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John Steinbeck Society

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The destruction of society

Steinbeck explores the cause of greed in the society of La Paz as the result of colonial capitalism , thus through the destruction of society Steinbeck is cautioning the consequences of societal structures fundamentally based around the procurement of personal desires and therefore greed. In The Pearl, Steinbeck creates a microcosm of human interactions; these interactions form the basis of society in both the native and Spanish community, thus Steinbeck’s dysfunctional portrayal of the relationships within society is ultimately a reflection of the problematic nature of capitalism. Moreover, Steinbeck’s view of capitalism is also highlighted by how easily the society of La Paz deteriorates when the character’s …show more content…
Through Steinbeck’s narration, he illustrates this conflict of individual desires through the deterioration of relationships between Kino and the rest of society. The individual agenda of “every man” becomes associated with the acquisition of the pearl, and subsequently mankind begins to view human life as a disposable commodity, and thus Steinbeck is inferring that the capitalist world only associates value with materialistic wealth, hence the relationships between mankind that form society are inescapably destined to falter.
Steinbeck’s scrupulous observations of the social failure occurring in America revealed the declining sense of a communal existence, which is now superseded by the competitive pursuit of wealth to achieve material comfort:
The news came to these men, and their eyes squinted and their finger-tips burned a little, and each one thought how the patron could not live forever and someone had to take his place. And each one thought how with some capital he could get a new …show more content…
The men view Kino’s life as disposable and at hearing of Kino’s success they begin competing with each other for materialistic wealth and coveting after his place at the pinnacle of society. Steinbeck refers to these men as “each one” to exemplify how capitalist structures superimpose individualism over the natural sense of human community as represented by the natives and their support and joy at Kino’s prosperity.
As the Spanish colonists begin to feel deprived of the wealth that Kino possesses, this sense of deprivation perpetuates their voracious greed:
The news stirred up something infinitely black and evil in the town; the black distillate was like a scorpion, or like hunger in the smell of food, or like loneliness when love is withheld. The poison sacs of the town began to manufacture venom, and the town swelled and puffed with the pressure of it.
Capitalism provides the illusion of deprivation, whilst the Spaniards possess exceedingly more wealth than that of the natives, by having less than Kino creates a false sense of deficiency and stipulates their greed. Steinbeck compares greed to a scorpion, using its biblical connotations of power, torment and pain to epitomize the inherently malicious nature of greed, Furthermore, Steinbeck explicitly characterises greed, as the result of fundamental human

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