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What Are The Benefits Of Public Writing

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The real-world implications of writing extend far beyond what many in my generation realize. Writing well is a craft which separates one from the crowd. Writing today that is open to the public sphere has become extremely informal. I find social media partially to blame for this. My generation is in a rush to get every thought out into the world and we want to share everything instantly. When we quickly type out our thoughts and hit send, we hardly reflect on our words or consider the implications or validity of our statements. This paper will examine the importance of writing, the benefits of writing on mental health, and how potent writing can take a person far in all realms of life.
The National Day on Writing is a day each year to generate …show more content…
What about the times when spell-check or synonym finders, and back spaces are not available and all you have is pen and paper. Does my generation truly value writing? Could we express ourselves in the written word in times of crisis when called upon? An article by Sue Wells, “Rogue Cops and Health Care: What Do We Want from Public Writing?”, discusses the importance of successful public writing. A student at a Temple University was the victim of police brutality and injustice, filled a citizen’s complaint. In which he described what he had been through with clarity, conciseness, and eloquence. This ability to write in such a persuasive manner stood out. Wells wrote, “…my moment of exhilarated delusion speaks about the desire for efficacious public writing” (Wells). Wells’ desire to see students writing potently matches my own. For writing with articulateness allows a person to express emotions, events, and ideas in a much more profound way. I feel that in a way, the public has come to expect sub-par writing thanks to social media and blogs etc. Strong writing stands out because it is …show more content…
who is an assistant professor in the Department of Communication at DePaul University in Chicago, wrote a paper about the importance of writing skills. Wise discussed a study in which students who were studying public relations in college where judged on their writing skills. They found that those participating needed a more intensive writing course for public relations and advocated for such courses (Wise). I found this interesting for those studying public relations had sub-par writing skills and were unprepared for a position in a public relations agency. In this case, I feel that the importance of public relations writing is synonymous with writing that is open to the public. For any writing that we put out into the world, reflects strongly upon us. The quality of our writing speaks volumes about who we are, and we are judged by it. If a person cannot write well, it will hold them back in life. Even those who are pursuing a vocation in writing will see that it is a skill which takes

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