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Personal Narrative: A Career As An Instructional Coach

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After trying hard to come up with 21 skills needed for an instructional coach, I could only come with a dozen. It can be said that most of them were on the list that later was revised, implying that I am short on my own list. It has to be stated that I am a relative new teacher, with just four years of experience in elementary level, where I plan to stay for my whole career in teaching. Being this said, the self-assessment results on the on the rating system was not surprisingly at the “Average Range”, recommending that the need for finding ways to strengthen weak areas and look for growth opportunities to increase and improve skills has to be considered.
The important skills to have for this profession on my list were to develop strong and …show more content…
Communication is another skills to develop because an instructional coach will sometimes convey messages that are not pleasant when putting some pressure over people. Discipline is a must in this career that demands so much of a person, and interesting how in the T-PESS skills list, it comes attached to flexibility. This two seem to be opposed to each other, but the reality is that in a school environment the only sure thing is constant change of plans, because of a broad spectrum of factors. Of course, knowledge content was in my list, being compatible with involvement and knowledge of CIA (curriculum, instruction and assessment) o the T-PESS list. One of the factors that I did not include was the one of being a change agent, given the fact that I thought the district or the principal were the ones dictating what had to be made. Now I can clearly see that one the of the coach’s responsibilities is to look for needs in order to fulfill those. Another oversee quality is the one of outreach. It was not noticed that a coach, not only influences the students and teachers within a campus, but those actions taken will spread all over the school community including families and other stakeholders. This was a big one that I missed, because in my campus the principal is working on implementing the “Leader in Me”

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