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Art Therapy Research Paper

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Taking A Look Inside Art Therapy
An art therapist is someone who aids their clients in artistically expressing themselves and examining their psychological state of mind through the means of art. Some examples of art therapy are drawing, painting, making collages, and coloring. Art therapy helps clients to uncover the nonverbal messages, metaphors, and symbols that are often found in art. This therapy leads clients to better understand their feelings and emotions. By understanding their emotions, art therapy helps clients to conquer the behavior caused by these emotions so that they can work on resolving deeper issues.
In order to become an art therapist, you must attend the right school and obtain the right degrees. A master’s degree is required for entry-level …show more content…
Actually, demand for art therapy jobs has been in decline since the beginning of 2009. A career as an art therapist can be both mentally stimulating and financially rewarding. Presently, the average salary for art therapists is $57,000 per year. Art therapists in private practice can potentially earn between $75 and $150 per hour.
Art therapists usually work full time, between 30 and 40 hours per week, and in a variety of settings, including hospitals, psychiatric facilities, schools and colleges, clinical research facilities, detention and rehabilitation centers. Some other places that a client may see an art therapist are as follows: crisis centers, senior centers, assistive living facilities, governmental agencies, private practice, mental health agencies, homeless shelters and domestic violence shelters, and correctional

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