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Life In John Steinbeck's The Grapes Of Wrath

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Canada at its lowest “The bank is something more than men, I tell you. It’s the monster. Men made it, but they can’t control it.” – John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath, Chapter 5. The great deperssion was a severve time during the late 1920’s and 1930’s. The stock market crash in 1929 sent the economy spiruling down to an all time low affecting families, businesses, lifestyles and changed the lives off all. It left thousands on the street, homless, poor and with absoultley nothing. To find a stable job and a good living was nearly impossible during that time. Living during the Great Depression was an Extremly difficult time. It affected families lives and living environment, it affected jobs and income, it also affect large and small business …show more content…
Before the depression had hit Canada, most families were wealthy and did not have very many issues. This was a complete change for most, it was an issue to get food on the table at times. Families lost almost everything and what they did have they would have to sell just to get by. Their living envorinments changed quite driastically as well. Some went from living in beautiful big house to very small apartments with terrible living conditions for a family to be in. Some even ended up on the streets. The simplest things to provide became so difficult to keep bringing in and consistanly proivde to your family. Without any income, it became very difficult care for men to care for there families. There were no job oppertunites therefore men were not bringing in any income so they had to turn to government relief. Candians lost almost everything during the drepression, their homes, their possessions, jobs and some even lost their families. In a way, people felt as if they were to die, The government had taken away their homes, they had to sell whatever they could just to make some extra money. Without food, water or shelter these poor people were left homeless with nothing. Candains were at their lowest at this point and they were not able to do a thing about it. The negative affects of the depression on families can be closely related to the lack of jobs and

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