...Motivation and Job Satisfaction Contents Abstract 3 1.Introductory Background 3 1.1Scope of the Research 4 1.2Research objectives 4 1.3About Etisalat 5 2.Literature Review 5 2.1Understanding the Concept of Motivation 5 2.2Job Performance and Satisfaction 6 2.3Theory of Motivation – Maslow’s Hierarchy of Need 7 3. Research Methodology 8 3.1 Research Philosophy 8 3.2 Research Approach 8 3.3 Method of Data Collection and Analysis 9 3.4.Ethical consideration 9 4. Research Result 9 5. Detail Analysis of Survey 10 6. Research Discussion 16 7. Research Conclusion 17 8.Bibliography 18 Abstract In the current competitive scenario people are trying hard to match their capabilities and aspiration to achieve their personal as well as professional objectives. On the same hand even organizations are seeing tough time to maintain their market performance that determines the success and failure of the organization. The performance of employee in organization is directly correlated to their level of motivation driven through their job structure with respect to the roles and responsibilities assigned to them depending on their caliber resulting to job satisfaction. In order to create commitment as well as motivation level among employees, employer has an important role to play. It is his directions and guidance under which the employee operates in the organization. Appointing the right resource to a job requirement and assigning it a complete authority as well as job responsibilities...
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...summary of the literature relevant to your project 5 Explain and justify the research method used in your research 7 What are the key findings of your research? 8 How could the results of your research be used? 10 Bibliography 12 Investigating Woolworths Management Strategies to Improve Employee Motivation Provide a brief overview of your project? This project report will investigate a research problem in Woolworths which is staff moral, motivation and job satisfaction. The report will analyse the situation and determine the most effective way to solve the problem for the company. Employees are the main element in any organisation and it is crucial for a business’s success to understand what drives employees to work effectively and learn the best ways to manage them. This proposal will investigate the most effective way to motive employees to work at the best of their ability in the work environment of Woolworths. Currently the organisational culture creates low motivation and job satisfaction within the workplace with many employees having low morale. The proposal will analyse different methods of motivation, management techniques and ways to boost morale in the work place to ensure increased job satisfaction which will lead to increased productivity. To determine the current culture and feelings within the working environment, primary research will be undertaken using a self-administered survey to obtain quantitative data. These surveys will assess...
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...Comparison Matrix Essay This paper compares two studies dealing with leadership strategies in work-related settings. Although the settings vary, the study of management approaches and job satisfaction are similar in each. Charles Emery and Katherine Barker’s article, “The Effect of Transactional and Transformational Leadership Styles on Organizational Commitment and Job Satisfaction of Customer Contact Personnel”, assess the effect of transactional and transformational leadership styles on job satisfaction and the accountability of customer service personnel. The research suggests that some styles of management, such as transformational leadership, may be more effective in the dedication of customer service employees. Daniel Koys’ article, “The Effects of Employee Satisfaction, Organizational Citizenship Behavior, and Turnover on Organizational Effectiveness: A Unit-Level, Longitudinal Study”, addresses the issue of whether business outcomes are influenced by employee attitudes and behaviors or vice versa. In addition, the researchers concentrate on organizational citizenship as well as employee turnover. Each research study in this paper will be addressed as Article 1 and Article 2 respectively throughout this paper. Comparison of Research Questions Both of these topics examine employee outlook and job gratification in the workplace as well as the impact employees have on customer mindsets and business outcomes. In article 1, transformational leadership and its relationship with...
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...WORK DESIGN AND JOB SATISFACTION ROBERT D. MOHR and CINDY ZOGHI Job satisfaction has important economic effects. Low job satisfaction is associated with higher rates of quitting and higher rates of absenteeism; high job satisfaction correlates with improved job performance and organizational citizenship behaviour. Dissatisfaction therefore may result in higher labour costs and lower productivity. This article studies the relationship between job satisfaction and high-involvement. The huge no. of observation (25000) has allowed the authors to draw general insights about the relationship. Also authors could check additional variables which may be indicator of dissatisfaction and thus allowed the authors to test how broad a range of satisfaction measures can be linked to high-involvement work practises. Finally, because they used a data set that includes information from both employers and employees and follows both groups over time, they can control for a number of specific sources of bias, and look for evidence on the direction of causality. Background of research: A large body of literature on socio-technical systems, total quality management, and high-performance work systems argues that jobs with a high degree of employee involvement might increase satisfaction. The existing literature also recognizes, however, that even if a positive association between the characteristics of work and the evaluative judgment that individuals make about their jobs exists, the direction...
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...Employee productivity and job Satisfaction Research Project MSA 699 Sabrina Foster Central Michigan University Table of Contents Pages Number List of Tables List of Figures Chapter 1 Problem Definition 3 Chapter 2 Literature Review 6 Chapter 3 Research methodology 11 References 15 Appendix A Survey instructions 17 Survey/Interview Questions Chapter 1 Problem Definition Background Express is a fashion forward retail store with multiple locations worldwide. A unique fashion powerhouse selling both men and women clothing with over 30 years experience. (Express.com, 2014) “Express is not about a single point in time, but rather a spirit energy, and a belief that we can and will be the best retail fashion brand in the world” says Chairman and CEO Michael Weiss. (Express.com, 2014) Express associated with Limited brands, which are responsible for stores such as Bath and body works, Victoria’s Secret and The Limited. (Express.com, 2014) Leaving them with a rich brand history of success. The company has values they follow which have contributed to its success. These values are; do the right thing and do things right, begin and end with our customer in mind, passion with a purpose and performance matters. (Express.com, 2014) Employees working at Express are exceptional at creating a shopping experience similar to dining at a five star restaurant. From...
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...This article was downloaded by: [The University Of Melbourne Libraries] On: 02 September 2015, At: 02:39 Publisher: Routledge Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: 5 Howick Place, London, SW1P 1WG Accounting and Business Research Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: http://www.tandfonline.com/loi/rabr20 Fairness in performance evaluation and its behavioural consequences a Mahfud Sholihin & Richard Pike a b Universitas Gadjah Mada , Indonesia b School of Management , Bradford University , Emm Lane, Bradford, BD9 4JL Phone: +44 (0)1274 234393 Fax: +44 (0)1274 234393 E-mail: Published online: 04 Jan 2011. To cite this article: Mahfud Sholihin & Richard Pike (2009) Fairness in performance evaluation and its behavioural consequences, Accounting and Business Research, 39:4, 397-413, DOI: 10.1080/00014788.2009.9663374 To link to this article: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00014788.2009.9663374 PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Taylor & Francis makes every effort to ensure the accuracy of all the information (the “Content”) contained in the publications on our platform. However, Taylor & Francis, our agents, and our licensors make no representations or warranties whatsoever as to the accuracy, completeness, or suitability for any purpose of the Content. Any opinions and views expressed in this publication are the opinions and views of the authors...
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...EMPLOYEE ATTITUDES AND JOB SATISFACTION Lise M. Saari and Timothy A. Judge This article identifies three major gaps between HR practice and the scientific research in the area of employee attitudes in general and the most focal employee attitude in particular—job satisfaction: (1) the causes of employee attitudes, (2) the results of positive or negative job satisfaction, and (3) how to measure and influence employee attitudes. Suggestions for practitioners are provided on how to close the gaps in knowledge and for evaluating implemented practices. Future research will likely focus on greater understanding of personal characteristics, such as emotion, in defining job satisfaction and how employee attitudes influence organizational performance. © 2004 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. “Happy employees are productive employees.” “Happy employees are not productive employees.” We hear these conflicting statements made by HR professionals and managers in organizations. There is confusion and debate among practitioners on the topic of employee attitudes and job satisfaction— even at a time when employees are increasingly important for organizational success and competitiveness. Therefore, the purpose of this article is to provide greater understanding of the research on this topic and give recommendations related to the major practitioner knowledge gaps. As indicated indirectly in a study of HR professionals (Rynes, Colbert, & Brown, 2002), as well as based on our experience, the major...
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...HRPYC81/103/0/2013 Tutorial Letter 103/0/2013 Research Report HRPYC81 Year module Department of Psychology This tutorial letter contains Projects 4808 to 4813 Bar code CONTENTS READ ME FIRST .......................................................................................................................................... 3 PROJECT 4808 ............................................................................................................................................ 4 PROJECT 4809 ............................................................................................................................................ 5 PROJECT 4810 .......................................................................................................................................... 14 PROJECT 4811 .......................................................................................................................................... 36 PROJECT 4812 .......................................................................................................................................... 42 PROJECT 4813 .......................................................................................................................................... 55 2 HRPYC81/103 READ ME FIRST Tutorial Letter 102 Tutorial Letter contains Assignment 01as well as the following projects: Project 4802 Project 4803 Project 4804 Project 4805 Project 4807 Tutorial Letter 103 Tutorial Letter 103...
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...Workplace Climate Study | | | 6/2/2014 Table of Contents Introduction 2 Literature Review 3 Hypothesis One 11 Hypothesis Two 12 Hypothesis Three 13 Data and Methods 13 Hypothesis One 14 Hypothesis Two 16 Hypothesis Three 17 Conclusions 28 Recommendations 29 Reference 30 Introduction The purpose to of this research is to understand and determine the morale of 20 employees in the Waikato regions that we have surveyed. In this study, we conducted 20 surveys in different areas of work. This survey was conducted in the Waikato region on different people from different organisations. In our research we found that most of our research was taken from a professional accountancy firm, restaurants and others such as customer service and assistance. We developed a questionnaire based on the organisational behaviour areas and literature reviews and conducted these surveys and have decided to have hypothesis about what we think that the outcome of these will be. These have been used as the focus of this report. The reason that we chose these candidates are they are different and diverse industries and we can compare the information given easily. We have also identified their role in the industry and we compared their roles against our research. We have also included the age, gender of the candidates we have chosen so that this can be compared with other factors. The articles that we have reviewed during this research are based on the topics of...
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...differ from that of other organisations. The Australian Public Service Commission is working with other agencies on clarifying not only the key features of APS employee engagement but also what contribution engaged employees make to enhancing organisational capability. The concept of staff engagement has an enormous amount of currency in the business world today; for many the pursuit of ‘engaged’ staff is seen as an end in itself. But there are a broad range of definitions and interpretations of employee engagement in the literature: some are heavy with psychological theory while others link employee views and organisational strategy. However, there are common themes: for example, engagement is seen as a two-way interaction between the employee and their workplace, engagement is believed to lead to positive organisational outcomes, and finally, it is considered to be measurable through an employee survey. These themes are consistent across a literature that ranges from pamphlets produced by management consultants through to refereed articles in scholarly journals. However,...
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...DESCRIPTIVE STUDY OF JOB SATISFACTION AND ITS RELATIONSHIP WITH GROUP COHESION by Mark G. Resheske A Research Paper Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Master of Science Degree With a Major in Applied Psychology-Industrial Organizational Concentration Approved: 4 Semester Credits __________________________________ Research Advisor: Dr. Mitchell Sherman The Graduate College University of Wisconsin-Stout May, 2001 1 The Graduate College University of Wisconsin-Stout Menomonie, Wisconsin 54751 ABSTRACT Resheske Mark G. A DESCRIPTIVE STUDY OF JOB SATISFACTION AND ITS RELATIONSHIP WITH GROUP COHESION Applied Psychology American Psychological Association Dr. Mitchell Sherman (APA) 05/2001 48 pages___ Manual used in this study___ This study investigated job satisfaction among full time faculty of the College of Human Development at a Wisconsin University. The research method used an anonymous survey that was voluntarily completed and returned to the researcher. The population of the study was the full time faculty of the College of Human Development at UW-Stout. Thirty-six full time faculty members participated in the study. The UW Employee Satisfaction Survey was used to measure the level of job satisfaction. The results indicate that overall the faculty of the College of Human Development at UW-Stout are satisfied with their current employment. The study determined that group cohesion does play a role in overall job satisfaction. Measures of group...
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...between Job Satisfaction, Job Performance Attitude towards Work and Organizational Commitment Habib Ahmad Faculty of Management Sciences, International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan E-mail: habib.msfin26@iiu.edu.pk Tel: +92-03335339752 Khursheed Ahmad Lecturer in Department of Management Sciences, University of Swat, Pakistan E-mail: khursheed66@yahoo.com Tel: +92-03088787874 Idrees Ali Shah Faculty of Management Sciences, International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan E-mail: idree.as1985@gmail.com Tel: +92-033491093119 Abstract Many attempts are made to find determinants of job satisfaction and its relationship with other variables but most of the study is done in the west. This paper utilizes survey data collected form 310 employees of 15 advertising agencies of Islamabad (Pakistan) to test interdependency of job satisfaction and job performance, effect of organizational commitment and attitude towards work on job satisfaction and impact of organizational commitment and attitude towards work on performance. Response patterns, analyzed by gender, education, department, income and age are also discussed. Results show a weak relation between job satisfaction and performance where as organizational commitment has strong positive relation with performance and attitude towards work has a strong positive relation with job satisfaction. The study identifies insignificant impact of organizational commitment on job satisfaction and attitude towards work on job performance...
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...authenticity appears to be a noble trait, how effective is this as a leadership approach, specifically in increasing altruistic employee organizational citizenship behaviors? Is authentic leadership more effective than other leadership approaches, such as transformational leadership? This study examined the extent to which authentic leadership is a stronger predictor of employee organizational citizenship behavior (OCBs) compared to transformational leadership. The analysis also investigated the extent to which overall job satisfaction mediated the relationship between authentic leadership and OCBs. The findings suggest that in fact three out of the fours sub scales in authentic leadership had a positive effect on both overall job satisfaction and the OCB of altruism. This study implies suggestions for practical interventions based on the associated theories found in this paper. Keywords: Authentic leadership, transformational leadership, job satisfaction OCBs INTRODUCTION Though there are many theories on leadership, one view is agreed by most scholars, leadership is a real phenomenon that is critical for the effectiveness of organizations (Bennis, 2003; Yukl, 2010). Both Northouse (2010) and Yukl (2010) propose that there are two approaches in categorizing leadership theories, trait based or process/behavior based. Trait based leadership theories describe the leader's personal traits, such as personality, motive and values that will determine their effectiveness...
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...Motivation, pay satisfaction, and job satisfaction of front-line employees Carolyn Stringer University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand Motivation of front-line employees 161 Jeni Didham Westpac, Sydney, Australia, and Paul Theivananthampillai University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand Abstract Purpose – This paper aims to explore the complex relationships between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation, pay satisfaction and job satisfaction at the retailer that uses a pay-for-performance plan for front-line employees. Design/methodology/approach – This paper draws on a single organization case study across seven stores, and uses a survey, archival documents, open-ended questions and researcher interaction with employees and managers. Findings – The results provide some support for the complementary nature of intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation was positively associated with pay and job satisfactions, whereas extrinsic motivation was negatively associated with job satisfaction, and not associated with pay satisfaction. The qualitative insights indicate that pay fairness is important, and those who perceived pay was not fair generally made comparisons with others or felt that pay did not reflect their effort. It is also found that the majority of employees perceived that goals were clear. Research limitations/implications – The dominance of extrinsic motivation without including behavioural, social, and psychological factors in agency theory research...
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...Motivation and Job Satisfaction Research THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN WORK MOTIVATION AND JOB SATISFACTION Nadia Ayub Department of Business Psychology Shagufta Rafif Department of Management College of Business Management, Karachi Abstract Numerous researchers investigated the relationship between job satisfaction and work motivation in diversified professions but none investigated bank managers in Pakistan. Therefore, the current study attempts to explore the relationship between work motivation and job satisfaction. Based on the literature review two hypotheses were formulated 1) There will be positive relationship between work motivation and job satisfaction, and 2) There would be a gender difference on the variable of work motivation and job satisfaction. To asses job satisfaction, “Job Satisfaction Survey (JSS; Spector, 1997)”, and for motivation, “Motivation at Work Scale (MAWS, Gagné, M., et.al, 2010)”, were used. The sample of the study consists of 80 middle managers (46 males; 34 females) from different banks of Karachi, Pakistan. A Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient was calculated for the correlation between the work motivation and job satisfaction. In order to find out gender differences t test was computed. In conclusion, the findings of the study suggest that there was a positive correlation between work motivation and job satisfaction. Furthermore, there was a significant gender difference on the variable of work motivation and job satisfaction. Keywords:...
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