...Personal Values Development Each member of society is exclusive in different ways. Many members of society have provided great role models for their children. My parents always told me that you should treat others as you wanted to be treated. I have built my values and ethics around this statement. This paper will cover some of the remnants of my parents. My younger years as a child, along with the career I have chosen. Then the paper will cover some academic goals. The information contained in this paper will explain why I am unique. Parents In looking back at my parents I can say that they were always honest and to the point. The family was Christian based, and my brother and I truly enjoyed our upbringing. Both of my parents were stern. My father was US Army and taught us to be on time and keep things picked up and clean. My mother raised me to be respectful and polite at all times. There were equal rights and punishments across the board when it came to decisions. My father truly believed that accountability was one of the greatest things in life. However, we were taught that each individual in society was to be considered basically good until they gave you reason to doubt the fact. Honestly my parents got separated when I turned 20 years old. Their separation was under circumstances that I was always taught was wrong. I questioned everything I was ever taught. I looked long and hard for answers to questions like was I taught correctly. Then I realized that as humans...
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...EXAMINING SOCIAL WORK VALUES AND MY PERSONAL VALUES AND DEVELOPMENT In my essay I will be looking at what social work and values are. Due to the essay 1500 words constraint I look at the arguments for and against 1 of (Biestek 1961) 7 traditional values and then look at 1 of the new values before looking at a radical social work value. Secondly, I will re-evaluate my personal values and experiences to see how they relate to past and current social work values. Thirdly, I will identify the origin and development of my personal values, and look at the main influences and contributing factors. I will then look at the key areas of my personal values and attitudes that need further development as I progress and acquire new skills and knowledge in my course. I will conclude by highlighting and stressing the importance of values and self-awareness in working towards 'knowing and owning my fears, aspirations and values' (Antony, 1996). Social work is a human profession that promotes social changes, problem solving in human relationships and the empowerment and liberation of people to enhance well-being. Utilising theories of human behaviour and social systems, social work intervenes at the points where people interact with their environments. Principles of human rights and social justice are fundamental to social work (BASW 2001) and values in social work are the principles, beliefs, missions or philosophies of an individual, society or an institution that have been elaborated to...
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...Personal Ethics Development PHL 323 John Banks UOPX February 14, 2012 Individuals are born without any personal values or beliefs, babies are born with the ability to cry when he or she desire food, attention, or some form of attention. Ethics are learned and developed when a individual is born into the world and ethics continue as a individual goes through life. A parent goal is to develop values in his or her off springs to establish the capability to encourage him or her to make correct judgment and ethical decisions. This paper will focus on personal ethics, business ethics, ground rules, and ethical development. Ethics are principles and the sources from which ethics derives, people, institutions, events and so on. The decision making factors a individual employ to revise his or her values will also be explored. Personal ethics development, are result of personal experiences or examples. This paper will explained why ethics are needed in an organization and how ethics are imparted into organizations to achieve goals and directions. Individuals exist with different values and ethical standards, and other may have ethical standard similar to other people, however no two individuals have identical standards or values. A person ethics and values are related to his or her own culture, background, and environment. An individual mother and father teach their children traditional values which becomes the foundation of his or her upbringing...
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...UNIT 6 PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE Unit abstract The aim of this unit is to act as a focal point for all other units in the programme and embed the vocational nature of the qualification. In addition to the requirement for work experience and the opportunity to relate theory to practice, the unit will enable you to bring together your learning from other units. You will initially explore factors that affect learning, then plan and monitor your own personal and professional development and reflect on it. You will also gain key understanding of the health and social care sectors, including aspects of service delivery, and the fundamentals of research methodology. This unit explores the different ways in which learning can take place and how learning from individual experience can be used to enhance the quality of knowledge, skills and practice. You will initially explore your own knowledge, skills, practice, values and beliefs in relation to working in health and social care. You will then draw up a personal plan for self-development over the duration of the programme. The unit also introduces you to health and social care service provision. A minimum of 100 hours work experience is required for successful completion of this unit. Learning Outcomes On completion of this unit you should: 1. Understand the learning process 2. Be able to plan for, monitor and reflect on own development 3. Understand service...
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...need to know what is meant by personal development before we can fully understand its importance. We also need to understand what it means and what it takes to plan personal development. Personal development is a path that you take to better your family situation, career, spirituality, emotional health, and every other aspect of your life. Essentially, personal development is about making conscious decisions about everything that you do, the way that you think, and the way that you react to situations. Personal development can help you obtain everything that you always dreamed of, and more, with the simple application of a few simple mind sets and tools. Personal development planning is also the process of creating an action plan based on awareness, values, reflection, goal-setting and planning for personal development within the context of a career, education, relationship or for self-improvement. The PDP (personal development plan) which is also interchangeable with IDP (individual development plan) or PEP (personal enterprise plan), usually includes a statement of one's aspirations, strengths or competencies, education and training, and stages or steps to indicate how the plan is to be realized. Personal development plans may also include a statement of one's career and lifestyle priorities, career positioning, analysis of opportunities and risks, and alternative plans (Plan B), and curriculum vitae. IMPORTANCE OF CONTINUOUS SELF-DEVELOPMENT There are so many reasons...
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...UNIT 6 PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN HEALTH AND SOCIAL CARE Unit abstract The aim of this unit is to act as a focal point for all other units in the programme and embed the vocational nature of the qualification. In addition to the requirement for work experience and the opportunity to relate theory to practice, the unit will enable you to bring together your learning from other units. You will initially explore factors that affect learning, then plan and monitor your own personal and professional development and reflect on it. You will also gain key understanding of the health and social care sectors, including aspects of service delivery, and the fundamentals of research methodology. This unit explores the different ways in which learning can take place and how learning from individual experience can be used to enhance the quality of knowledge, skills and practice. You will initially explore your own knowledge, skills, practice, values and beliefs in relation to working in health and social care. You will then draw up a personal plan for self-development over the duration of the programme. The unit also introduces you to health and social care service provision. A minimum of 100 hours work experience is required for successful completion of this unit. Learning Outcomes On completion of this unit you should: 1. Understand the learning process 2. Be able to plan for, monitor and reflect on own development 3. Understand service...
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...Qualification (Course code) | F12122BTEC Diploma Health Studies / Health & Social Care | Unit Number and Title | Unit 6: Personal and Professional Development | Assignment Number & Title | Assignment 1 | Issue date | Week commencing 22/2/16 | Submission date | Week commencing 7/3/16 | Assessor | Debbie Hilton | IQA | Alyson Blud | Grading Criteria:(P1): Explain key influences on the personal learning processes of individuals. (P2): Assess own knowledge, skills, practice, values, beliefs and career aspirations at start of the programme(P3): Produce an action plan for self-development and achievement of own personal goals(M1): Assess the impact of key influences on the personal learning processes on own learning(D1): Evaluate how personal learning and development may benefit others | Scenario: Must be vocationalYou work for a health and social care service provider and you are developing your personal and professional development portfolio. The portfolio aims to enable you to understand the learning process and to give you the skills needed to plan for, monitor and reflect on your professional development. A minimum of 100 hours of work experience, in addition to the guided learning hours, is required for successful completion of this unit. | Task 1: Complete the electronic chart from Moodle (upload to vital) explaining the key influences on personal learning processes of individuals it should include the following: (P1) * Theories of learning: i.e. Honey and Mumford...
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...Unit 6.7 Personal Leadership and Management Development Level 6 10 Credits SUMMARY |Unit Level |Level 6 | |Unit Code |A/503/5350 | |Credit Value |10 | |Assessment Guidance |Assignments in accordance with awarding organisation guidance | ASSESSMENT Context Your existing qualifications, past employment and personal experiences and current level of study mean that you intend to apply for leadership and management positions in organisations. In preparation for this you wish to enhance your prospects for success by further development of your leadership and management skills. You plan to do this by undertaking some research on leadership and management. You will then undertake a personal assessment of your skills and construct and implement a personal development plan. You must file all of this information for future reference, either as an electronic or hard copy. As this information is important and will be accessed, as your future career progresses it must be carefully and systematically organised. Task 1 You must begin the file by...
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...------------------------------------------------- he Personal Leadership And Management Development Unit Title or No: Unit 6.7 Assignment Title or No: Personal Leadership and Management Development Student Name: Annabelle Benigen Name of tutor: Ms. Miriam Sadiq Student Number:AB230800000172 Due date: Student Contact Number:07859411620 Student Email:benigenannabelle@yahoo.com CHEATING AND PLAGIARISM All forms of cheating, plagiarism or collusion are regarded seriously and could result in penalties including loss of marks, exclusion from the unit or cancellation of enrolment. Student Signature: Date: ASSIGNMENT RECEIPT Unit/ Assignment tile: Name of tutor: Name of Officer: Signature: Date: As a carer, I have dealt with different management styles and the different range of cultures or values implemented within the workplace. The impact of it had affected me to pursue on the management career, helped me reflect on what leadership and management style I would be developing on in which I came up with this study. I would be looking at a detailed study on the elements of the different range of organisational objectives, values and culture and their impact on the management and leadership role in my organisation. Evaluate these leadership and management skills to the attainment of the organisational objective and to assess my personal leadership and management skill and identify any personal development plan that supports the organisational goal. On the second task...
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...Personal Ethics Development Paper PHL/323 July 15, 2010 In this paper I will discuss my personal ethical system and ground rules. I will talk about how I developed my values and what those values are and the sources I believe I developed them from. I will also discuss how my personal values impact my work environment and how my company values impact my personal values. Development of Values One’s personal values are acquired early in life. At birth we are born with no knowledge. We cry when we are hungry, need our diaper changed or want attention. We lie there content until we need something then we cry. This is the starting point that sets the tone and direction for one’s life and the decision-making process. The goal of developing values in children is to establish the capability to make sound judgments (Kohlberg, 1971). The entire process of value development is lifelong and continuous (Nucci, 2002). Personal Values Personal values are almost like DNA, individual to one person. Personal values are those that define me as a person: •I believe that people are responsible for his/her own actions…•I believe in family unity…•I believe in compassion…•I believe in the importance of a good education…•I believe in having good work ethics…•I believe in love…•I believe in honesty…•I believe in choice…•I believe we are who we want to be…•I believe that we learn from our mistakes…•I believe in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy…•I believe my dad is...
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...Personal Values Development PHL 323 Ethics in Management Workshop #1 1. Introduction. One of the most interesting developments in life is one’s innate desire to shape their personal values as it relates to ethics in management. Personal values are the deeply held beliefs of individuals and groups (i.e., organizations, communities, nations, schools, etc.) that drive the choices we make. Most people are unconscious of the values that shape our lives and institutions until they are faced with a crisis that requires a choice. High ethical standards require both organizations and individuals to conform to sound moral principles. As leaders, people must be conscious of the values they hold for themselves and those they seek to lead. Moreover, they must make choices and decisions regarding any conflict between personal values and institutionally held values. This paper will briefly describe the “values” and “ethics” by which the ground rules are laid in terms of ethics development. In addition, this paper will discuss the developmental aspect of my personal values and the criteria and decision-making factors I utilize to revise them. 2. Defining My “Values” and “Ethics.” My values are simply the things I value most in life, the things I need to be present and active in my life in order to be happy. Another way of looking at it may be that if these things were not present in my life then I would be worse off. Furthermore, values define...
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...Written Paper on the Use of Self-Awareness in Social Work Practice |# of pages |Point Value | |double-spaced | | |6-9 |2 points | |10+ |3 points | The importance of self-awareness in social work practice is emphasized in Standard 2. Self-Awareness of the NASW Standards for Cultural Competence in Social Work Practice “Social workers shall develop an understanding of their own personal and cultural values and beliefs as a first step in appreciating the importance of multicultural identities in the lives of people….Cultural competence includes knowing and acknowledging how fears, ignorance, and the “isms” (racism, sexism, ethnocentrism, heterosexism, ageism, classism) have influenced their attitudes, beliefs, and feelings.” The skill of self-awareness refers to the ability to recognize our own thoughts, beliefs, emotions, personality traits, personal values, habits, biases, strengths, weaknesses, and the psychological needs that drive our behaviors. It includes the ability to recognize how we react to cues in the environment and how our emotions affect our way of relating to others. Social work is a profession that is founded on the ability to cultivate...
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...Methods to Improve Personal and Professional Skills • Counselling 3 • Mentoring 3 • Differences 3-4 Professional Development Skills to Help Meet Personal or Organizational Goals and Objectives • Conflict Management 4 • Delegating With Confidence 4 • Meeting the Challenge of Administrative Leadership 5 Time Management 5 The Value of continuous Professional Development to the Organization and the Individual 5 • Value to the Individual 6 • Value to the Employer 6 Task 2 Personal Skills Audit • Purpose 7-8 Importance of Identifying Learning Style 8 How to Monitor the Effectiveness of My Own Learning Style 8-9 Task 3 The Purpose of a Personal Development Plan (PDP) 10-11 My Skills Audit as a Business Development Officer 12-14 Personal Development Plan for Current Position as Business Development Officer 15-16 Conclusion 16 References 17 Advanced Professional Development Introduction Advanced Professional Development is a programme designed to guide learners in being accountable for their learning and development needs to meet personal, professional, and organizational goals and objectives in order to remain competitive in a globalized working environment. This paper seeks to: • Explore methods to improve personal and professional skills to meet organizational and own goals and objectives. • Carry out personal skills audit which...
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...CHANGING ETHICS Personal ethics is an individual's belief about morality or conscience .It defines one’s stand on what is right or wrong.This branch of ethics gradually develops since childhood and tend to emulate the things which are set as an moral value to us by our parents or guardians in the family. It can heavily be influenced from any major incident in our life. Personal ethics refers to the ethics that a person identifies with in respect to people and situations that they deal with in everyday life. Professional ethics defines adherence to rules and regulation. The individual is expected to follow religiously, the code of ethics framed by the organization .It can be heavily influenced by the culture of the organization but it cannot change as frequently as the personal ethics. Professional ethics refers to the ethics that a person must adhere to in respect of their interactions and business dealings in their professional life. PERSONAL ETHICS VERSUS PROFESSIONAL ETHICS A person's ethical code determines their views on right and wrong, and influences how they interact with other people. 1.Influences • Personal ethics depend largely on a person's background and life relationships and concern. They are also influenced by the experiences you had growing up with dilemmas such as lying, cheating or even violence. Personal ethics may change as you learn and experience more, they often retain much of this early influence. Professional ethics...
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...Running head: PERSONAL ETHICS DEVELOPMENT Personal Ethics Development Abstract Prepare a 1,050-1,200 word paper on Personal Values Development examining your personal values, ground rules, and/or ethics development. Focus on the developmental aspect rather than on a particular position on any issue. Define what your values are; the sources (people, institutions, events, etc.) that helped shape your values, and the criteria and decision-making factors you utilize to revise them. Also, discuss the potential impact of your values and your performance in your work place. *This paper should be about you and not copied from another’s paper. Personal Values Development What is Ethics What is ethics, defined by Merriam-Webster, ethics is “the discipline dealing with what is good and bad and with moral duty and obligation” (http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/ethics). These are the moral principles or values of conduct governing an individual or a group. A person ethics is defined by the principles or values and understanding of the society around them and by what society deems expectable. Ethical Development Ethical development starts when a person is young and learns what they can and cannot do by there parents and the parent’s social groups. This is where my I learned that one should act accordingly; honesty, responsible for one-self, respect one-self and others, loyalty to family, friends, and to ones society, open-minded, and fairness...
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