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Personal Aspects In My Life

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Since I was a child, I have never been very social. I was also a very odd child, which looking back, caused me to separate myself from others. Since then, I have progressed abundantly due to my surrounding and the people around me. I have also regressed because of the people around me. I have struggled to find a major and career and I believe some of my personality and other influences have impacted that. I see myself as someone who is antisocial, unable to make friends, and awkward. Besides these negative aptitudes, I also see many positive aspects of my personality. I am creative and can come up with a solution out of nothing. I can also handle high stress situations with confidence and I do well at keeping control of a situation. I want to find a job that I can make a difference in the world or at least a small impact. I have been told by other people that I am strong willed and confident. I have also been told more than once that I am great at social situations and I can make friends, but this is something I have never noticed. I am very interested in Women’s Studies and I believe it does impact the jobs that I am considering. One aspect of my personality that I notice …show more content…
I have had two long-term part-time job throughout my life. I have also had a few short-term jobs. My long-term jobs have taught me that I need a job that is high paced and different every day. My coursework has also influenced my choices. I have taken two Women ‘s Studies class and I love them. This is a huge factor in thinking about my career choices because I want to do something that is along that line, but I’m not sure what jobs are out there for this type of major. My hobbies have also impacted my choices. I have always been musically and artistically inclined. For a while this is the direction that I was heading before I decided that I was not talented enough to follow a career in these

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