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Hurricane Katrina Case Study

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On August 29, 2005, Hurricane Katrina engulfed the cities of the Gulf coast with its category five storm and registering winds up to 175mph. The city of New Orleans, LA and surrounding cities was especially vulnerable to tragedy, due to an “…ill-equipped levee system..” (Levin, para. 1). Storm surge flooding was up to 30 feet in combination with wave action and high winds, resulting in considerable damage and destruction to most infrastructures and property. Once the storm passed, FEMA declared regions of Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana “…emergency ‘disaster areas’…” (Levin, para 6). Less than 30 days later, Hurricane Rita swept through southwest LA, nearly finishing the task of absolute destruction of all infrastructure and societal existence along the storm’s path.
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) is a scientific organization that provided detailed satellite imagery and illustrative maps to warn residents living in the path of the hurricanes. The geospatial images presented forecasted timelines, the storm path, wind speed, current location of the …show more content…
The Louisiana Wildlife and Fisheries organization and Louisiana State Police requested assistance from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) to exploit the information provided from the 911 and the designated emergency 1-800 number databases to determine the latitude and longitude coordinates of a victim’s address. This process is also known as geoaddressing or address matching. (Conzelmann, Sleavin, Couvillion, p. 2 para 1). Imagery was also provided to illustrate the location of calls, primary routes, lines of communication, and hospitals. All of the intelligence collected by USGS was categorized and distributed to rescue personnel and first responders for land and air search and rescue

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