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Analysis Of Martin Luther's Life By T. Nichols

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In his book, Nichols pictured the life a monk and illustrated the works of the reformer named Martin Luther. This book gives a well-written introduction to Luther’s life and his major works. Even though this book is not in depth but rather condense, this book gives a concise overview of Luther life and the roles he had in ministry as pastor and reformer. Nichols is convinced that, the life and works of Luther did not only fired up the reformation but these also shape our lives today. This book is a useful overview the monk, Luther, who was a husband, father, pastor and reformer (16-17, 50-51).

Nichols’s book is divided in three parts. In each of these sections, the writer describes the life of Luther and his work in three different subjects. First, Nichols describes the life of Luther; section one is divided in the early years, 1483-1521 and the later years, 1522-1546. In the second part he describes him as pastor and the third part describes him as the reformer. Nichols opens his book with the desperate fear of Luther. In the terrifying storm Luther promised that he would become a monk in exchange of safety. (27-28). …show more content…
In this section Nichols illustrated Luther in the light of a reformer underlining and explaining his major theological works such as, The Three Treatises, The Bondage of the Will, and Confessions Concerning Christ’s Supper. The first section was a historical account of Luther’s life, the second part,, was concerned about the radical change of theology that has changed the church since then. Nichols emphasizes that that in all his writings from the Ninety-Five Theses until his more complicated works, Luther’s five “Reformation Solas” summarizes his theology the best. (75-78). The understanding we have of justified by faith alone through grace alone became the foundation of the Protestant Church

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