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Summary Of Machiavelli's 'The Prince'

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Ethan Escobedo
Mr. Little
AP European History
3, June 2017
Answering Part 1 Questions
Machiavelli’s life while was the book was being written was horrible. He had been falsely accused of plotting to go against the Medici in 1513. He was beaten for several weeks. The political climate as the book was being written was that the Medici with help from Spanish troops defeated the republicans army and their government.
Three major themes that were spoken about in The Prince were in chapters VII, chapter VIII, and chapter XIX. Chapter VII talks about Arms. Chapter VIII talks about people that are wicked. Chapter XIX talks about that people should make sure that they are not hated or despised because that is bad. More specifically in chapter VII it talks about how easy it is for citizens to get on top, but how hard it is to stay on top. Chapter VII discusses how the prince can rise in two ways but both ways are not attributed to having money or being smart. Chapter XIX talks about how if you avoid being hated you would not be in any danger. …show more content…
Those errors were that he destroyed the small powers, Louis grew toughness of a good place in Italy, Louis did not stay in the country he lived in, Louis brought in a weird type of force, and lastly all the colonies stayed in the same place and didn’t go anywhere. Ancient Romans and Alexander the great avoided some of the mistakes by conquering places where there was only one leader and everyone else was like a slave to the one leader.
He insists on so much destruction for the prince’s safety against others because he explains if the state is free and nice, people will turn on him, and destruction will make people fear him and they would not want to turn on

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