...Man versus Nature: Technology Versus Environment: Money Versus Wild Life Bristol Bay Although the fishing industry has long been associated with the contribution of marine pollution little work has been done on the effects on the industry itself of marine debris and other pollution. The fishing industry is responsible for discarded nets, hooks, fishing poles, and many times sunken boats, among other gear. In many circumstances this is not the intended plan when going fishing to catch their paychecks. In fact the fishing industry pays a high price for these losses from the time they have to replace their nets to the pulling of old nets and trash out of their new nets on a regular basis. When questioned about the effects of marine debris on their fishing activities, Shetland fishermen responded that 92% had recurring problems with accumulated debris in nets, 69% had had their catch contaminated by debris and 92% had snagged their nets on debris on the seabed. Many also experienced fouled propellers and blocked intake pipes. On average, 1-2 hours per week were spent clearing debris from nets. Debris could cause a restricted catch and many boats avoided particular fishing areas altogether due to the high concentrations of debris. It has gotten to the point for many fishers that they can no longer fish certain areas known to be well stocked with money fish due to the time consuming issues with trash and fishing debris in those specific waters due to left behind gear. Ultimately...
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...The Great Gatsby: The Deception of Money It is strikingly obvious that obscene amounts money does not guarantee happiness. Many people foolishly shape their lives around attaining ultimate wealth in hopes that it will bring endless happiness. This is the tragic case of the characters in Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby. Daisy, Tom, and Gatsby exemplify the American dream, living what appears to be an extravagant life. Ironically, what they imagined will bring them fulfillment in life, money, has done just the opposite. Under the enchanting lights, parties, and monstrous mansions lies a deep feeling of melancholy and depression well hidden from the surface. Even though they have everything money can buy, the three primary characters in The Great Gatsby prove that, ultimately, money leaves its victims in a void of unhappiness. Tom Buchanan lives in extreme wealth but is ultimately unhappy as he tries to fulfill the void in his life by having an affair. Tom has all the ingredients to live a fulfilling life; a family, the fancy mansion, and of course, the money. Yet he stills feels incomplete. Nick, the narrator of the story, is not surprised that Tom has “some woman in New York” and notices that “Tom would drift on forever seeking, a little wistfully, for the dramatic turbulence of some irrecoverable football game” (6, 20). Tom is still seeking to fill the dismal void in his life that money fails to do. He pathetically attempts to fill this void by having the affair with Myrtle...
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...The world today revolves around one thing: money. Money makes and defines society, however it is debated wether or not that much influence has a positive or negative effect. Money however, is not the key to a happy and prosperous life. People and experiences influence ones life much more than money ever could. Money creates a sense of importance and a constant comparison to everyone around. Although money can bring forth many glamorous things to someone's life, this does not influence the phycological well being of a person, therefore money is not happiness. Money does not directly buy happiness, it simply distracts one from their true source of happiness. In Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s speech, titled “The Drum Major Instinct”, King goes into detail about how when people obtain money, it creates a sense of entitlement and an “I'm better than him” mind set. Money leads to a constant comparison of people to themselves. Even back in the 1950s when the Civil Right movement was stirring in America, people used money as a way to compare themselves to the less fortunate. Money was an object used to wave in another's face to attempt to get a reaction....
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...What Money Can’t Buy. We need it to pay the bills, eat and sleep in our warm homes. Most importantly we need it to survive. Money plays a very important role in everyone’s life across the world. Money can be the most important thing in the world, but many forget that there are many other things that hold value, more than the dollars in your bank account. Still, very astonishing to me how one piece of paper can control the minds of billions of people. How we let it dictate a majority of our life and think that we need it to make us happy. Even though money can buy you all the lavish goods in the world, but it can never buy you happiness, knowledge, good health, love or time. In my personal experience with money, I’ve had the amount of an average American family. Meaning that I wasn’t filthy rich but I wasn’t poor either. The amount that I have is enough to make me happy because I’m not struggling with anything life food and other necessities. I don’t live comfortably, because my idea of comfortable is not having to work, but I still have to pay bills and maintain. But, looking at others who don’t have much money makes me appreciate my life more even if I am not wealthy. Being average isn’t so bad when you still have gratitude. Money can’t buy you happiness and I actually believe that in some ways money can actually negatively consume your life. What I mean by this is, say for instance someone is desperate for money, they will do anything to get their hands on it. That...
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... moved away to America forty years ago. Samuel has achieved wealth earning his way from the bottom and learned how money is important for people to live happily. He has sent money to his parents every month. Then, he comes to his hometown as a millionaire to visit his parents, Berl and Berlcha. There, he finds out the fact that they have lived in happiness without his money. In “The Son from America,” the conflict between Samuel and his parents, Berl and Berlcha helps the story establish and develop the theme of perception of happiness. Samuel has learned from New York life that money is the way to live in happiness. Money represents treasure to Samuel, and he has worked his way up from the bottom to become a millionaire. He says to his mother, “Mother, I was a baker for many years in New York” (885). Living as a baker for many years was a tough life for him at the beginning; however, he took a large step, and finally he has achieved wealth in America. Now, he thinks money is the only treasure that he needs to live happily ever. After their religious ritual Sameul tried to take a large step then Berl says, “Slow down” (886). It means that he is happy that his son is doing well in foreign country, but also he wants to warn that everything comes with consequences. Even though Samuel has sent money every month to his parents, they not only have kept the money, but also haven’t used it at all. When Samuel sees a lot of gold coins which his parents have kept in the boots, he...
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...Saving Money Prevent Bad Things To Happen Money is one of the most basic requirement in our lives. We need the money for our whole life; for clothes, for food, for shelter and even water or electricity costs. However, ones cannot fulfil his/her basic needs or requirements of the daily routine without it.Also, without money, many things will not success and we will get into many trouble in our life. We all know that we need to save money, but most of the people do not save like they know they need to save. Why ? Because most of them feel that they had completed their goals. The goals are about to buy a sport shoes, a branded handbag or something else.Nonetheless, we should saving money be like Warren Buffet. As everyone knows who he is and how successful he was. Therefore, we should be brilliant on how to save the money in our daily life. There are a lot of benefits that we can gain if we save money day-to-day. For instance, if a doctor told you that your child was dying and could only be saved with a $15,000 operation that your insurance would not cover and could only be performed nine months from today, could you save $15,000 in nine months? The answer is no, you could not! Because of lacking money, you need to borrow money from other people and this is the reason why saving money is significant. As the saying goes, repair the house before it rains. Saving money will become a priority for everyone. First and foremost, the most important why we should save money...
Words: 615 - Pages: 3
...Everyone on this planet all probably one thing in common. We all love money, and what it can do for us. If we have money we can get whatever we need or want. The word money means a lot to some people in this world, but what about the word success. What does success truly mean? How do we know if we have succeeded in our life? Does having plenty money makes you successful? These are all good questions to ask yourself. In The Great Gatsby, it shows how the characters may have mixed success and having tons of money together. Nick, Daisy, and Gatsby were important characters in this story because they each portray average people handling money. Handling money can be a very hard thing too because it can influence people and what they do. Do...
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...If money doesn’t buy happiness, what does? Many people believe that having more money is going to make them happier in life, but does money really provide true happiness? After reading the passage “Yes, Money can buy happiness,” by John Tierney, explains that people are more often to be happier when they spend money on others rather than spend money on themselves. In my opinion many people believe having more money will make their lives happier and free of all worries. In my life money has provided food, clothing, and shelter our basics needs in life but I came to a conclusion where my satisfactory is not enough. I complain that I need more money and that it will solve all the solution to my problems. But in reality money is never going to be enough to buy my happiness in life, because the more we have the more we need and want. For example, I went shopping to the citadel outlets with my family, less than a few hours I spend about four hundred dollars. I looked at other people and I wish I had more money to spend in order to feel enjoyment and more satisfaction. Then, I look into my partner eyes and say to him, I realize with money you can become selfish, destructive and greedy but on the other hand it can help you discover a world you never knew because we all know money can open the doors to many objects in life. Such as, having the opportunity to explore the world, to have all the materials in life. Furthermore, I do agree that buying does bring happiness to everybody...
Words: 326 - Pages: 2
...Money. People believe that life revolves around it, but it does not. Life is an endless cycle of lessons and mistakes. Whether people are fortunate to have wealth or not, in theory the cycle of life is the same for everyone. Wealth in The Great Gatsby is a symbol of social status. The wealthier people tend to look down on those who make less financially. In The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, wealth consumes the lives of the characters who compete for the superior position in the social class by flashing their money and forget the true meaning of life and they also look down on the lower income class. Firstly, there are some characters in The Great Gatsby that spend their money like it’s toothpaste. These characters are Jay Gatsby...
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...In the novel This Side of Paradise by F. Scott Fitzgerald, readers follow the life of Amory Blaine who was raised wealthy and had many things in his life handed to him because of materialistic values. However after Amory suffers the loss of his family's money he is left with nothing but his name. Amory goes in search of finding the meaning of himself. At first Amory follows the materialistic beliefs that helped him float along in life, but quickly realizes that the real world is much different from his adolescent life. In Amory’s adolescent life he relied on his good looks to gain the benefits that life had to offer. However, with maturity comes the truth of life, Amory soon discovers that his looks mean nothing of he has no wealth to back...
Words: 1656 - Pages: 7
...reflects the story of Lorraine Hansberry's life. She grew up African American in a dominant white society experiencing racism and struggling to reach her dreams. The central conflict of the play “A Raisin in the Sun” lies in Walter's notion of this American dream. So what is the American dream? For some it is the dream of equality and freedom and for others it is the dream of a happy life or even the dream of fame and wealth. The American dream differs for each member of the Younger family. “The concept of “the American Dream” has lured tens of millions of immigrants from all...
Words: 1365 - Pages: 6
...This essay will be discussing whether or not their highly autobiographical pieces of work actually successfully portray a realistic manifestation of these ideologies. This essay will be analysing the roles of three main aspects to their ideologies: money, sex and enlightenment. The role of money throughout all three pieces of work is highly complicated, as all of these Beats looked to dispense of it, seeking true meaning in life without the impending façade of money and materialism, neither caring for its necessity nor its potential. However, when...
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...People grow up believing money is everything. In a sense, money really is everything. Money buys food to eat and electricity for light. Money buys new cars for transportation. Without money, it would be very hard to live in this world. There are people that are homeless and live under bridges, but those homeless people go out every day still chasing that dollar, whether it be panhandling or recycling. Why? Well, that’s because they need to eat and drink and they simply can’t do that without having money. But in the end, does money buy happiness? Gertner (2003) states money can buy temporary happiness. Like when you buy a brand-new BMW you are only happy for a short amount of time and then it diminishes (p. 46). After having my fourth child,...
Words: 2063 - Pages: 9
...Is money the most significant factor in determining a person's quality of life? From my opinion there are two of a person’s quality of life: the physical quality and psychological quality. And I believe the physical quality always comes before the psychological quality. While some people contend that many other important factors outweigh money in determining the quality of life, I insist that money is the most important factor because it fulfills our basic/physical needs. With money, one may not be happy. But without money, one will not be happy for sure because of the lack of basic needs. The psychological quality of life is largely built on the foundation of the physical quality of life, which is achieved by money. My opinion largely comes from my approval of Maslow’s theory of the hierarchy of needs, which describes different stages of growth in human. His theory is often portrayed in the shape of the pyramid with the largest, most fundamental levels of needs at the bottom and the need for self-actualization at the top. The pyramid places physiological needs at the bottom, followed by Safety, Love/belonging, Esteem and Self-actualization. Needless to say, the ultimate function of money is to fulfill the basic and physical needs for humans. And Maslow’s theory suggests that the most basic level of needs must be met before the individual will strongly desire higher level needs. Using an analogy to illustrate my point: Money is like the foundation and the quality of...
Words: 333 - Pages: 2
...another will say, “choose a career that will pay a lot of money”. These cause conflict in an individual’s career pathway. Some individual would prefer working for a good pay career rather than working for a job which satisfies them and make them happy. In vice versa, there are individuals who work on what they love to do and not for the money. There have been research which was done by Handerson on year 2011; he stated that people whom work they love to do have prosper in terms on money as well as happiness. It might be a late start but yet it profits at the end of the day. There are some people whom work for money, gets frustrated at one point of time on their life and lives an unhealthy lifestyle despite having money. Introduction In life there are three stages which determine the career pathway of an individual. Based on that, the stages are, childhood, teenager life and as well as adulthood. Career pathway starts from teenager life itself. From then, it moves on to the adulthood whereby that’s the time an individual would implement what is learned on teenager life to a real working life. That is when exactly it moves on to career pathway of a person. Career pathway is a pathway for a new movement in life. It’s a huge decision making term for an individual. A person shouldn’t make a wrong choice at that point of time, or the individual should be able to rectify it Main discussion Career pathway starts from teenager life, which means parents plays an important role on it....
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