Premium Essay

Life Coaching Marketing Plan


Submitted By willsfred
Words 3689
Pages 15




Commercial use 9

Land for Grazing 9

Demand for Fuel 9

Illegal Logging 10

Erosion of Soil 10

Loss of Biodiversity 11

Climate Change 11

Population Growth 12




This essay paper is divided into three parts: The first part will discuss the implications of the rapid expansion of roads into suburban areas in Kenya with special focus on the major social and environmental impacts of concern. There is an appreciation that Kenya is experiencing unprecedented road and highway expansion in line with its Vision 2030 Strategic Plan. Mitigations that need to be put in place to reduce the severity of these impacts have also been discussed.

The second part discusses the Global commons, their interactions and the effects experienced as a result of depletion of one or more of them. In this essay, “Global commons" refers to something shared in common by a community. Commons presupposes a community - its members can claim equal rights to the common ground. A global commons presupposes a global community. This essay will delve on bringing a clear understanding on the complex and highly interactive processes involving the atmosphere, land, the hydrosphere (water in oceans, seas, lakes, rivers, etc.) and the cryosphere (ice sheets, glaciers, snow), together with complex terrestrial and aquatic biological processes.

The final part discusses the unsustainable manner in which the natural resources in Kenya are exploited.

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