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Link Crew Research Paper

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One leadership experience i’ve had is being in link crew junior and senior year. Link crew is a very great experience for a positive leader role. The reason for this is because link crew is about helping incoming freshman from a middle school, guiding them into the correct path, help keeping them in line. Some new students have hard heads but everyone deserves the same help, link crew also teaches you how to be patient with others. Link crew is a multi leadership experience, it teaches you many things about being a leader. Being a leader is not always easy, but practice makes better. Some students come into link crew not knowing anything about leadership. But after they leave the club at the end of the year they had more experience than before. They build leadership skills, how to help others and lending a helping hand.Link crew has taught me how to manage my schedule and help others stay on track and not make the …show more content…
this also affected my academic achievement by my grades dropping and the sadness and hurt of the situation i was in. This is a great skill for me and I would take advantage as much as I can to take that situation into good use. The stronger your person is the easier it is to translate the pain and sadness into motive. In some scenarios it’s harder than before but you mind has to be strong enough to take it.

Something I did to make my community better is volunteering wherever I can as much as I can. I feel everyone needs help. Always give a helping hand to those in need, I helped pick trash up anywhere I go and see trash on the floor. Opening the door for someone can help as well. Anything I can do to help, I will. I'm very respectful and generous to those in need. I help people with groceries. I donate money to poor people. Give anything and do anything i can to help as much as I can. Helping others is a good thing to me I enjoy it

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