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Life Is Like a Book


Submitted By cmb1993
Words 327
Pages 2
Corey Blackwell
Mr. Morris
English 111-44
13 September, 2012
Life is like a Book In almost every book there is always a table of contents, problems, solutions, main characters and supporting characters. Every book comes to life once given a title and has a purpose. The author is always the creator of the book, but each book is different. Some books are viewed as being better than another and ultimately receive awards. Some books cost more than others, but that doesn’t make them better. Sometimes a book is judged by its cover and is only attempted to be read by the way it looks, although the book itself may not be better than the books that are plain on the outside. The only thing that should matter in a book is the information inside, and the message it portrays to the reader. Each book created is meant to be read by someone, and to help someone. There is a plan for the book to begin and a plan for it to end. Each chapter in the book leads to another chapter and every chapter in the book is different. The beginning leads to the middle and the middle leads to the end. Old problems start to fade away and are solved, while new ones emerge to eventually be solved. Sometimes old characters are forgotten about or if they are special enough, they could remain mentioned throughout the whole story. New characters come in and out of every chapter and always have a lot to do with the chapters plot. All characters have a specific purpose in the book. The characters are created by the author and individually are giving different personalities, personal backgrounds, and destinies. Many people would believe the author would put forth their best effort on the creation of their book, so take time to enjoy the book, because you know skipping to the end never makes sense without reading the entire book.

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