...Kai Shi Lit Hum essay 3—Prompt 4 Professor Samuel North Dec. 6th, 2014 The book of Job is divided into two sections. One section includes poetic speeches from Job, his friends and God, which make up majority of the text. These speeches compose the core belief of Job. The other section tells the background and the ending of the story in prose while making up only three of the forty-two chapters. Many scholars believe that the prose section came much later than the poetry speeches due to their different writing styles. Not only are the writing styles different, the core beliefs expressed between the poetic speeches and the proses contradict each other. Though it tries to straighten out certain ethical confusions, the addition of the prose section undermines the richness and profoundness of the beautiful philosophical debate that belongs to the original text. By interpreting the original speeches with moral codes, the prose section turns a rich philosophical illustration of mankind’s insignificance and ignorance to the universe into a religious propaganda. The very first sentence of book one sets the tone of the entire book, which the later poetic section disagrees with because it oversimplifies the complexity of the central character. To be more specific, it objectively defines the central character of the entire book. According to the first sentence, “there was a man in the land of Uz, whose name was Job; and that man was blameless and upright, one who feared God, and turned...
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...Dear Professor Silva, For this week’s assignment I have chosen to respond to question 4: I need a Hero! I believe there is a hero in the Nigerian Folk Tale: The Tortoise with a Pretty Daughter by Elphinstone Dayrell. The reason for this selection is the love of a father who could not “dispose” of his daughter for the childish decision of an immature king. Who in their right state of mind could make a law to kill prettier daughters than those presented to the king’s son? The courage and fear it took to keep the secret and keep her alive until she was discovered is something only a loving father and hero could do. The particular strengths of my essay are the examples and support I will present during the span of the essay. Weaknesses of this essay would be proper citation and paraphrasing within the writing rules. A lot of times I forget that if miss certain grammatical inserts it could be interpreted as plagiarism. I would like more feedback on structure and citations to make sure I am doing proper and within the rules. Sincerely, I Need a Hero! In the Nigerian Folk Tale: The Tortoise with a Pretty Daughter by Elphinstone Dayrell there is a hero who is defined by the love of his baby girl. The father’s crime was keeping his daughter alive, in defiance of a law passed by the king, for his daughter being of stunning physical beauty which beauty was a death sentence. This father stood against the law of a king which in the times of old is considered absolute...
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...Essay Question BCOM/230 June 25, 2012 Essay Question It is important to use language and words that are culturally correct because words can get “lost” in translation. Words can mean something different The words mean something else in other cultures than in ours. Words and they need to make sure that they be used them properly, so that no one does not is offended affined in the other another culture. It is very important when writing in any business and to make sure that in writing the words in a business communication that the words are it is spelled and ethically correct right for that cultural that is to receive this document. If a client has the information in front of him/her, and they do not understand something they can look the meaning of the words up and understand what the other person is conveying. they are trying to say to him. A business proposal will be better understood if the written agreement between the two parties is conveyed in the context in which it was meant. So it makes a business proposal easier between cultures if they have a written understand of the proposal. This strongly influences ones choice in communication greatly because words they need to be chosen carefully. ones Words and phrases need to get the point across flawlessly without confusing anyone. Today's society and workplace is made up of many cultures, religions, and races so ensuring that the communication...
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...the details.When I wrote this piece I was trying to make this essay seem like a research paper. The genre of this piece is an analysis essay, to achieve my purpose I went back and looked at some of my old analysis essays to pull old ideas and included them into my analysis essay. I believe I was pretty successful in doing so, to achieve my intended heartbeat, I made this essay, but short and...
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...In the story, “Today’s Kids Are, Like Killing the English Language” Kirk Johnson talks about different slang expressions most kids use today. Johnson believes this is the ideal language for such a modern world and how enriched our language has become. I use all of these expressions that are mentioned in this essay such as “duh” and “like” for example.The usage of this language is used in ways like “I’m so done like I don’t even know why she did that.” The usage of the word “duh” can be explained by this quote, “Well obviously I got my homework done duh.”Other examples of slang language are how some girls in my grade have code names for certain people. Instead of using their names they replace it with the name of a food or object....
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...Methods for Writing about Literature Deena Michael World Literature LIT/210 July 13, 2012 Cynthia Dagnal-Myron Methods for Writing about Literature Many methods can be used to write about literature. Keeping a literary journal is one method I plan on using to write about literature. Not only can this journal help me stay organized, but it is a daily account of my thoughts, feelings, reactions, and reflections of the pieces of work I have read. Plus, it may help when the time come to write an essay on these works. Another suggestion from our text book for methods of writing about literature is asking questions. This is a method I already use, but I plan on continuing to use it. This method works for writing about literature, or anything else for that matter, because some of the best ideas for essays begin with a simple question. (Abcarian & Klotz, 2007) I found this out for myself when I wrote an essay for my Composition class a few months ago. If an essay is going to be written, it may be a good idea to develop a working thesis, which is also a method I will be using for writing about literature. A working thesis states the topic of the essay, as well as the point the essay writer wants to prove about the topic. (Abcarian & Klotz, 2007) Although a working thesis may eventually change, it helps to keep the essay manageable throughout the writing process. (Abcarian & Klotz, 2007) These are just a few of many methods for writing about literature. ...
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...ENGLISH ESSAY WRITING FOR SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS 1. GENERAL ADVICE a. READ the title of the essay carefully and make sure that you understand it. If necessary, underline key words in the title. REMEMBER: if your essay does not cover the topic(s) proposed in the title, your mark will be very low. b. WRITE AN ESSAY PLAN. You can do this in English or in your mother tongue – but remember that you must be sure that you can express your ideas easily in English. In your essay plan you should note down specific vocabulary related to the topic. You should also write down any appropriate CONNECTORS (linkers). At first, you will find writing an essay plan difficult and time-consuming, but with practice it will save you time in the end and will also help you to organise your ideas in coherent paragraphs. EXAMPLE OF AN ESSAY PLAN: What are the advantages and disadvantages of mobile phones? 1. INTRODUCTION: Now everybody has a mobile. What happened in the past? There are pros and cons. 2. PARAGRAPH 1: Advantages Immediate contact with family and friends. Good in emergencies. Many news uses – technology is developing. 3. PARAGRAPH 2: Disadvantages Bad for our health; addictive. Not sociable? What happens in schools? 4. CONCLUSION: Good and bad aspects. My opinion. KEY WORDS: technology, technological, developments, to keep in touch with someone, text messages, (on) the Internet, health, healthy, unhealthy, good//bad manners, to be banned. POSSIBLE LINKERS: Contrast...
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...ENGLISH ESSAYS Free Exclusive and Advanced Collection of English Essays. HOME ESSAYS LIST COLLEGE ESSAYS LIST LETTERS APPLICATIONS STORIES TENSES IN URDU IDIOMS MECHANICAL TECHNOLOGY POEMS SELECT LANGUAGE SEARCH Select Language ▼ Search MY FIRST DAY AT COLLEGE MY FIRST DAY AT COLLEGE OR MY FIRST IMPRESSION OF THE COLLEGE Points: Introduction – My first day at college – New atmosphere – Conclusion. My first day at college is an important event of my life. To me it is an unforgettable day. During my school days. I had a glimpse of college life from my elder brothers and sisters. I was most curiously awaiting the day when I would start my college life. I thought that the college life would offer me a free life; here restrictions would be few and threat of teachers would be little. At last the longed for day came in. I was admitted to the Government College of my city. I entered the college premises with new hopes and aspirations. I was glad to see that the college presented a new sight. It was quite different from what I had seen in and around our school. I came across many unknown faces. SELECT ESSAY TOPICS College Essays (182) Grammar (2) High Level Essays (36) Pakistan (26) Poems (2) I had some very strange experiences on the first day of my college life. I was baffled to see students playing indoor and outdoor games and enjoying radio programmes during class-hours. There is no restriction of uniform. I observed that the students are free in their movements...
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...For instance, both authors included a brief summary and addressed the emotional intricacies of the novel. They included their praise of the A.S. King’s accurate portrayal of grief. Jones recounts portions as “surprising, heartfelt, and tragic”, and, likewise, Tatiana chronicles Vera’s reactions as “palpable, but not expressed in hysterical fits and throwing herself around in despair, like it often is in teen lit” (Jones 1) (Tatiana 1). Conjointly, Jones and Tatiana also provide a recommendation at the end of their evaluation. They conclude that the novel is a satisfying young adult novel. For this reason, their critiques are useful in finding a new young adult novel to read. Overall, Courtney Jones and Tatiana’s writing styles exemplify the differences and similarities in tone, content, and usefulness in evaluation essays across two unlike...
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...9th Grade Lit/Comp B Research Paper Outline Unit 2, Lesson 11 Complete this outline and submit it to the dropbox in place of your Research Paper Rough Draft. You will work on this outline throughout Unit 2 Lessons 8-11. You will submit your completed outline to the drop box at the end of Unit 2 Lesson 11. Intro Hook - What interesting fact or statement would make your reader WANT to read the rest of your essay? Your hook should NOT be in the form of a question. Innovations in technology relating to weaponry and machinery made great advancements during the period between World War I and World War II. These advancements in machinery contributed to increased fighting capability by land, air and sea. Background- introduce your topic and...
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...Something I will always remember about Kelly Kirwan is the sheer amount of wisdom she held. For example, the iconic statement, “Lit is life!” is, I believe, comparable to anything famous teachers like Mr. Miyagi or Aristotle could conjure up. Mrs. Kirwan taught me AP English Literature my senior year of high school, and thanks to her, it was one of the best classes I have ever had the pleasure to be a part of. She had this way of making everyone in the class feel brilliant, like we all had incredibly unique contributions to make and like the classroom simply wouldn’t be the same without us (which I suppose is true in a way, but as a student it doesn’t always feel so). She was always accepting of everyone and sought to understand us as human...
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...Hugo Varlamos Greve Period 2 January 16th, 2016 The Kite Runner Lit Analysis Outline Amir is a Pashtun and Hassan is a Hazara. Two common people with different places in society. Mainly both of them go through struggles in Afghanistan facing their families, neighbors and the outside world, but certainly Hassan and his son Sohrab undergo a variety of beatings and annihilation to his physical and mental being. The constant torture that occurs in the novel eventually ends up with a sign of giving up for many of the characters. In The Kite Runner, Khaled Hosseini uses the eyes of the lamb to demonstrate vulnerability, sacrifice and resignation of the characters in dire situations. To start things off, when Hassan is marooned in an alleyway by Assef and his goons and is about to get raped, he stops struggling and fighting for himself. Amir looks into Hassan’s eyes and sees a similar look of the eyes of a lamb about to be slaughtered, “I saw the resignation in it. It was a look i had seen before. It was the look of the lamb,” (Hosseini 76). Adding onto this context, Hosseini is indicating that Assef is the dominant male in this situation. He is simply forcing Hassan as the inferior one by showing his dominance and raping him. This sign of dominance simply shows that there is no hope for...
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...Academic essay on Annie Proulx's "Job Story" Choices are something we all make. Not necessarily important choices, but there will always be a time to make them. It's not always good choices, but they have to be made. There will always be consequences, whether it's bad or good. Throughout the story, Leeland Lee has to make a lot of choices. Where to live, where to work and when to work. All the different choices he made, put him in the position he is now. Leeland Lee is an awkward-looking young boy. His face is heavily boned, which he has gotten from his mom, his neck is quite thick and he has red-gold hair. His eyes are as pouchy as a middle-aged alcoholic. His nose is broad and lays close to his face. Lori Bovee is Leeland Lee's wife. She has an undistinguished oval face, and hair of medium length. Leeland Lee is the protagonist of the story, because he is the main character. I would say Leeland is a flat and static character as he is an endless optimist. He doesn't give up when it comes to finding a new job, and despite his wife dying he still gets a job at Unique Eats. The reason he is a static character is because he doesn't change at all. After getting several different jobs he doesn't change anything, after his mom and wife dies he doesn't change one single thing except the fact he isn't listening to the radio anymore, but since that have been an important factor of the story all along, it can also show a lot about how he has changed. The story starts November...
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...Essay on “Job History” written by Annie Proulx In the short story “Job History” written by Annie Proulx, we follow Leeland Lee from the time of his birth, until he is about fifty years old. In the short story we follow Leeland through his harsh life, with ups and downs, in the form of thoughts, feelings, incidents, etc. Leeland is born in a ranch in Wyoming, and lives there with his wife Lori. Leeland does not look particularly good, in fact he is a very unattractive man; (page 91, line 12)“Leeland’s face shows heavy bones from his mother’s side. His neck is thick and his red-gold hair plastered down in bangs. Even as a child his eyes are as pouchy as those of a middle-age alcoholic, the brows rod-straight above wandering out-of-line eyes. His nose lies broad and close to his face, his mouth seems to have been cut with a single chisel blow into easy flesh” And in the top of that, we see how Leeland through his life, tries to find a successful career, but fails consistently. He moves various times from place to place, too seek occupation and good business. But it is hard when you’re a high school dropout, without a career. Leeland have to changes his job constantly, because of his lack of luck, and since he can’t get along white his bosses. He is never able to stay at one job or place for long, which lead to problems in the family. He has a hard time supporting his wife, and their children financially. Throughout the story the author, Annie Proulx manages...
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...An essay is a piece of writing which is often written from an author's personal[->0] point of view[->1]. Essays can consist of a number of elements, including: literary criticism[->2], political manifestos[->3], learned arguments[->4], observations of daily life, recollections, and reflections of the author. The definition of an essay is vague, overlapping with those of an article[->5] and a short story[->6]. Almost all modern essays are written in prose[->7], but works in verse[->8] have been dubbed essays (e.g. Alexander Pope[->9]'s An Essay on Criticism[->10] and An Essay on Man[->11]). While brevity usually defines an essay, voluminous works like John Locke[->12]'s An Essay Concerning Human Understanding[->13] and Thomas Malthus[->14]'s An Essay on the Principle of Population[->15] are counterexamples. In some countries (e.g., the United States and Canada), essays have become a major part of formal education[->16]. Secondary students are taught structured essay formats to improve their writing skills, and admission essays[->17] are often used by universities[->18] in selecting applicants and, in the humanities and social sciences, as a way of assessing the performance of students during final exams. The concept of an "essay" has been extended to other mediums beyond writing. A film essay is a movie that often incorporates documentary film making styles and which focuses more on the evolution of a theme or an idea. A photographic essay[->19] is an attempt to cover a topic...
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