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Literacy Interview Paper

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My literacy interview was with Sabrina Zhu, a junior, who is in my Algebra 2 class. I chose this particular student because she was very outspoken in class and I figured that she will participate well in the interview process. Sabrina was born and raised here in San Francisco and she is first generation where her parents were born outside of the United States. She attends George Washington High school where I am currently teaching. George Washington is 1 of 24 public schools in San Francisco Unified School district. As of this school year, there are 2001 students enrolled and 92 percent of the student body is a minority. This school is located in the Richmond district where Asians predominantly live in the neighborhood. The first questions …show more content…
Sabrina says, “Teachers should make classes more interesting, and not bore the heck out of the students. Do activities like group projects or something productive like going around the room and take notes of whatever the lesson is for the day, and some advice I would give is to get the students to like you. Because if they don’t like you on the very first day, they will be disrespectful towards you. Also, be stern but not too mean, so they know you’re serious about teaching. Most students tend to think new teachers would go easy because it’s the first year, so they’ll just mess around all the time.” I agree with everything that she answered to since it is important for new and veteran teachers to make the learning fun in anyways possible. Literacy learning can be taught by understanding the students main source of getting their readings. Every day we read and we all have our preference and so therefore, teachers need to be active and know the best source to teach literacy that they all can relate to. Advice for new teachers is to engage all students by doing fun activities by making a strong statement that they are here to teach and not mess around. They need to find the right balance of relationship to the students or else they will walk all over

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