly developing toxicity. It was a very

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