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Elizabeth Bishop Research Paper

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Elizabeth Bishop was born on February 8,1911 in Worcester, Massachusetts. Bishop parents were never around growing up, her father died before she turned one and her mother was committed into a mental hospital when she was five. Bishop didn’t have anyone to look up too and moved into the Great Village with her grandparents on her mother side from the time she was three to six. Then her father family took Elizabeth from the grandparents on her mom side. Living with her grandparents on her dad side she attended Walnut Hill School in Massachusetts where she studied music. While living in Worcester she developed a chronic asthma something she had to suffer her whole life. The first school Elizabeth attended her friend Frani Blough published her poems in the school magazines. Then went to Vassar college in 1929 planning to be a composer but the stock market crashed and she gave up the music idea because she was scared of performing. She then switched to English where she took the 16th and 17th courses of English literature. …show more content…
They would hang out and she introduced him to me and my sisters. We liked him a lot and he would treat my mom very nice and that’s why me and my sisters would of improve of him. Recently my mom friend had died and all she could do was cry. I couldn’t be there for her because I’m all the way here in Grambling and I feel like Bishop feels the same way. When her lover died and her grandparents that raised her died she didn’t have anyone to cry too. She was on her own stuck and her only way out was to write poetry and that’s exactly why she wrote “One Art” that was her way out. My mom was so sad and she wanted to go to the funeral but the way her job is set up and his funeral was in Omaha and my mom stays in Colorado Springs she just couldn’t up and leave. My mom learned how to cope with it and move on because that’s what is best for

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