...year due to unsafe abortions (AboutNews). These women die making the idea of pro-life extremely contradictory. The government should not be able to make medical decisions for women in America. Pro-choice is necessary in America so women who have life threatening conditions due to their pregnancy or are victims of sexual crimes are given reproductive freedom. Women who are victims of rape or incest should not be forced to carry out a pregnancy. Pro-choice means that all women should have the right to make their own choice when it comes to their body. If a woman is raped and becomes pregnant, the idea of keeping the child may or may not be too much for her to psychologically deal with. People who believe in Pro-choice have sympathy for this woman, whereas Pro-life supporters call her a murderer. Society must accept that women who are victims of these crimes deal with the issue differently and regardless of your own opinion, it is simply not right for the government to take away a woman’s choice to terminate a pregnancy if she so chooses. Survey taken by Gallup Politics from American citizens. Source: www.gallup.com Survey taken by Gallup Politics from American citizens. Source: www.gallup.com Adoption is not an alternative to abortion. Many people in today’s society are not educated or open minded enough to realize that there is a huge difference between reproductive choice and parenting choice. Abortion is a reproductive decision. For example, if a woman does not terminate...
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...There are six major choices that affect who you become. The first is the choice of physical health. Your lifestyle is your choice and that choice can affect your quality of life and also how long your life will be. You are what you eat so choosing a good diet and choosing to exercise will help you to become a healthier and happier individual. The second is the choice of emotional health. You can choose to hang on to anger, distrust, grief, and other powerful emotions, or you can choose to let go and let those old wounds heal. These emotions are not bad but if you allow them to continue to grow and you never learn to let go of the past and it will change who you become. It also changes your quality of life and can even affect your health. Addictions are many times...
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...Choices are an important part of life. Choices are for us all. They can make anything happen. No one can control anyone. Choices are what build the world, and our futures. They are what help all of us be unique. We all should be able to make their own choices. It is their own choice. Therefore, nobody can or will be able to take away them. No one can control others choices. Some people are forced to undertake work, only it is their choice to stand up or give in. It may be tough to stand up, especially when others are trying to hurt or destroy you. There are always going to be a choice to make. An action to take. In the story through my eyes the blacks were forced to live horrible lives. It was the choices of others that made that happen. If...
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...Philosophy in Life and Philosophy in Nursing Submitted by: Ralph Daniel C. Nolasco, RN Submitted to: Ms. Pinky Miriam D. Canlas, RN, MAN Philosophy in Life In this life on earth, we are the choices we make. Choices we make and the path we chose to take is superior to the so called “destiny” or “fate”. But still, destiny is destiny, because we make our own from the choices we make. Life is a series of choices; we could always choose the best. Mistaken choices were normally made by people when they choose between what they “want” and what they “need”. “Wants” are those things or choices that make people happy, but usually it is only temporary and could possibly cause harm or a negative outcome in the end. “Needs” are the necessities to live a healthy and peaceful life. Education is just an example of a need. As we all experienced the student life, we tend to miss our lives by neglecting education for sometime in exchange for doing something we just want. Some regret their neglect their chance to educate themselves for their own future when they realize it that they almost lost their life by pursuing what they want and not able to see what they need. Time is very much important; make the most out of it. The time we wasted is not “wasted time” because most of the time, we learned the most out of it, the experiences in it. In life, as long as there is time, it is never too late. Time would not stop for us. It is our call to do something good or just let the clock tick...
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...one has in life is the ability to choose. In life you come across many defining moments, to have someone else make one of these fundamental decision for you; a decision which has nothing to do with them, but only with you is the definition of incarceration . Pro-choice hits the aforementioned statement at its most fitting and philosophical core, the right for a woman to choose what’s right for her body is her decision and hers alone. Pro- life disregards this modern inevitability of instinctual desire to make decisions regarding one’s own well being. Since the beginning of time man has always had a choice and whenever man makes that choice they always take some things into consideration. Will the decision I make effect others and if it doesn’t, than the choice one makes is predicated on how the decision will benefit the chooser. Pro-life tells a woman what to do with their own body. I am putting an emphasizes on the word “own” because that’s who needs to be making the choice, not some 60-year-old MALE senator, who knows absolutely nothing about child-birth or carrying a fetus around for nine months! In addition to this, in order for one to completely be for or against a certain subject matter they must understand the rebuttal. Those that are Pro-life will perpetually argue, “Who will be the voice of the unborn?” and/or “Who gave you the right to decide who lives and who dies?” Both of these points are beyond convincing, they do have some unconcealed holes. One; who really knows...
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...they could make that dream come true Jesse Owens once said “We all have dreams. But in order to make dreams come into reality, it takes an awful lot of determination, dedication, self-discipline, and effort.” (personal communication, 1936 Olympic games). Everyone should have a sense of personal responsibility, many are unaware of how or what this truly is and even how to achieve it on their own. Many do not look within themselves for a chance to succeed because they are unaware of how to do this. Self-discipline is displayed by people in choices that are made to achieve college success. Many are afforded the opportunity to ensure their success or to ensure their failure. If we were to ask everyday people where they would want to be they would all say somewhere successful. That is something that we all want for ourselves but is everyone willing to use their self-discipline to make the choices to achieve those dreams. Making dreams come true is not just wishing on a star or making a wish while blowing out birthday candles it is the choices that are made in life that will turn that dream into a reality. The definition of self-discipline can mean something different to each individual but to me it is the determination and control one uses on themself to make choices that will ensure success or will ensure that something is gained in their favor. Having the chance to make our own decisions in life that can affect our future should weigh heavily on us. When making choices people do...
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...in regards to this paper that Personal Responsibility is what makes up a person’s ‘moral fiber’. It is the ability to make decisions based on what a person feels is right or wrong. It is that little voice in the back of a person’s head that guides them when life presents choices and challenges. Those who possess Personal Responsibility tend to make wiser choices and decisions in life. These wiser decisions are made for the fact that they know that they will be held accountable for their actions. Personal Responsibility is the hallmark of success in all aspects of a person’s life. It is that individual who makes the wiser decisions in life that will tend to be more successful in life. Individuals have the choice to make right and wrong decisions in life. Galindo (2010) states “It is their morals, ethics, and personal responsibilities that guide them through life in their decision making process.” A persons ‘moral fiber’ is defined by how they make those decisions. Will the individual be responsible and make the right decision or will he possibly make an easier, less responsible choice? Is the thought that nothing may happen to them if they make the wrong choice guiding their decision making process? Far too often in today’s society do we see poor choices made with little or no consequences. Whether it is a child who makes a bad choice of lying to his parents or an adolescent that makes a poor choice in judgment, there is far too often no repercussion involved....
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...COURSE# and TITLE: ENGL 102: Literature and Composistion SEMESTER OF ENROLLMENT: Summer B 2012 NAME: Jamie Nuckols ID:24404996 WRITING STYLE USED: APA Two Roads, One Choice Jamie Nuckols Liberty University Online Robert Frost (1874-1963) The Road Not Taken - 1920 1. Possible Themes a. Goes own way b. Commitment- stays on path chosen c. Reflection on life with regret 2. Literal Setting a. Time of year- autumn b. In the woods c. Two roads d. evening 3. Mood of Poem a. Undergrowth, Black, Sigh, Difference. Suggests Sadness? b. Doubted- suggests regret? 4. Literary Devices to communicate theme a. Two Roads- One Traveler b. Long I stood c. Kept the first for another day d. I took the one less traveled by Working Thesis Statement The Poem “The Road Not Taken” by Robert Frost can be interpreted literally and figuratively. Through Frost’s use of theme, setting, mood and literary devices he sets the stage for the age old dilemma of making decisions in a crisis. Two Roads, One Choice Robert Frost’s poem “The Road Not Taken” addresses the age old dilemma of making the correct choice and regretting the choice made. A man observes two roads in a wood and through much deliberation chooses the one he thinks has been less worn. The poem can be interpreted literally and figuratively. Through Frost’s use of theme, setting and literary devices he sets the stage for the age old dilemma of making decisions...
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...many years, philosophers have come up with the question of how do we know what is real? In the current reality, the senses make people believe what they are seeing, hearing, touching or feeling are real. The nervous system is the reality generator and the brain is where people load their information from the world (Newnam). People build their knowledge upon what they have experienced. Every choice a person makes is based on the knowledge he or she has acquired from his or her experience; moreover, people have absolute freedom, as Satre sates in his article “Existentialism”. Therefore, they can decide who they are going to be. However, the people in “The Matrix” do not have free thought. Throughout the film “The Matrix”, people in the Matrix and the real world believe that they have free choice and absolute freedom to determine who they are and what makes them a success; however, they do not have freedom because they are either controlled by the AI or the circumstances of their existence. People make their own decisions in the Matrix so they tend to believe that they have freedom to determine their lives. In fact, artificial intelligence is controlling the people and feeds on them. People in the Matrix live life as a prisoner. The most pathetic true is that the prisoners do not realize they are prisoners; on the contrary, they deem themselves free. People who live in the matrix feel comfortable in the environment they grew up in. They believe what they have seen and experienced...
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...It’s a Woman’s Choice to Have an Abortion Angel Jones Ethical and Legal Issues in Healthcare AIU Virtual Campus October 31, 2015 It’s a Woman’s Choice to Have an Abortion Abortion is defined as the termination of a pregnancy before birth using medicine or surgery, resulting in the removal of the fetus and placenta from a woman’s uterus. Because the process of this procedure ultimately results in the death of the fetus, Abortion has been one of the most debated ethical issues of our time and dividing our nation (Raffel, Borgone, D’Ambrosio, Heydon, 2015). The world is divided on this issue with pro-choice supporters on one side, pro-life supporters on the other side, and the government in the middle. The government is trying to eliminate the option of abortion for women, stripping them of their right to make decisions concerning their bodies. Is it fair? Everyone has their own opinion or arguments against abortion, but ultimately it should be the woman who makes the choice whether to have an abortion or not. There have been many debates on abortion between the pro-life and pro-choice supporters. Among those topics debated has been whether or not abortions are safe, considered murder, or if it’s used as a form of contraception. The pro-life supporters have argued that life begins at the time of conception so abortion is considered murder. The pro-choice supporters fired back stating that nearly all abortions take place in the first trimester, when a fetus cannot...
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...Most of everybody can agree that life is a gift. Our conscious makes us be afraid of death and even makes us believe we want to live forever. As life is very short and our stay in this life is brief, we all have had good times which we reflect on and often bring a smile to our face. We cherish good times; love our families, our kids, and significant other. Making us feel a sense of acceptance. When it comes to abortion we have a different opinion regarding right and wrong and often lead to disagreements, arguments, and altercations. Although we all have different opinions and beliefs, we need to express and educate our self’s in abortion, Pro-life, Pro-Choice, and or no choice to hopefully understand how sensitive the issue really is. An abortion is a procedure that is used to end a pregnancy. It is terminated by medicine or surgery that removes the embryo or fetus and placenta from the uterus. It is done by a licensed physician leaving it up to the women to end a pregnancy. According to the US statistics one in every three Women will have an abortion by the time she is 45 years old. Abortion is considered to be safer than child birth and the serious complication rate is less than one percent .Abortion is legal in the United States and is far more complicated than most people imagine. American women have right to obtain an abortion in all fifty states, through all nine months of pregnancy, for any reason. As time goes by a woman has the option to terminate the unwanted pregnancy...
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...Pro Choice Abortion Essay Pro-Choice Abortion Essay In 1973, the Supreme Court’s decision made it possible for women to get safe, legal abortions from well-trained medical surgeons, and therefore led to dramatic decreases in pregnancy-related injury and death (“abortion”). Now there is a new proposal to close abortion clinics. This proposal takes away the privacy rights of American women that are guaranteed by our Constitution. By closing abortion clinics the government is not only taking away women’s rights, but is also punishing those whom want to exercise their right of a pro-choice woman. Abortion clinics allow thousands of women every year to have abortions. Having the abortion should be woman’s personal choice. By closing these clinics, there will be no providers to perform the operation, so the choice has already been made for them. Closing the clinics will increase the barriers of having an abortion. When there are too many obstacles, the right to make their own choice is taken away from them. In 1973 the American Supreme Court ruled that Americans’ right to privacy included: “the right of a woman to decide whether to have children, and the right of a woman and her doctor to make that decision without state interference” (“abortion”). The Constitution says we have a right to privacy, so taking away a woman’s chance to make decisions about her own body violates that right. The American Civil Liberties Union defends the Constitution and peoples’ rights. ACLU...
Words: 2007 - Pages: 9
...Choices in your Entire Life Ladies and Gentlemen, Good day! At this moment, I want you to think deeply and assess yourself. What’s deep inside you? What are your expectations in the near future? We certainly know that we won’t stay here forever in this fourth corner of this room, someday or sometime we will see ourselves in the place or the position where we never expect. But do you believe that everyone in this world is responsible for who they are today. Their choices and ideas pave the road for their future. A quote from Confucius says this, "People's lives are the result of the choices they make-or fail to make. The path one takes in life is not arbitrary. Choices and their consequences determine the course of every person's life. All people, whatever their circumstances make the choices on which their lives depend. So, Confucius is absolutely right. It is a well-known fact that if you take wrong turns in life, you will end up in a wrong state. The regular human psychology states that when a person goes and ends up in a bad state, they blame others and most of the time never takes responsibility for it. Take a look at this scene, and listen carefully because this happens all the time no matter the circumstances. There is no way and it is impossible for a youngster who takes drugs, does alcohol, and doesn’t obey their parents to find themselves at an Ivy-League...
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...When is comes to delinquency, developmental views are basically what goes on throughout that persons life that makes them have delinquent behavior. Basically its what juvenile actions develop over that person's life. Developmental views have to do with what makes a person act one way then all of a sudden act another. Like what causes it. (Schallager pg. 128) Choice views is basically why that person chose to commit a crime. Everyone in the world makes choices each day and even criminals make choices everyday. It is the question of why that person chose to commit a criminal act. Was this person unstable? Was the crime beneficial to this person? Was the person pressured into making a bad decision. That is choice view. It is the choice that a...
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...high school, earn your college degree, or pursue a career, these significant choices in our lives ultimately define us in our unseen futures. These decisions are the ones that make and shape someone into the person they are today and the people they will be in the future. This theme clarifies the ambiguous interpretation of Robert Frost’s “The Road Not Taken” as it is often misconstrued on its underlying meaning. Many believe Robert Frost’s intentions were to convey a message to discover new roads and challenge one’s self. Others believe the poem to stay true to its title and suggest that people should proceed along the road less traveled by others, in other words express individuality. The poem tells the story of Robert Frost himself, who comes to a fork in the road in his life and is not sure as to which path to proceed along. Each path looks just as good as the other, in fact they look exactly the same which is why he finds great difficulty in making a decision. When he finally chooses, he pictures what life would have been if he had taken the other. In this poem “The Road Not Taken”, Robert Frost portrays not of having the ability to make a choice, but rather how a choice defines him as an individual and how this ultimately affects his lives. Frost makes it clear that each path is virtually the same, so instead of the theme being taking the road less traveled by; it is truly about how the choice to take the road less traveled by identifies him as a person. In the first...
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