Premium Essay

About Business


Submitted By lamormark
Words 2457
Pages 10

Considering the vast food source of the country, the people are properly informed about the various available aromatic flowers particularly the native and popular flower like Rose, Sampaguita, etc… The Filipino are indeed very lucky because the Philippines is blessed with different kind of flowers that gives us medicine, food, perfume and other that provide our needs and that has been concerned people in our country.
Rose ice cream is creamy, soft and velvety like fragrant bouquet of rose.
Luscious summer with fresh rose petals.
Ice cream (derived from earlier iced cream or cream ice) is a frozen food usually made from dairy products, such as milk and cream and often combined with fruits or other ingredients and flavors. Most varieties contain sugar, although some are made with other sweeteners. In some cases, artificial flavorings and colorings are used in addition to, or instead of, the natural ingredients. The mixture of chosen ingredients is stirred slowly while cooling, in order to incorporate air and to prevent large ice crystals from forming. The result is smoothly textured semi-solid foam that is malleable and can be scooped.
No single person can lay claim to inventing ice cream. There is no exact origin or date of inception, but myths abound on how it came about. Its existence in olden times cannot be denied, as evidence of ice cream or more likely its much simpler predecessor have been found in the ancient cultures of Mesopotamia, Egypt, china, Greece, and Rome.
(World Food issue 3-2014 the Business of Food), 1
The Nutritional value and health benefits
Ice cream nutritional content varies among brands and types, in general it is an excellent source of

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