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Major Life Choices

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There are six major choices that affect who you become. The first is the choice of physical health. Your lifestyle is your choice and that choice can affect your quality of life and also how long your life will be. You are what you eat so choosing a good diet and choosing to exercise will help you to become a healthier and happier individual. The second is the choice of emotional health. You can choose to hang on to anger, distrust, grief, and other powerful emotions, or you can choose to let go and let those old wounds heal. These emotions are not bad but if you allow them to continue to grow and you never learn to let go of the past and it will change who you become. It also changes your quality of life and can even affect your health. Addictions are many times …show more content…
Who you choose to marry effects the rest of your life and the life to come. This is one of the most important choices you will ever make. You can choose someone who you can have a happy interdependent relationship and you can choose to have a consummate love. The fourth choice is whether you want to have children. Children will change who you become and everything about your life. If you do choose to have children, you must also choose what kind of parent you will be. You can choose to be an authoritative parent and give your children the environment they deserve or you can choose to be overbearing and let the need to control your children overtake your life. The fifth choice is the choice to stay in school and value intelligence. Choosing to stay in school changes who you become astronomically, it changes your lifestyle, income, knowledge, sphere of influence, and ultimately your quality of life. You can also choose what you become and how you want to use your career. You can also choose to drop out of school and let that change who you become and the quality of your life. The sixth choice concerns finances. How you manage and spend your money is completely your

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