...Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. The idea that human beings are entitled to these basic rights has come a long way since it was first explored by John Locke and other enlightenment philosophers in the 17th and 18th centuries. No country, no society, has ever achieved as much as the United States of America in terms of fulfilling these ideals. That being said, the United States would never have evolved into the bastion of freedom and justice that it is today without the sacrifices made by its protectors, living and dead. Veterans Day is about acknowledging that, without the bravery and devotion of the men and women who have served, and continue to serve each and every one of us, the preservation of this great nation would be impossible....
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...Abstract This paper examines whether or not the death penalty is a deterrent to crime in general and more specific, it examines if the death Penalty is a deterrent to those who commit murder. Comparisons were made of states that have the death penalty and how it impacts crime in general whether the fact of having the death penalty makes citizens safer with potential killers knowing that the death penalty awaits them should they kill someone. It also examines if someone commits murder if giving the chance would they repeat the offense. In our democratic country, we believe that you have rights, that everyone has rights, that every person is entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. These basic human rights are safeguarded in the Constitution. In our country, we are expected to acknowledge the rights of others. Therefore, if someone disrespects or abuses the legal rights of others, it is not only wrong but illegal as well. People who steal your money or burn down your house or kidnap you go to jail when they are caught. That’s what happens to criminals who take away your liberty or your pursuit of happiness. But what should we do when a criminal deprives you of the most precious right – the right to live? Should the murderer simply go to jail, just the same as any other criminal? Should the killer of a love one, a father or sister or brother or mother simply be allowed to spend a few years in jail before...
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...The reason I chose to research gay marriage is because so much of my family is gay, lesbian or bisexual. I believe strongly in the constitution and its elements. This paper discusses homosexuality in our society, particularly in granting homosexual couples a right to marry. I do believe that marriage should be available to all people, regardless if they are the same sex. Many people have said that love has no gender, other believe that it should be banned. This issue, whether or not the same-sex marriage should be allowed, is extremely controversial and the debates never end. In this paper, I take the pro side. But regardless if people want to get married or not, they should be able to live a happy life. Lesbian and gay are also humans, and as humans, they should have the fundamental rights of human that allow a human to choose their husband or wife by themselves. As stated in the Declaration of Independence, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” This statement is proof that our founding fathers want us to be happy, with whatever endeavors we pursue. Ever since the Renaissance era, same sex marriage has always been a debate among politicians. After the black plague, Europe's population had significantly declined, and a crack down on homosexuality was started in the hopes of rebuilding Europe's Christian...
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...What Brings about Happiness? Rodney Sanders Mrs. Bledsoe Arkansas Baptist College Fall, 2013 Abstract There are numerous ways to define the word happiness; however, according to Webster dictionary, the word happiness in best defined as enjoying, showing, or marked by pleasure, satisfaction, or joy. People generally associate happiness with simply having a good feeling inside whether it is from monetary or financial gain, finding a potential soul mate, getting a promotion at work, self employed, the birth of children, and so on. These are all different ways in which people generally associate the happy feeling with. Many people express their happiness in different ways; therefore, it can be said that happiness is something that you can't just buy or gain because it comes form deep within. It is also known that happiness changes as circumstances change around each individual's everyday life. This paper will discuss happiness based on scientific studies, how Aristotle relates happiness, and occasions associated with a happy person. Happiness related to Studies and Psychologist There are many scholars, specialist, neurologist, and more who study the brain. They often relate happiness to different levels of dopamine and and serotonin levels in the brain, which is a known transmitter in the brain that controls the nervous system causing the feelings of happiness and sadness (Inglehart, & Klingemann, 2000). According to other researchers...
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...What Brings about Happiness? Rodney Sanders Mrs. Bledsoe Arkansas Baptist College Fall, 2013 Abstract There are numerous ways to define the word happiness; however, according to Webster dictionary, the word happiness in best defined as enjoying, showing, or marked by pleasure, satisfaction, or joy. People generally associate happiness with simply having a good feeling inside whether it is from monetary or financial gain, finding a potential soul mate, getting a promotion at work, self employed, the birth of children, and so on. These are all different ways in which people generally associate the happy feeling with. Many people express their happiness in different ways; therefore, it can be said that happiness is something that you can't just buy or gain because it comes form deep within. It is also known that happiness changes as circumstances change around each individual's everyday life. This paper will discuss happiness based on scientific studies, how Aristotle relates happiness, and occasions associated with a happy person. Happiness related to Studies and Psychologist There are many scholars, specialist, neurologist, and more who study the brain. They often relate happiness to different levels of dopamine and and serotonin levels in the brain, which is a known transmitter in the brain that controls the nervous system causing the feelings of happiness and sadness (Inglehart, & Klingemann, 2000). According to other researchers...
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...system to government officials. It conveys their intentions as to what power government officials would have, how that power would be organized, to what legitimate purposes that power could be used, and what limitations there would be on that power”(Whittington,2006). On looking at the constitution written by our founding fathers,it clearly begins by explaining why it was established and the underlying reason of protecting and upholding the fundamental values and interests of the American people.It starts by declaring “We the people of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America”(The constitution,1787). In article one, it talks of the representation of all the states and rotational election of senators(which I think is important in a democratic government) as well as the making of the necessary laws empowering the government in its execution of the constitution. In article two, it points out clearly that the president has to be a natural born citizen of this country(one of the ongoing political issues with the republicans that the current president is not). Section four of the same article emphasizes on what Thomas Jefferson said in our earlier readings that a government that is destructive of...
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...equal” and that everyone has the rights for “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” This document led to the national ethos that is the American Dream. This dream states that "life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each according to ability or achievement" regardless of social class. Following the Civil War the United States of America underwent large scale change and by the start of the twentieth century was one of the richest nations in the world. By 1950 the U.S.A. was the richest country in the world and a superpower. The state was not the only thing to change during this period. From the late-nineteenth century up to the 1920s average Americans experienced a dramatic expansion in wealth and prosperity. However, with the Wall Street Crash in 1929 the U.S.A. experienced an economic depression that destroyed millions of livelihoods. This eventful period of American history led many to question the American Dreams place in modern America. This research paper will examine the interpretation of the American Dream in literature between the Progressive Era at the start of the twentieth century and the 1950s economic and social boom. In order to do this the paper will examine the novels The Jungle, The Great Gatsby and Death of a Salesman. These three novels all examine the American Dream in different decades. Written in 1906 by Upton Sinclair The Jungle is a novel that portrayed the life of immigrants and the working class in early-twentieth...
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...the necessity and significance of the study are introduced. In Chapter Two, some definitions of key terms included in or related to this thesis are presented, including Value, Cultural Value and The Declaration of Independence. Chapter Three mainly concerns the analysis of the text of The Declaration of Independence. By analyzing the text, the main cultural values related are demonstrated as liberty, equality and democracy. Then each cultural value is explained respectively and thoroughly with proper examples. Chapter Four mainly discusses the contradictions and conflicts inherent in those American cultural values, showing that American cultural values is a double-edged sword. The last chapter is the conclusion part which summarizes the whole thesis. Key Words: American, The Declaration of Independence, cultural values Contents Chapter 1 Introduction 1 Chapter 2 Definitions of Related Concepts 2 2.1 Value 2 2.2 Cultural Value 2 2.3 The Declaration of Independence 3 Chapter 3 American Cultural Values reflected in The Declaration of Independence 5 3.1 Liberty 5 3.2 Equality 7 3.3 Democracy 10 Chapter 4 Contradictions and Conflicts 13 Chapter...
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...Social Justice Analysis Delia M. Card Frontier Nursing University Social Justice Analysis John Rawls identifies justice by two principles. The first as equal rights for every person with the same extent of liberties for all, and the second as inequalities that are shared by all for the advantage of all and freedom for anyone to hold any position (Bankston, III, 2010). The Research College of Nursing (2009) further accepts social justice as “fair treatment regardless of economic status, ethnicity, age, citizenship, disability, or sexual orientation.” These both sound much like the first truth in the Declaration of Independence; “all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” (ushistory.org., 2013). However, social injustice in America and around the globe is an ever present problem. I have personally witnessed in the hospital setting how the less fortunate are treated with disrespect and many times disregard. Social justice looks great on paper but will it ever be a reality? According to the mission statement of the World Trade Organization (WTO) (2013), the WTO primary purpose is to assist world trade flow with minimal undesirable side effects. The WTO is responsible for monitoring international trade contracts to keep such trade within specified limits (World Trade Organization, 2013). Between 1986 – 1994 the WTO established the Trade Related Aspects...
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...Max: In m studies there were also religious movements and anti-slavery organizations. Harriet: In which women played a key role in. Jane: Please tell us more Harriet: Will do. The Declaration of Sentiments stated, “that all men and women are created equal, that they are endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” Max: What does that mean Harriet: This just basically means that all they ever wanted was the right to vote for women. Jane: What was an important factor that helped the Amendment get ratified? Harriet: Now that's a good question I -- Max: I seriously doubt you know the answer to that question Harriet: Excuse me? Max: I’m pretty sure you heard me. All this information you have disclosed to us is completely wrong. Jane: What the hell is wrong with you? Harriet: I don't know why you insulted my work nor do I want to know Max: I-- Harriet: Actually I do want to know. So why don't you inform me on how my work is incorrect Max: Back in the old days, this was an assignment I had done. It was on this exact topic. I got a 97 on that paper. I...
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...KFC’s and McDonald’s Intercultural Managements Natasha Martin American InterContinental University Abstract In this paper I have chosen the differences in cultures with United States of America and China. In the Western civilization, business is often about the fundamentals when dealing with the idea of marketing. These are usually six different fundamentals such as, strategy for sound marketing, research for professional marketing, development for a world-class product, prices’ that are effective, motivation for promotion, and distribution that is appropriate. With a focus on the basic, makes for a successful outcome in competitive marketing. Even so, when business collides with Western (America) and China, differences in culture can become a problem. This becomes an issue that is more than just fundamentals. For a worldwide view, factors have to be considered in order to be successful. This factor would be culture. Cultural views and expectations are crucial in business. Westerner marketers have to come with the knowledge of awareness to the background of the culture, and in which the world they live in. This is the ability that can affect business ethics. USA and China have different ethical behaviors in the way they conduct business. The USA foundation of ethics is based on the origins of Puritan’s. They tend to be based on a foundation of traditional Judeo-Christian and Western socio theological laws and principles (Iseberg, S. 1999). This...
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...including paper, clothing, food, and fuel; the economic potential for this plant type surpasses many plants which are considered staple crops today. Marijuana is America’s number one cash crop surpassing corn and other items. Its decriminalization would open new tax revenues and slash old tax budgets as funds are re appropriated to satisfy a hungry criminal justice system. There have been many non-violent convictions in the justice system that costs the country potentially hundreds of billions of dollars every year and have since the start of the war on drugs during the Reagan era. These convictions could be avoided if the government let each American decide if the production and consumption of marijuana violated their moral and ethical values as individual liberties. As Americans, we are given, at birth, unalienable rights to life, liberty, and the freedom to pursue happiness through whatever means beyond any clear and eminent harm. The combined benefits that would be experienced from legalization are obvious, evident, and too important to remain illegal; the decriminalization of marijuana is more a matter of time due to the variety and abundance of positive effects that would be caused by it. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”.(Ginsberg A1) It is within my pursuit of happiness to have the liberty to produce...
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...Happiness and Positive Emotions The United States Declaration of Independence states: “Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness”. To mention happiness in such an important document that would later go on to be the foundation of an entire country, carries a lot of weight and meaning. Most Americans agree that happiness is an important part of one’s life. Even though different cultures have a different perception of happiness, it is still plays a significant role. Research has been done which states people who are happier achieve better life outcomes, including financial success, supportive relationships, mental health, and even physical health and longevity. Having read the chapter of happiness and positive emotions and a few articles, I will related the readings and research to my own understanding and interpretation of how each plays a role in my life. Research on positive emotions, such as happiness, compassion, love and hope, is relatively new. Most scientists who study emotions focus on negative states such as depression, anxiety, and fear. Psychologists spend most of their time trying to help people control those states, whereas happiness is a positive emotion that does not need any help to overcome. Researchers have trouble defining and measuring happiness, and have concluded that happiness does not fit the definition of an emotion. The authors of Emotion, Shiota and Kalat, state that happiness qualifies more as a mood or affect, and people with a happy personality...
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...In the Pursuit of Happiness RaMonica L. Whitfield Kaplan University In the Pursuit of Happiness All citizens have the unalienable right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, but what happens when a citizen commits a heinous act such as murder? Should the pursuit of their happiness be granted even though they took the life of another? Are we as a society to take their feelings into consideration and grant them the right to live their life as they wish? A major issue within the United States is the healthcare programs for inmates. One of the largest disputes when it comes to medical treatments/surgeries within the penal system is the sexual reassignment of inmates with gender dysphoria. It is reported that as of 2007 there are 750 inmates that are requesting gender reassignment surgeries (Brotheim, 2013). If polled today, some would say that a gender reassignment surgery at the tax payer’s expense is a frivolous waste of money. Some might even become infuriated at the thought of a non-law abiding citizen, one that has been deemed by society as someone who should be removed from the general public, most definitely does not deserve to receive this surgery. The states should not be liable to conduct gender reassignment surgeries for inmates with gender dysphoria, because of cost, the uncertainty that of the curability of this disorder, safety of the incarcerated offender and the moral dilemma of punishment versus privilege. Gender Dysphoria-...
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...Slaves and the Courts, 1740-1860 Katrina N. Hill American Public University System Abstract Years of research routinely done on the life of African American slaves and their struggles within the United States. However, many have forgotten about the injustice African American slaves faced in the United States Court system. During 1740-1860 African American slaves endured not only enslavement but, were neglected by the U. S. Courts. A number of slaves tried to secure their own freedom, only to find the legal system was not on their side. The United States Courts was responsible for hearing and ruling on some of the country’s most controversial cases. The research in this paper was greatly influenced by previous works, with the hopes of shedding light on the United States court systems as it related to African American slaves in this time frame. Slaves and the Courts, 1740-1860 According to Lubert (2010) Slavery has been the great moral failing of the American Revolution… a movement that was based on the self-evident truth that all men were created equal. The founding fathers believed that slavery was in fact an embarrassing contradiction that violated everything the American Revolution stood for (Lubert, 2010.). Even though documents such as the Declaration of Independence existed slavery was widely practiced and legally acceptable. Nearly twenty years after the Declaration of Independence was written. Fugitive slave law was...
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