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Submitted By nikkislomers
Words 2419
Pages 10
Nikki Slomers
Mrs. Moser
AP English 11
28 March 2014
Steinbeck’s Philosophical Theory and Influences The Grapes of Wrath, a story of the Joads’ journey from Oklahoma to California in search of the American dream during the Great Depression era. Thousands upon thousands of people had to pack up and leave the land that they were born and raised on due to the Dust Bowl and the banks foreclosing on acres and acres of property. Having lived through this time period, John Steinbeck, the author of the novel The Grapes of Wrath is no stranger to the conditions these people lived in. Traveling with migrant farm workers for a few years in Salinas California, John adopted a very specific philosophical theory from the many influences around him. John Steinbeck’s philosophical theory, including transcendentalism and the concept of the oversoul, humanism, earthy democracy, and pragmatism, all play an important role in the development of his characters in The Grapes of Wrath. To begin, one of the most important characters in the novel, Jim Casy, “the preacher”, single-handedly interprets and embodies the philosophy of the author John Steinbeck and the novel itself. Tom Joad and Jim Casy cross paths while Tom was on his way home to find his family after just being released from prison. The two men, having been long time friends, decide to walk together and catch up. Jim vents to Tom, and tells him about not preaching anymore. “I was a preacher,” the man [Jim Casy] said seriously, “but not no more” (Steinbeck 41). Casy had struggled with being a minister because he viewed himself as wildly unorthodox. He rarely practiced what he preached, and that was a problem for him. A series of events very similar to Casy’s was that of Ralph Waldo Emerson, who gave up his ministry because of his own unorthodoxy. Emerson, being one of Steinbeck’s idols, made Steinbeck a firm believer in

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