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Venice Research Paper

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The Ancient City Underwater
“It is the city of mirrors, the city of mirages, at once solid and liquid, at once air and stone,” said Erica Jong. Also, known as the ancient city underwater. So what city am I talking about? The city I am talking about is Venice. This city was built with a country populated with over millions of people, so why is it populated with a little over 200,000 people today. There are many countries that we can tour today, but today, I’m going to take you to Italy - specifically Venice. I will talk about the History of Venice, it's population, architecture and my most favorite experience at Venice. Before I talk about the population, architecture, and my experience, lets go back to the beginning, the history of Venice.
In 450 A.D Venice was discovered, quickly becoming a spot for Italians, though Venice was once apart of the mainland of Italy. On March 25th 421 A.D Venice was discovered. However, it was not until 450 A.D before men started to move to Venice. These mean where men from the main lands of Italy. The man …show more content…
In 2014 Venice was Populated with 264,557 people, but over the next few years, Venice population is expecting to rise. One of the main reasons that Venice is such a low populated city is because it is starting to become more based on tourist and what tourist like. For example they start by making the flight Cheaper and have huge cruise ships. Since the city of Venice is broken up into 118 small islands Venice has 391 bridges and 150 canals. The building, however, is a mix of Italian Renaissance art and Byzantine influence. The buildings are old and have various amounts of colors. Some of these colors include red, yellow, and brown. As by Know you know a lot about Venice History, population, and architecture, I am going to tell you about one of the most favorite things I did when I went to Venice which is a

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