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Ambiguous Genitalia Essay

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When women are pregnant, one of the most exciting discoveries is what sex the child is going to be. When the child is delivered, the first thing you hear the doctor or nurse say is “It is a boy/girl.” However, in some cases the child can be born with ambiguous genitalia. In other words, the child has external genitalia that cannot be distinguished as either male or female. When a parent is told their child has ambiguous genitalia, they are ultimately given two options: they could either raise their child with ambiguous genitalia, or they could let the doctor perform surgery leaving the child’s genitalia with the appearance of a female’s. If my child was born with ambiguous genitalia, I would choose to raise them the way they were brought into this world because it would be easier on the child.
Having a child with ambiguous genitalia would raise many questions. Many parents may not understand why their child looks different. Ambiguous genitalia is not, by any means of our society, normal. Usually, when people see something different they …show more content…
The most common intersex condition is called congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH). People with this syndrome do not have one of the enzymes needed to produce cortisol. Because of the lack of cortisol, more corticotropic releasing hormones and adrenocorticotropic hormones are released causing an overflow of androgen. When this occurs in females, the androgen masculinizes them. This results in the folds of skin looking like a cross between labia and scrotum and the phallus being too small to be the correct measure of a penis, yet too big to be considered a clitoris. Doctors normally make the abnormal phallus smaller in order to resemble the genitalia of a female. This surgery is one of the more common surgeries doctors resort to when faced with a child with ambiguous

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