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Literacy Corps Essay

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The Literacy Corps was able to increase profoundly due to high school graduates who couldn’t be drafted into the Army and had no prior experience in a job. For these young recruit who just came out of high school it was considered an opportunity as they were able to obtain a job. Through the Literacy Corps Iran saw an increase of literacy rate from 26 percent to 42 percent and educational institutions began to grow like the enrollment of kindergarten increased from 13,300 to 221,990. With this boom in education new schools were able to open Very much like the Literacy Corps came the formation of the Health Corps composed of physicians and dentist to bring free medical care to rural areas and improve sanitary conditions. Like the Literacy Corps …show more content…
The SAVAK’s main goal starting out was to stop the spread of communism to Iran, however they soon became Reza’s Shah secret police to strengthen his regime by placing political opponents under surveillance and repress dissident movements. The SAVAK had powers to censorship on press, books and films, to interrogate and often torture prisoners, and surveillance on political opponents. With the SAVAK it stopped any political opposition from rising to power, but it also stopped any Iranian from opposing Reza’s views and ways. If the SAVAK found any opposition it mostly led to assassinations as well as kidnappings. “They’ll torture him to death tonight, pull his nails from their beds with a pair of pliers, then cut off his fingers and toes one at a time (Seraji 32)” This led to a distrust in the Iranian citizens because nobody could say anything negative about the way Reza was ruling. If the SAVAK found any citizens opposing Reza it led to prison, for example in “Rooftops of Tehran” by Mahbod Seraji when Zari was seen lighting herself on fire to set an example of Reza’s regime on his birthday, it led to both Pasha and Ahmed going to jail just for trying to save

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