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Little Mixtures Case Study

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Little Creatures, a renowned name in the beer industry is known to supply the best quality beer to their consumers. Their unique brewing method has offered their consumers the best taste. The first Little Creatures pale ale was presented to the Australian market just before the summers in 2001.

Here, is a step by step method that will allow you to brew a pale ale of the Little Creatures style.


1 Coopers Australian Pale Ale
1 Brew Booster
1 Kg Extra Light Malt Extract
12 grams Cascade Finishing Hops
12 grams Amarillo finishing hops
200 grams Crystal grain Enhancer
1 packet of Safale US-05 yeast


Step 1 - Boil 2 litres of water in a pot and add the grain infusion.

Step 2 - Steep with the heat off for about 20 minutes

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