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Lifespan Development Research Paper

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Lifespan development is an essential part to understanding the psychological functions and reasoning behind human growth. In fact, one famous philosopher who mentioned the notion of human development was Erik Erickson. Erickson encompassed the motion by studying multiple stages in which human beings go through/encounter as they age; asserting each stage internally creates and transforms unique individuals striving with different characteristics. However when one is asked to look at their own developmental history it tends to be a challenging tasks, especially when one is recollecting for certain events in which created a significant impact on their own life. As for my personal experience, I decided to reminisce through old photographs, and …show more content…
However to my surprise the day dragged on, for I remember sitting in the room filled with pictures of my pop-pop and family members crowding over them with the faint sound of piano music in the background. Not a single word was spoken expect for “I’m sorry for your loss” from people I barley knew, which I though was completely bizarre, such as it being a dream, or silly story my pop-pop would tell me. However once the pastor started the ceremony, talking about death and a loss of a loved one everything went blank, such as I was hit a brick wall, my whole body and mind went completely numb. Due to this I remember sneaking out to catch some air, as my other grandfather followed me from behind. I remember breaking down on the sidewalk and watching other cars go by, seeing other people enjoying the nice day, as if they never knew I just lost someone deer to me. In this moment my grandfather tried consoling me by explaining the “circle of life” and giving me a little hug, but in that moment alone the touch of his huge, the weird connection between a grandfather for I never talked to brought the acknowledgement that I would never get to hug my pop-pop again, recognizing the true horrific fact that he was actually gone, and how horrible death can bring to one

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