...2011 24, THE TATA NANO THE PE T O: EOPLE’S CAR It was one of the longest t f t-awaited an most talke nd ed-about aut tomobile deb in India On buts a. January 10, 2008, Ta Motors unveiled its (U.S. dollar USD2,50 car1 (also called “Rs1 lakh ata u rs) 00 car” or “t people’s car”) at the ninth Auto Expo in New Delhi. The Tata Nano brought a m the s w o media blitz and a crush of onlookers th required top-level sec o hat t curity. Woul the car liv up to its h ld ve hype? ignal a new era for the sm car mar e mall rket in India How could Tata ensur the a? re And did its launch si w ofitable? product would be pro Widely touted as the chea W d apest car in the world, th Nano was scheduled to be availab in t he s ble September 2008. In addition to paying (Indian rupees) IN lakh— a p INR1 —equivalent t INR100,0 to 000— buyers would also have to pay 12.5% valu w h ue-added tax along wit charges s x th such as road and d transport tation taxes. The two-cy ylinder gaso oline-powere version w ed would debut first; the d t diesel versions would soon follow. The Nano wa one of th world’s most fuel-eff T as he m fficient cars, getting 52 miles per g gallon (mpg) in the city and 61 mpg on the highwa (22 km pe liter and 2 km per lit respectiv d n ay er 26 ter, vely). Measurin 3.1 meters by 1.5 meters, it dis ng m splaced Mar Udyog’s Maruti 80 as the wo ruti s 00 orld’s smallest car, yet its seating...
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...| Your Selected approach: Montessori | Reggio Emilia Approach | Identify how each component is similar or different between the two approaches. | Teacher’s Role in Supporting | 1. Cognitive Development | 1. Here teacher helps children in thinking logically, comparing, contrasting and matching patterns. Teacher takes care of phonological development and language acquisition of child by involving them in singing, reading, talking and playing with the sound of words. 2. Teacher keeps educational materials around the children to invoke their sensory organs and generate curiosity in them. And this curiosity takes them toward their cognitive development. 3. Pupils are kept engaged in puzzles and play. Puzzles develop problem solving skill in children. They also learn sequence and organization. While solving puzzles children come up with questions as how it can be organized further? This way they construct knowledge and lead toward cognitive development. 4. Some senior Montessori teachers are also expected to design their own material to educate and help children in their cognitive development. | 1. Here teacher helps children to recognize concepts, thoughts and theories to generate new meaning. 2. Teacher gives many opportunities to child for exploration and cognitive development such as presentation of concepts in variety of ways like art, music, shadow play. 3. In Reggio Emilia model teacher keeps open ended material around children. Things which can be...
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...2011 24, THE TATA NANO THE PE T O: EOPLE’S CAR It was one of the longest t f t-awaited an most talke nd ed-about aut tomobile deb in India On buts a. January 10, 2008, Ta Motors unveiled its (U.S. dollar USD2,50 car1 (also called “Rs1 lakh ata u rs) 00 car” or “t people’s car”) at the ninth Auto Expo in New Delhi. The Tata Nano brought a m the s w o media blitz and a crush of onlookers th required top-level sec o hat t curity. Woul the car liv up to its h ld ve hype? ignal a new era for the sm car mar e mall rket in India How could Tata ensur the a? re And did its launch si w ofitable? product would be pro Widely touted as the chea W d apest car in the world, th Nano was scheduled to be availab in t he s ble September 2008. In addition to paying (Indian rupees) IN lakh— a p INR1 —equivalent t INR100,0 to 000— buyers would also have to pay 12.5% valu w h ue-added tax along wit charges s x th such as road and d transport tation taxes. The two-cy ylinder gaso oline-powere version w ed would debut first; the d t diesel versions would soon follow. The Nano wa one of th world’s most fuel-eff T as he m fficient cars, getting 52 miles per g gallon (mpg) in the city and 61 mpg on the highwa (22 km pe liter and 2 km per lit respectiv d n ay er 26 ter, vely). Measurin 3.1 meters by 1.5 meters, it dis ng m splaced Mar Udyog’s Maruti 80 as the wo ruti s 00 orld’s smallest...
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...PROJECT REPORT On All terrain Ground Vehicle for Low Intensity Conflict (ATV) By Bhabani Prasad Nayak(10608025), Aasis Moharana(10608002) Abhay Kumar Dash(10608003),Ratnesh Kumar(10608080) Under the guidance of Mr. J. VIJAY PRABHU, M.E. ASSISTANT PROFESSOR DEPARTMENT OF INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL ENGINEERING Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of BACHELOR OF TECHNOLOGY In INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL ENGINEERING Of SRM Nagar,Kattankulathur- 603 203 Kancheepuram District i BONAFIDE CERTIFICATE This is to certify that the project report titled ―All terrain Ground Vehicle or Low Intensity Conflict (ATV)‖ is a bonafide work of Bhabani Prasad Nayak(10608025), Aasis Moharana(10608002), Abhay kumar Dash(10608003), Ratnesh Kumar(10608080) who carried out the project work under my guidance.Certified further that to the best of my knowledge the work reported here in does not form part of any other project or dissertation on the basis of which a degree or award was conferred on an earlier occasion on this or any other candidate. PROJECT GUIDE Mr.J Vijay Prabhu Assistant Professor Instrumentation and Control Engineering HEAD OF THE DEPARTMENT Dr.A.Vimala Juliet Professor Instrumentation and Control Engineering SRM UNIVERSITY SRM UNIVERSITY INTERNAL EXAMINER DATE: EXTERNAL EXAMINER DATE: ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We sincerely acknowledge in all earnestness, the patronage provided by our Director Dr.C.Muthamizchelvan...
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...Siam Motors Group : กลุมรถยนต์ ่ http://www.siammotors.com/60year/th/network/network1.php บริษัท นิสสัน มอเตอร์ (ประเทศไทย) จํากัด 74 หมู่ 2 ซอยสยามกลการ กิโลเมตรที% 21 ถนนสายบางนา - ตราด ตําบลศีรษะจรเข ้ใหญ่ อําเภอบางเสาธง จังหวัดสมุทรปราการ 10540 0-2312-8443-58 0-2312-8465 www.nissan.co.th บริษัท สยามกลการและนิสสัน จํากัด 76 หมูท ี% 1 ถนนบางนา - ตราด (กม.21) ตําบลศีรษะจรเข ้ใหญ่ ่ อําเภอบางเสาธง จังหวัดสมุทรปราการ 10540 0-2312-8840-59 0-2312-8473 www.nissan.co.th บริษัท นิสสัน พาวเวอร์เทรน (ประเทศไทย) จํากัด 73 หมูท ี% 2 ถนนบางนา-ตราด กิโลเมตรที% 21 ่ ตําบลศีรษะจรเข ้ใหญ่ อําเภอบางเสาธง จังหวัดสมุทรปราการ 10540 0-2312-8443-55 0-2312-8490 www.nissan.co.th % % บริษัท สยามอินเตอร์เนชันแนลคอร์ปอเรชัน จํากัด 5/15 ถนนพญาไท แขวงถนนพญาไท เขตราชเทวี กรุงเทพมหานคร 10400 0-2245-1171 | 0-2644-6941-5 0-2246-8445 | 0-2644-6949 บริษัท สยามกลการเซลล์ จํากัด H 891/1 อาคารสยามกลการ ชัน 13 ถนนพระราม 1 แขวงวังใหม่ เขตปทุมวัน กรุงเทพมหานคร 10330 0-2215-0830-50 0-2216-2033 www.siamnissan.com บริษัท สยามกลการ เทรดดิง จํากัด H 80 ถนนวิภาวดีรังสิต แขวงลาดยาว เขตจตุจักร กรุงเทพมหานคร 10900 0-2215-0830-50 0-2216-2033 www.siamnissan.com บริษัท สยามกลการ โลจิสติกส์ จํากัด 6 หมูท ี% 2 ถนนบางนา-ตราด ตําบลศีรษะจรเข ้ใหญ่ ่ อําเภอบางเสาธง จังหวัดสมุทรปราการ 10540 0-2740-0555 0-2740-0592 บริษัท สยามนิสสัน บอดีH จํากัด 80 ถนนวิภาวดีรังสิต แขวงลาดยาว เขตจตุจักร กรุงเทพมหานคร 10900 0-2579-5160 0-2941-4430 1 of 2 4/20/2014 11:10 AM Siam Motors Group...
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...Health and Safety Introduction Health and Safety is a discipline with a broad scope involving many specialized fields. In its broadest sense, it should aim at: * the promotion and maintenance of the highest degree of physical, mental and social well-being of workers in all occupations; * the prevention among workers of adverse effects on health caused by their working conditions; * the protection of workers in their employment from risks resulting from factors adverse to health; * the placing and maintenance of workers in an occupational environment adapted to physical and mental needs; * the adaptation of work to humans. In other words, Health and Safety encompasses the social, mental and physical well-being of workers, that is the “whole person”. Successful occupational health and safety practice requires the collaboration and participation of both employers and workers in health and safety programmes, and involves the consideration of issues relating to occupational medicine, industrial hygiene, toxicology, education, engineering safety, ergonomics, psychology, etc. Occupational health issues are often given less attention than occupational safety issues because the former are generally more difficult to confront. However, when health is addressed, so is safety, because a healthy workplace is by definition also a safe work place.The important point is that issues of both health and safety must be addressed in every workplace. Importance of Health...
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...For the exclusive use of T. Song, 2015. 9-714-413 REV: JANUARY 24, 2014 ERIC VAN DEN STEEN Tesla Motors “Tesla is in California, so it is not April Fool’s yet!” tweeted Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla Motors, around 10 PM PT on March 31, 2013. “First profitable Q for Tesla thanks to awesome customers & hard work by a super dedicated team”1 he had tweeted a few minutes earlier. And indeed, on May 8, Tesla announced a net income of more than $10mln on $560 mln in sales.2 Tesla had outsold both Nissan and GM in electric cars in the U.S.3 Its Model S had sold more than the BMW 7 and Audi A8 combined.4 Tesla raised its Model S sales target for its first full year from 20,000 to 21,000 cars.5 Over the next three months, its stock price almost tripled.6 In its 10 years since founding, Tesla had launched both a high-end limited edition “Tesla Roadster” and its “Model S” production car, and was now taking reservations on its upcoming “Model X” electric crossover SUV. Despite a public controversy about its range, the Model S had received the coveted Car of the Year award and earned the highest rating that Consumer Reports ever gave to a car, an astonishing feat for a company that was only at its second car. While some of its most visible EV competitors went bankrupt or halted production,7 Tesla became profitable. Elon Musk wanted Tesla to be a mass manufacturer of electric cars.8 Becoming profitable meant that that goal was within reach. Or was it not? The Car Business ...
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...EB000000 XVS1100 (L) SERVICE MANUAL ©1998 by Yamaha Motor Co.,Ltd. First edition, October 1998 All rights reserved. Any reproduction or unauthorized use without the written permission of Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd. is expressly prohibited. EB001000 NOTICE This manual was produced by the Yamaha Motor Company primarily for use by Yamaha dealers and their qualified mechanics. It is not possible to include all the knowledge of a mechanic in one manual, so it is assumed that anyone who uses this book to perform maintenance and repairs on Yamaha motorcycles has a basic understanding of the mechanical ideas and the procedures of motorcycle repair. Repairs attempted by anyone without this knowledge are likely to render the motorcycle unsafe and unfit for use. Yamaha Motor Company, Ltd.is continually striving to improve all its models. Modifications and significant changes in specifications or procedures will be forwarded to all authorized Yamaha dealers and will appear in future editions of this manual where applicable. NOTE: Designs and specifications are subject to change without notice. IMPORTANT INFORMATION Particularly important information is distinguished in this manual by the following notations. The Safety Alert Symbol means ATTENTION! BECOME ALERT! YOUR SAFETY IS INVOLVED! Failure to follow WARNING instructions could result in severe injury or death to the motorcycle operator, a bystander or a person inspecting or repairing the motorcycle. CAUTION: NOTE: ...
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...all local regulations. Installation, start-up and maintenance should be performed only by qualified personnel. Factory recommended procedures, included in this manual, should be followed. Always disconnect electrical power before working on the unit. 2. 3. 4. Warnings Against Unintended Start 1. Although shaft couplings or belt drives are generally not furnished by the manufacturer, rotating shafts, couplings and belts must be protected with securely mounted metal guards that are of sufficient thickness to provide protection against flying particles such as keys, bolts and coupling parts. Even when the motor is stopped, it should be considered “alive” as long as its controller is energized. Automatic circuits may start the motor at any time. Keep hands away from the output shaft until the motor has completely stopped and power is disconnected from the controller. Motor control equipment and electronic controls are connected to hazardous line voltages. When servicing drives and electronic controls, there will be exposed components at or above line potential. Extreme care should be taken to protect against shock. Stand on an insulating pad and make it a habit to use only one hand when checking components. Always work with another person in case of an emergency. Disconnect power whenever possible to check controls or to perform maintenance. Be sure equipment is properly grounded. Wear safety glasses whenever working on electric control or rotating equipment. The drive must be...
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...Automobile Sustainability Report Executive Summary In our report we discuss the various methods that today’s three major automakers are using to provide their customers with up to date, state of the art products. By implementing numerous breakthrough technologies into their production systems automakers are continuously working towards a more sustainable and environmentally friendly production process. Throughout our report we highlight major breakthroughs throughout the industry and how they have affected each individual company. By turning their attention to a more lean production process there have been many positive changes to help eliminate waste and reduce the cost of production. These companies are making conscious efforts to not only reduce the amount of waste produced throughout their systems but also how to reuse or recycle the waste that cannot be prevented. For example we talk about how Toyota has developed automated robotics systems to help control the amount of paint that is used during their topcoat operations to prevent the use of excess paint which is normally due to human error, another example is how they are using the paint sludge in the production of other products such as anti-rust paint sprays. We also discuss how the use of returnable metal shipping containers when shipping parts can greatly reduce the amount of wasted packaging materials and wooden creates from going to the landfills every year. All of these small changes have a large impact when...
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...file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Administrator/Deskto...0BILL%20-%20BUSINESS%20AT%20THE%20SPEED%20OF%20THOUGHT.TXT BUSINESS AT THE SPEED OF THOUGHT by bill Gates ALSO By BILL GATES The Road Ahead BUSINESS AT THE SPEED OF THOUGHT: USING A DIGITAL NERVOUS SYSTEM BILL GATES WITH COLLINs HEMINGWAY 0 VMNER BOOKS A Time Warner Company To my wife, Melinda, and my daughter, Jennifer Many of the product names referred to herein are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners. Copyright (D 1999 by William H. Gates, III All rights reserved. Warner Books, Inc, 1271 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10020 Visit our Web site at www.warnerbooks.com 0 A Time Warner Company Printed in the United States of America First Printing: March 1999 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ISBN: 0-446-52568-5 LC: 99-60040 Text design by Stanley S. Drate lFolio Graphics Co Inc Except as file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Admini...SINESS%20AT%20THE%20SPEED%20OF%20THOUGHT.TXT (1 of 392)12/28/2005 5:28:51 PM file:///C|/Documents%20and%20Settings/Administrator/Deskto...0BILL%20-%20BUSINESS%20AT%20THE%20SPEED%20OF%20THOUGHT.TXT indicated, artwork is by Gary Carter, Mary Feil-jacobs, Kevin Feldhausen, Michael Moore, and Steve Winard. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I first want to thank my collaborator, Collins Hemingway, for his help in synthesizing and developing the material in this book and for his overall management of this project. I want to thank four CEOs who read a late draft of the manuscript and...
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...Tesla is a growing motor vehicles company founded in 2003 by a group of fearless Silicon valley engineers who set out to prove electric vehicles are practical and awesome. Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning were responsible for creating the company. Leading the first investment was Elon Musk in February of 2004. In 2008 the company released the Tesla Roadster, to which there was no equal. The electric vehicle drives emission free in 37 countries. Tesla registered for an Initial public offering during January of 2010 and began trading on the NASDAQ exchange in June of the same year. When the market opened, shares sold at $17 dollars. At closing the price per share was $23.89, an increase of 40.5%, netting Tesla 226.1 million in funding. Investors saw potential in a company with a vision of the future that was back by an emerging Elon Musk. Elon Musk was born June 28, 1971 in Pretoria, South Africa. After earning a degree in physics from the Universty of Pennsyvania and a degree in business from the Wharton School at UPENN, Musk started Zip2. The web software company was sold for $307 million dollars. He received 7% or $22 million dollars from the sale. Musk moved on to co-found PayPal which was aquired by E-bay in 2002 for $1.5 billion in stock. The early growth of PayPal can be credited to the campaign created by Musk. Waisting no time, Musk founded his third company, Space Exploration Technologies(SpaceX), in 2002. With Musk as the CEO and CTO, SpaceX would become the first...
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...information and maintenance tips. If an owner’s hybrid vehicle is running short on battery power, for instance, the Toyota Friend network will alert that customer to the condition via a short message similar to those exchanged on Twitter, according to the statement. Members will be able to access the community through smartphones, tablet computers, and other mobile devices. In recent years, many companies have rushed to establish a presence in the greenfields of social networks such as Facebook and LinkedIn, creating communities of customers and fans there. Toyota’s new CRM effort is distinctive because of its closed nature and its reliance on telematics, which connects a driver directly to information on a car’s status. “To date, [Toyota Motor Co.] has developed its own telematics services to connect people, cars, and their surroundings,” the statement read. “Through Toyota Friend, TMC aims to offer its telematics services worldwide. Moving forward, TMC plans to advance toward the realization of future mobility by teaming up proactively with global IT companies.” Toyota President Akio Toyoda said this latest iteration of customer relationship management is a natural evolution for the auto industry. "Social networking services are transforming human interaction and modes of communication,” he said in the statement. “The automobile needs to evolve in step with that transformation.” The relationship between Toyota and Salesforce.com appears to extend well beyond this initial...
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...virtual child. When I was told this was an assignment I thought “this should be easy”. Boy was I wrong! I found many things can affect the outcome of my child. If I am too strict or too easy, the child’s behavior will show this. Over time, this will also affect the child’s temperament. I have learned that some of my classmates’ virtual children are harder to get along with and require more discipline then others. I decided to just trust my instinct and answer the questions as if they were for a real child. In this report you will see how my answers affected my virtual daughter Alexis and, my experience throughout the duration of the assignment. 0-8 MONTHS 1. How does your baby's eating, sleeping and motor development compare to the typical developmental patterns? ~Alexis’s motor skills are typical for her age, crawling, sitting up, and standing up, but not walking yet. Her sleeping habits are normal for her age. Infants normally sleep sixteen-seventeen hours a day. For the first week or so Alexis wasn't very hungry and actually lost a little weight, she has now started eating and has gained back some of the weight she lost. 2. At 8 months of age was your child an "easy", "slow-to-warm-up", or "difficult" baby in terms of Thomas and Chess's classic temperamental categories? On what do you base this judgment? ~Alexis was an easy baby. She had a positive disposition and her body...
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...Introduction Since 1908, General Motors (GM) is primarily engaged in automotive production and marketing and financing and insurance operations. GM designs, manufactures, and markets vehicles worldwide, having its largest operating presence in North America. By 2008, GM became vulnerable to the auto industry crisis, which they were not able to meet obligations. Over the years, GM was a dominating force in the auto industry. However, rising labor costs, concessions made to the unions, higher gas prices and a recession, GM was heavily burdened and could not provide the sufficient marketing funds for any one of its product lines. The U.S. government agreed to lend $13 billion in order to buy time to develop a restructuring plan (DePamphilis, 2012, p.648). The restructure plan impacted employees and operations in U.S. and Canada. With mergers and acquisition activities, the intent is to preserve and provide jobs to the community. However, this was not the case with GM. Was it justified to reduce the workforce? Therefore, the review of the bankruptcy steps taken by GM will determine if the restructure was successful. Pension Plan General Motors pension fund obligations and health care obligations appear to threaten the future of the company. Majority of General Motors’ U.S. employees are members of the United Auto Worker (UAW) Union, which ensures health insurance for its members by entering into contractual agreements with employers. In the 1990’s the UAWs’ officers...
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