...Janelle Baird Professor John Snider WRIT 101 08/28/15 Planned Parenthood Recently I observed a debate about Planned Parenthood on the internet where both people brought informative material to the argument against and in support of the organization. This was an excellent opportunity for me and other people to see both sides of the argument so that we can become more open minded and educated on the matter of defending our own beliefs with facts and tested theories while understanding other viewpoints. This reminds me of the quote by a Chinese military general, strategist, and philosopher, Sun Tzu which states: “If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. For myself, I stand very passionately on the cornerstone that human lives, no matter how small or in whose womb they take form in, should be treated with humanity. So in the next four pages I am excited to bring forth the evidence I have found to petition the world to defund Planned Parenthood in support of my strong belief against the establishment. I am equally excited to give supportive information from the opposing side’s perspective. I understand that I do not understand everything. I have not experienced Planned Parenthood personally. I never had a reason to want an abortion neither was I an unplanned fetus that my parents wanted to eradicate. Therefore I cannot pull evidence from personal experience, but I can learn from and examine other people’s testimonies and gather...
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...Think of a mother. Think of a warm hug during a cold night, or a kiss of comfort. Those were some of the things that Jesus received from his mother. What was it like for Mary to raise a child? Exclude the fact that the child was the Son of God. Instead, just for a moment, focus on the fact that he was her child and she was his mother. Mary was born after an angel announced her. She was raised as a Jew in Israel. Her father was Joachim, and her mother’s name was Anna. Mary was born after her mother and father prayed for her birth. Mary’s parents were very wealthy and righteous in their religion. When Joachim would give offerings to the Lord, he always gave double. The reason Joachim and Anna prayed for the birth of Mary was because every righteous...
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...with my boyfriend, two, toypoodles, a ferret and my boyfriends parents. We all live in the country on 5 ½ acres. Our home is 2 homes in one which are both separated, the parents live on one side and we live on the other. Once you have been use to living the city life and move to the country it can be quite an adjustment because there is not much to do in Texarkana, Tx compared to Houston. For instance, simple things for me like driving to town seem like such a chore. Since moving to the country instead of going shopping for dinner no more then a mile from home I now have to drive over fifteen miles to town. Sometimes i feel like I have wasted my entire day. The up side of living in the country is that it is quite peaceful and you do not have your neighbor in your back yard. I have four children 2 girls and 2 boys. My girls are Diana my oldest 29 who has two children My grandchildren Makelia 7 and Baby Juan 4. My daughter Mary is 28 and she has 3 boys Vince 8, Louie, 3, and Baby Luke who is 1 ½ . Then, my boys are Brigido 26 (he is my trouble child) who gave me my 2 beautiful grandchildren Isaiah 8, and Destiney who is 4. My baby is Cameron he is 22 years old and in college in Austin, Tx. I am not working at this point because I have been working on obtaining custody of my 2 of my grandchildren Destiny and Isaiah. We have been working on our case for over a year now traveling back and forth between Texarkana and Houston. We now have visitation of our grandchildren after...
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...addicitonal programs we can offer. And then go out and do the speaking and build awareness. Various churches, youth ministries, and drink beer too. Whatever we need to do, oh I'll do it. I'm also an event planner. It's wonderful. Up until july, I was an engineer. Doing it for 11 years. Involved in JMJ, I loved everything about it, I was just busy. I had 3 little kids and work and all kinds of stuff going on. Not as involved as wanted to be. In April, our previous exec director wanted to retire. Looked at husband and said wanted to do this. Very fufilling. Transition into role. Completely new to me. So much fun and so awesome to be able to effect people's lives everyday. See the joy and gratefullness. Beautiful experence. Do you like your job? What do you like about it? I think the biggest thing is to be able to affect people in a positive way. As an enginner, I got to talk to oeopel and develop code, it was kind of boring and wasn't fulfilling. It was comfortable, I appreciated being paid very well. That was the hesitation. Once I made the jump, I realized that to be able to interact with people in such a positive way. The whole policial thing, I”m a young woman, I feel very empowered. I believe that women should have all kinds of rights, who would be against that? I also feel it's important that women get all of the imformationa bout all of the options when you're pregnant. Any choices that you make, none of it's easy. Being pregnant is hard,...
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...The problem is that we both made mistakes. I’ve never been the type to own up to them right off the bat. I find it awkward and sometimes too far off, raising a problem when ignoring it was all you probably needed. The thing is I still think about it. You’re not a idiot; it’s pretty obvious. I think you’re amazing and that won’t change no matter what this manages to morph itself into. And in my opinion, it doesn’t need to. But I think about the song, I think about the poems, I think about the unfinished story rotting because I’ve lost what motivated me to complete it. A story is a what-could-have-been right? When we daydream about our futures, daydream about bravery and acceptance and victory, it’s just a fantasy story of our lives. Sometimes I just have to write it down to make sure I don’t lose it. Don’t forget it. Understand that once upon a time, I was such and such. People say in the future, they’ll look back and laugh. I won’t laugh; I’ll understand. Perhaps not why, why you, why this time, why so silent and why so demanding but I’ll understand the circumstances. I’ll understand what drove me and what tore it apart. My entire life’s story out there for everyone to see. Sometimes I feel so exposed. It’s weaving together assumptions that are sometimes so out there, right in the open. But that’s okay, because even things I write a month ago, I no longer understand. I don’t know whom I was so pissed off at and what made me write a passage on loneliness...
Words: 325 - Pages: 2
...instead of helping the city they have been caught stealing money from projects for the city. “Sometimes I feel really homesick” (Casal). His job makes him travel a lot to Hermosillo, the capital of Sonora. Hermosillo is 450 kilometers away from Nogales, it’s a 4 hour drive, and he stays in Hermosillo for days or even a whole week. These trips distance Moises from his family. He have miss many important family events like his sons college graduation , wedding anniversaries, and even he has been alone in a hotel room during his birthday, and I know all this because Moises Casal is no stranger to me, he is my uncle. “Helping people has been one of my truth passions” (Casal). Moises always loved helping people since he was a little kid and that love for helping made him wanted to be a doctor. When he was 26 years old he graduated from medical school and became a otorhinolaryngologist and his life got better when he married my aunt Teresita. “The happiest day of my life was when I married my beautiful wife” (Casal). “As a doctor I helped a lot of people, but I felt like could do more for my community” (Casal). Moises worked in the medical field for 20 years, and he noticed...
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...officers, the willingness of local officials etc. The case information we found it by some website: http://www.foodispower.org/slavery_chocolate.php http://vision.ucsd.edu/~kbranson/stopchocolateslavery/index.html And we also got some useful information from the book in page 64-67. Division of labour and schedule including presentation preparation: We followed the question below the case from the book to division of labour. Each question was answered by one or two group member, the number decides by question. Presentation follows the report, which part of report you did, then which part of presentation you do. Initial findings: After read the case and discussed, in our view, the situation made by the basic reason of our consumer, like us who buy chocolate from these company. The most of consumers did not know about this situation, they just know something good about chocolate and did not know something bad. Affect global market through our consumer, and made a good plan to solve the situation. Media’s power is great....
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...Child Abuse In today's society many kids are getting child abuse from emotional, mentally, socially, physically, verbal, sexual or through neglect. Abuse can cause to serious injury to a child and it may even lead to death. These bruises or scars can physical or emotional scarring for long lasting life it can be effective healthy relationship, ability to function at home, work, or school. Some effects including the lack of trust and relationship difficulties because primary caregiver can damages a relationship with child by getting physical and emotional needs by the person who responsible for their care. Core feeling of being "worthless" or "damaged" sometimes the parents or victims keep telling the child over and over again that child stupid or dumb making the child feel he/she can't do anything right so that why the parents abuse the child. Trouble regulating emotions is like abused children can't express their emotions safely. Adult survivors of child abuse leads to alcohol or drugs to numb out the painful feelings towards their child. Child abuse can be several forms. There four main types are physical, sexual, psychological, and neglect. There are many effects on a child neglect who can interactive with other kids their own age because of this abuse. Physical abuse is abuse involving contact intended to cause feelings of injury or other physical suffering or bodily harm. The forms of physical abuse is striking, punching, belting, pushing, slapping, whipping, striking...
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...Before we go further, let me explain a bit what Brainy Montessori is. Brainy Montessori has been designed to teach children count, writing and reading and so on. The Montessori method of education is developed by Dr. Maria Montessori is a child centered education approach based on observation from birth to adult. It is being tested 100 years ago. According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, parent defines as a person who is a father or mother or a person who has a child. Parent also defines as to be or act as a parent to someone. Another definition is any organism that produces or generate another like parent cell or parent DNA. While, according oxford dictionary parent define as an animal or plant which new ones are derived. But, for me parent defines as a person who love their children unconditionally, always be by the children’s sides, understand their children. Someone who stands for them when they need someone, someone who will help them to solve problems. Someone who will teach or show them right or wrong, correct their mistakes. Back to the topic, raising kids is one of the toughest and most fulfilling jobs in the world. Most of the parents want to do the best in raising and teaching their children. Being a parent is not easy, our child did not come with manual, instruction or we do not always have the right ideas or ways to manage them. So many of us want to be a good parent, the perfect one. A truly, good parents is not a perfect one because no one’s perfect. But,...
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...of the most exciting discoveries is what sex the child is going to be. When the child is delivered, the first thing you hear the doctor or nurse say is “It is a boy/girl.” However, in some cases the child can be born with ambiguous genitalia. In other words, the child has external genitalia that cannot be distinguished as either male or female. When a parent is told their child has ambiguous genitalia, they are ultimately given two options: they could either raise their child with ambiguous genitalia, or they could let the doctor perform surgery leaving the child’s genitalia with the appearance of a female’s. If my child was born with ambiguous genitalia, I would choose to raise them the way they were brought into this world because it would be easier on the child. Having a child with ambiguous genitalia would raise many questions. Many parents may not understand why their child looks different. Ambiguous genitalia is not, by any means of our society, normal. Usually, when people see something different they...
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...1 Life Interview Project involves interviews with three people at widely separate points on the lifespan: 1. An older child, teenager, or emerging adult (ie roughly age 9- early twenties) 2. A person in the prime adult years ( 30s- 60 ish) 3. An elderly person (60s+).Paper should be approx. 7 pages. Spend about an hour questioning each person. Take notes or tape your interviews. HOWEVER, MAKE SURE EACH PARTICIPANT WOULD FEEL COMFORTABLE BEING TAPED. Begin by describing the purpose of the interview: "I want to find out what being an X year old is like. What are your concerns at this time of life? What is important to you at this age? What are the good and bad points about your time of life? This interview is for my term paper in developmental psychology. Anything you tell me will be confidential. I will not use your name. Please feel free not to answer any questions and to conclude the interview whenever you wish”. Then give each person your consent form to sign. In collecting your qualitative data and writing your paper, use these guidelines: Demographic data/informal observations For each person note age, sex, and other identifying information (e.g. “10 year old girl, attends sixth grade in a public school”; “single college student age 22”; “mother of four with children aged X, Y, Z”; “ divorced grandmother, has X children, and X grandchildren). Describe the person's appearance and manner. Is she well groomed, attractive...
Words: 3111 - Pages: 13
...disabilities a year, and in the U.S. only 3% of those are malformations. Depending on the defect, many newborns die within the first week, while others can be helped to live full lives. Many times these defects are due to the negligence of expecting mothers, other times it’s something hereditary. Incidentally, a child born with Down Syndrome, is...
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...If I had a disabled child when I grew up, I would definitely keep my child at home. There is no way that I could just send my child off to an institution. Just imagine how confused he or she would be when it happened. They would have so many questions, and they might even feel like their own family has just abandoned them, which is sort of how I would see it. Of course their could be many pros on having your child in an institution, but there would also be just as many, or even more cons on having your own child in an institution. First off, I would not like my disabled child being in an institution because I know that they would not get the same care that I could give them on my own, and I just feel like they would be so much more comfortable...
Words: 535 - Pages: 3
...unpredictable. The only method to explain anything to a child that has worked for me has been in measuring out the knowledge of the child on the subject, and guiding them to conclusions with facts and questions. The majority of the questions that could be asked, like “What do you see here?” and “How can you tell?” will have already been covered in the exposition of the images, so all that remains is reinforcement of the knowledge and patience for an opportunity in the future to expose them to it again.
Part 3: How would Plato explain the concept of a cat using Forms?
Plato would surely begin, especially with a younger mind foreign to his philosophies, by explaining the concept of a Form. He would take a nearby object, say a stone in the street, and hold it to the child. I imagine the Dialogue would proceed as follows.
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...June 16, 2013 Child Abuse Must Be Stopped Ever wonder why the society has so much parents getting away with crimes? In a world where anything can happen we see children everyday being mistreated by the one person that should be taking care of them and giving them love. Parents discipline their children and act as if they are real parents but really those parents that abuse and hurt their children are not good parents at all. Parents should care for the health of their child and treat their child better than what they threat them. Why is it that parents have the right to abuse their own kids but nobody else can touch them or abuse them? Why is it that parents don’t understand that every child needs a parents comfort? Child abuse is now a global problem that escalates every year. Child abuse will not be stopped if we don’t try and punish parents that do harm to their children. Parents should be legally punished if they are verbally, emotionally, sexually, or mentally abusing their children. Parents don’t see that the most terrible thing for children is to be physically abused. Physical abuse is one of the most common ways a parent abuses their child. Physical abuse is abuse involving contact intended to cause feelings of intimidation, injury, or other physical suffering of the body. Once a parent hits a child they will be marked for life, a child may not have a mark on them but that child will always have that memory in their head. No matter what the child did or did not do...
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