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Ana's Code Of Ethics Case Study

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The ANA’s Code of Ethics include nine provisions or codes for nurses to follow in their careers. I hope to incorporate all of the provisions in my future career, but throughout this essay I will discuss provision one, two, three, and eight. Provision one requires the nurse to practice with compassion and respect for the inherent dignity, worth, and uniqueness of every person. Nurses encounter many patients with different personalities, culture perspectives, ethnicities, and beliefs. A nurse should be able to adapt her plan of care to each patient specifically based on his or her uniqueness while also respecting and having compassion for them. Compassion can be defined as “sympathetic pity and concern for the sufferings or misfortunes of others”. …show more content…
I plan on incorporating this by involving my future patients in their care plan and making sure that the care plan reflects the patient’s individual health goals for his or herself. I also plan on remaining committed to the patient and his or her decisions even in the presence of conflict with others such as friends or family. For example, if the patient’s friends and family disagree with the patient’s decisions, I will remain loyal to the patient and focus my care plan on achieving the patient’s specific health goals. Provision 3 is about the nurse promoting, advocating, and protecting the rights, health, and safety of the patient. I plan to do this by communicating efficiently with other team members and by also standing up for my patient if see that his or her rights, health, and safety are being violated. For example if the patient is in need of an urgent assessment by the physician and the physician is delaying seeing the patient, I will contact that physician or perhaps someone at a higher standing than the physician such as an attendant if the physician is not

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