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Little Mix's Competition

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I believe the idea Johann Wolfgang von Goethe was attempting to convey the idea that art can be used to distract yourself from the world around you and can also be used to connect yourself to the surrounding world. When I think of this quote, I think of Little Mix’s “Competition”. This pop song is certainly fun and easy to sing and dance to. It's as earworm-inducing as a song sung by a girl group is expected to be, but like many of Little Mix’s songs an empowering deeper meaning lies in the lyrics. The song is about a woman who is tired of her boyfriend always trying to prove her wrong and making every conversation into a competition. As a woman whose friends are mainly men, I understand this phenomenon completely. Little Mix’s “Competition” …show more content…
I'm a top cohort as are all my male friends, but when I speak with them it's hard to feel like an equal. Everything is turned into a competition, whether it be who's more involved, who's more focused, or whether or not issues important to me are actually important. My friends are always challenging the validity of issues such as racism, sexism and classism just because they know I am passionate about fighting against these issues. My friends may act at times like "gentlemen", but they are always "the first one[s] to open [their] mouths" and the "last one[s] to throw in the towel". Maybe they realize it or maybe they don't, but they act most of the time as a boy's club in which I am not allowed. When I listen to "Competition", I am empowered. I am reassured that there are definitely times where I'm right and they're wrong and they shouldn't "act about 17" even though that is their age. Their mental maturity should match mine and they should respect my opinions as much as they respect their own. "Competition" reminds me that across the world every day other women are facing men who turn everything into a competition and that we "can do it better every day and every night". Von Goethe clearly meant that art can distract you from and also make you feel connected to your surrounding world and I've clearly experienced this phenomenon when listening to

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