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Submitted By amad69
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Transport for London

Central London Congestion Charge, Social impacts Survey 2002, 2003
This report was commissioned by TfL Congestion Charging from the research agency MORI to report on the findings from the main surveys completed as part of the monitoring programme to understand the social impacts of the congestion charge on Londoners and those visiting London. As a panel survey the scale has been unprecedented in researching ongoing social impacts of a transport scheme in London. This programme of research consisted of a wave of surveys ‘Before’ the scheme began, and an equivalent set ‘After’ the implementation of the scheme. The report was the culmination of the project covering the second wave of surveys which was contracted to be undertaken by MORI. The full methodology is clearly described within the report. The report comprises of chapters on each of the main areas covered in the survey. Each chapter then draws on the key findings across each geographical area and comments where there are significant differences between these locations or across classifications within groups of interest. It primarily focuses on results from the ‘After’ wave of surveys, but where appropriate compares these results to respondents expectations from the ‘Before’ wave. The document is very user-friendly, clearly summarising key findings at the front of each chapter, as well as in an executive summary. In addition Chapter 2 provides a useful summary of results across each area and non-socio demographic groups of interest such as frequent and infrequent users of the zone and drivers compared to non drivers. The more qualitative element of these surveys is drawn out through regular quotations to demonstrate the range of responses. Chapter 11 on household impacts also relays a number of case studies completed on the results of household surveys where there appeared to some level of shared or ‘knock-on’ impacts. These provide a good context and allow a greater understanding of the extent of the impacts that are described throughout the report. TfL consider that this document accurately reports the results from the surveys. However it is not considered to provide overall conclusions on the social impacts of the scheme and does not incorporate results from across the wider monitoring programme. Where conclusions are drawn they may not reflect those of TfL. The Social Impacts chapter of the Impacts Monitoring Third Annual Report, April 2005


Transport for London AnnualReportFinal.pdf, indicates what TfL consider to be the key findings across the whole of the programme. Whilst reading this report it must be noted that the results are not representative of London, or any area of London. For results inside the charging zone and in inner London they draw on matched samples of households that can be compared across selected neighbourhoods. Respondents from outer London and beyond the M25 were selected to be broadly representative of those who travel into the charging zone.

Throughout the development and analysis of this research TfL staff from the Impacts Monitoring team were closely involved in reviewing progress and content. In addition TfL contracted the services of two expert academics in the field of transport and social research to provide advice on all elements of the project across both waves of the survey ensuring consistency.

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