...Health care for the aging population Baby boomers are living longer and longer; by 2030 one n five Americans will be over age sixty five, and the healthcare system is just beginning to feel the burden (Matthews, 2013). Healthcare for the aging population will have to change for the better for them since so many elders are living to unexpected ages from the past. Doctors must prepare and rethink every aspect of care for the older population, even rethinking the way there going to die(Matthews, 2013). On the other hand the country has to figure out how to pay for this extra care and how to support the older population. As the elder population grow and grow there will be a higher demand for geriatrician; geriatrician will help the elders prepare to live a healthier and longer life on there on. That leads into the decline in care givers; and how some elderly does not want to be a burden on their family they have to rely on visiting nurse to come provide them with the assistance they need or even get put in an assisted living home so they can receive the care around the clock that they need. This builds more and more medical expenses for the seniors that they can not really afford. An elderly expense is double the amount versus an individual that is under the age of sixty five; with all of the expenses from the elderly the younger generation is starting to feel the pressure of cost in healthcare going up. Furthermore, that leads into how we can come up with a solution to...
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...Business Analysis Part III Diana Thomas University of Phoenix MGT-521 June 19, 2012 Roberto Guzman Abstract In continuation with my Business Analysis on Starbucks this week, I will review the strategic initiative that Starbucks has taken to adapt in the changing market. I will examine how the recent economic trend as affected the business, how they used or could use a strategy for adapting to the changing market with the recession going on. I introduce tactics that Starbucks has implemented or could implement to achieve their goals. I will also include a section on how their human resources management plays an important role in making sure Starbucks achieves their goals. In the end I will make my final decision whether or not, I want to invest my money into Starbucks Corporation. There will be a review on the analysis from my last two papers that I did and will show support for my conclusion. Business Analysis Part III Because of the recession Starbucks has had to make many changes to keep itself in the competitive market while trying to retain the authenticity of its brand. The Corporation has had to make some adjustments to its upscale formula to address a growing demand for a high quality product at an affordable price. Starbucks has to conform to keep their existing customers by outlining a twofold growth strategy, first to focus on profits in their existing stores...
Words: 3753 - Pages: 16
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...became established. Still, the question is by whom could all have been prevented, I believe the characters Betty Parris and Danforth could have ended and stopped the mass hysteria before it was able to further progress, my reasoning for this is evidenced by his actions in “The Crucible Act lll'' and in “The Crucible Act l” by “Arthur Miller'' where he could have dismissed the cases as foolish and put aside his worldly desires but instead of doing this He willingly chose to give in to his desires which caused the death of three people Proctor lived in town, and due to his actions 70 individuals were arrested and jailed due to his negligence, arrogance, and his land lust (the desire for more...
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...CODE OF INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS (IR) PRACTICE Objective To foster a partnership between management and unions/employees, harnessing the efforts of both to: (i) develop a motivated and productive workforce to achieve business excellence; (ii) realise employees’ full potential to enable them to earn higher incomes and live a better life; And to contribute towards a harmonious workplace environment, strengthen tripartite collaboration and enhance Singapore’s overall competitiveness for economic growth. STAGE - I An aggrieved employee shall first take up his grievance in person with his immediate supervisor under whom he is working. Thereupon, the immediate supervisor shall carefully examine the employee's grievance and give him a reply within 3 days of the date on which the grievance was brought to his notice. STAGE - ll If the aggrieved employee feels that his grievances were not satisfactorily redressed by his immediate supervisor, he may submit his grievances in writing on the grievance documentation form. a) Grievance documentation form should be filled in triplicate, original to be submitted to the officer at Stage I mentioned in Annexure - ll, second copy to be sent to Sr. Manager - P&A (Zone)/P&A Officer of the Regional Office and the third copy to be retained by the employee. The supervisor shall acknowledge receipt of the form and forward it with his comments to the officer mentioned at stage ll. b) The officer at Stage ll shall review the grievance...
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...throughout his or her adult life. There is no question that a mother truly wants the best for her children from the time they learn they are expecting their new bundle of joy. Breast milk has the perfect combination of proteins, fats, vitamins, and carbohydrates your infant needs. Breast milk is far more than good food. It is a living fluid that protects your infant from disease and actively contributes to the development of your infant. As mentioned by Arsenault (2011) breast milk not only provides the nutrition your infant needs but it also provides protection by supplying your infant his or her first antibodies and immunities. Breast milk aids in protecting infants against infection and disease. According to the La Leche League International (LLL) (2004) Infant mortality rates are higher among artificially fed infants, even in places where everyone has access to safe water and good medical care. Morbidity rates- how often babies get sick- are also higher among artificially fed infants in both the developed and the developing world. Breastfeeding is critical to infant survival and developing countries, and it plays a significant role in keeping babies health in families who enjoy a high standard of living (pg. 5). Not only is breast feeding beneficial to your newborn health, it is beneficial for mother’s health and even beneficial for your family’s finances. Breastfeeding is undeniably the best way to feed your newborn. The...
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...SULIT 0211 VIEI,AYtJ tsAHAS;\ KertasI PMR Percubaan Ogos 0I2 1 I ,1anr 02tI Narnlr Tingkatarr JABATANPELAJARANKELANTAN DENGANKEruASAMA SEKOLAHMALAYSIA MAJLIS PI,NGETUA CAWANGANKELANTAN RE,NDAH PENILAIAN NIENENGAH PERCUBAAN 2An MELAYU BAHASA KERTAS1 Satujam J A N GA N R U KA K ER T AS SOA I,A N IN I S E H IN GGA D IB E R ITA H TI I. 40 soulun irti rtrcrtgrurclurtgi soulart ortekultililtcut. Kcrtrt.s Jtnrrtb semua soulut. pililturt jtnt'ttlttut. ittitrt A, B, C, rlurr D. Bugi tirtlt-tirtp T'itt1t-tirtlt soulurrdiikuti olelt enrytut urtrlupaclu kertas.fawapurt pililt sutu .jtnrcttrtcut .sorilrtrt, suhujrt. Turtdokut sent,t(t.jowopart j ek ti I t'tu tg ,d i s e tl o k u t. i ob Bt,fiikirlult dertgtut teliti ketika menililt.juv'tt1ttur. Jiku ortrla hettdttk ntcrutkur sesuuttt jrnt'rtprtrt,prtilurrtkrur tundu lertg tidak rlikelrcrulr*i ittt st'lirtg,grtltersilt dott kerturclirut I t it r t rrtk trr l i l m rt tu rrl oru tg b a l tu nt. l ti 2 -1. 4 bercetak Ke rta s s o a i a ni n i rn e ngandui tgil (r hal arnal t (l2ll rou\r,s\r It,iltrn .scltelult u \ ' l i _ I l , I , l \ l Rl ( ) I : com . http://sci-qblogspot. SULIT' S o aa n 1 - T f | 021 jawapanyang paling sesuai. yang berikutdenganmemilih ayat-ayat Lengkapkan gambardi bawah. Soafan 1 berdasarkan 1. Wak Sahaksedang Seekorangsapeliharaan padang. A B C D mengangin-anginkan mengipas-ngipas mengelus-ngelus mengibas-ngibaskan di sayapnya kawasan bunyi Cikgu Saifulakan...
Words: 2341 - Pages: 10
...Case scenarios: Ansoff product–market matrix: Task 1: Australian Leisure Resorts (ALR) - Core business, selling rooms and holidays to individual consumer groups in Australia. - Key success factor: Keep occupancy rates high Issue: Brown (Founder of ALR) is developing new software for his hotel chains / resorts that will replace the current manual recording / booking system. This will provide real time booking information to potential customers, reducing the booking confusion currently associated with the manual system. Options floated to Brown: 1. Develop the software for use in the company’s currently owned hotels and Resorts. This strategic option can be classified as Market penetration (Quadrant 1). The key success factor for ALR is to keep occupancy rates high. Currently, due to the manual recording system employed, up to date hotel room booking information is not readily available to consumers. This option fits into quadrant 1 as it will increase the amount / volume of potential hotel bookings with existing customers in ALR’s existing market, as more meaningful booking information is made available to consumers (the information is “live” and in real time showing consumers what rooms in each hotel are available). This option does not fit Product development (Quadrant 2) as ALR is not introducing new products or services to existing markets. The organisations core business - hotel / resort room bookings remains unchanged. The change is...
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...adfrgrgasgllllllldadlddllllllfffinalksksfdsdf Qw fw e fdg sdfg dfgsfg dga d fgd fg s dfg adf rgrgasgllllllldadlddllllllfffinalksksfdsdf Qw f w e fdgs dfg dfgsfg dgadfgdfgsdfg adfrgrgasgllllllldadlddllllllfffinalksksfdsdf Qw fw e f dgsdf g df gsfg dg adfg dfgsdf g adfrgrga sgllllllldadlddllllllfffinalksksfdsdf Q wfw e fd gs dfg df gs fg dg adfg d fg sd fg adf r gr ga sg ll ll l l l d ad l d d l lll ll f f f I n alksksfdsdf Qwfwe fdgsd fg dfgsfg dga dfgdfgs dfg a d f r g r g as g l ll l ll l d a dld dl ll l llf ff ina lk sksfd sd f Qwf we fd gsd fg dfgs fg dgadfgdfg sdfg adfrgrgasgllllllld adlddllllll fffi nal k sks f d sdf Qw fw e fd gsdfg dfgsfg dgadfgdfgsdfg adfrgrga sgllllllldadlddlllll lfffina lksksf dsdf Qwf we fdgsdfg dfgsfg dgadfgdfgsdfg adfrgrgasgllllllldadlddllllllfffinalksksfdsdf Qw fw e fdg sdfg dfgsfg dga d fgd fg s dfg adf rgrgasgllllllldadlddllllllfffinalksksfdsdf Qw f w e fdgs dfg dfgsfg dgadfgdfgsdfg adfrgrgasgllllllldadlddllllllfffinalksksfdsdf Qw fw e f dgsdf g df gsfg dg adfg dfgsdf g adfrgrga sgllllllldadlddllllllfffinalksksfdsdf Q wfw e fd gs dfg df gs fg dg adfg d fg sd fg adf r gr ga sg ll ll l l l d ad l d d l lll ll f f f I n alksksfdsdf Qwfwe fdgsd fg dfgsfg dga dfgdfgs dfg a d f r g r g as g l ll l ll l d a dld dl ll l llf ff ina lk sksfd sd f Qwf we fd gsd fg dfgs fg dgadfgdfg sdfg adfrgrgasgllllllld adlddllllll fffi nal k sks f d sdf Qw fw e fd gsdfg dfgsfg dgadfgdfgsdfg adfrgrga sgllllllldadlddlllll lfffina lksksf dsdf Qwf we fdgsdfg dfgsfg dgadfgdfgsdfg...
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...\Vhtn t hey b otch:J jet>, w e m igllt 11111,1< I h,y w eren-t i j,renll1g \ vell O f t rying h anl e nollgh, w hell w e b otLIJ :[ I t,ll I :it f \r, , hkm \ vas IIIH k ,tr d irections l1r n ot e nough t ime • \Vllen h e l ashes o ut ;,ngl'iJ)', w e,;I! l it: ' ,I,tlll'; , IIOOely b i11< ( I( t Il! '-) ' ,!Ill( , rllth j ll ; l TJlI ' f - () P ,T' ( I i! h cill\\ ,1't'1'I~t , "IXT> [ 't"l< t 'll! ' "lid ( '111,;. j lerlll)1 _ Iirriltl( '" \ \'IHTC;IS [ Iwif l eu] I II I lle I lll I I U II!-;tll [ iJe j lPlll.lt 1 "11, w hell'.I' ( )!liI r llcy \ \(Tl' I II ~ p efC ( ,Ilt t hl' l p.2,) \ ,el h elD", \ ,(",\,.1 1 !J'lll.'t'!W·S ; 1' , I\TLlge h -idclllT l ik· t ill', '(I,(~)~('''':-- 11",\ l lll< 11;11 :1.11>1(' . 1!tlf\llit' 1 \1", , lid ! )thef,' C ;lll , rllell , '()llltnllfl'(,]ll',J! ' l"Il' 1 :11[,11 ( \Plllltll1, t d < )rII(T' ( til I t , Itl I ,! i\ld(~;n(,lll.1i I ll'" ~agt'S, : iIHI , t I t , ',,cf\ i llg dcl(,fl"C~ .... P ()!l,'"'C \ \ t l l l i j ,lh"r:-, i It Y Ollr ( )\\'I1 ,I< 1]( i ll" { :111 J T'->l!ll l It .1 WE ARE I NFl. UFNCH) 8'1 WHAT IS MOST OBVIOUS P t'l,'UlJ . lflothCf h ly ( 'll ( ";\low I 1\('[ \ t JIllt- \\l' t "rh l Hlllier [ l(lnlb:lnkd \'.'1111 1 T10fC I llf('fJII;IIIUII l h;rn w e ( ;Ill P"'~'I J {'!)(,(L\tI' t hiS ] 'Y ' {wnding 1 \\ ' ) i ll' I l1n'(' f lllJ1lil,',...
Words: 737 - Pages: 3
...increase the number of successful employees (Beaz lll, 2013). “Personality refers to an individual’s unique constellation of consistent behavioral traits”, which in relationship to a person’s projected Emotional Intelligence (EI) may lead to matching the right person to the right job. Job proficiency tests are used to select candidates for employment and are the number one tool used to match the right person to the right position (ND.gov, 2015). However, there are quite a few complaints about the fairness of this process and due to many court cases challenging the validity of these tests, many organizations have chosen to drop the assessment. A plaintiff must establish adverse impact upon a protected group by the employment practice used, in order to force an employer to show content validity in terms of examined traits to be consistent with job relatedness. In a court case against Target, the court found that the questions relating to personality traits in terms of religion and sexual orientation did not have any bearing on the desired emotional stability of the projective employee who had applied for the security officer’s job (Schaffer & Smidt, 2008). A frustrated guest on the Walmart Job applications site notes: “Not everyone has the ideal personality, and most of the questions are prejudicial in regard to ethics” (Doyle, 2015). Some believe that a pre-employment personality test is not conducive or valid, and maybe often faked (Beaz lll, 2013). Factor analysis is used to determine...
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...Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa a aaaaaaaa aaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaa aaa aaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaa aaa a aaaaaa aaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa dvdv m m m m m m m m m m mm m m m m m mm m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m x x kxk xk k xk k kx k xk k xk xk k k k k k kx kx k k k kk k k k k k kk k k k k kkkkkk l l l lll l l l l l l l l ll l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l x x, x, x, x, x, , x, , , , , m m m m m m m m c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c Dvd Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa a aaaaaaaa aaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaa aaa aaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaaa aaa a aaaaaa aaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaa aaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa dvdv m m m m m m m m m m mm m m m m m mm m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m x x kxk xk k xk k kx k xk k xk xk k k k k k kx kx k k k kk k k k k k kk k k k k kkkkkk l l l lll l l l l l l l l ll l l l l l l l l l l l l l l l x x, x, x, x, x, , x, , , , , m m m m m m m m c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c c Vdv vd dv dv dv dv dv v vd dv dv v c lc lc lc l l l l l l l l l l l l , , , , , ,...
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...Introduction Every department and or University face several problem like the scarcity of the faculty, improving of facilities and the inevitable school competition where most of the parents and also their kids prefer to enroll their child or even the children themselves prefer to attend in a well-popular university because of its name, facilities and even their graduates or alumni students who became their proud products. Also, one of the main reason why the incoming freshmen prefer to enroll to other school is the financial matters that their parents are unable to sustain their needs in terms of school projects, tour and other related subjects that entails money to spend as well as daily allowances. These are the reasons why they have a limited number of enrollees or even experiencing the ups and downs in terms of enrollment. The Department of College of Business and Commerce in Arellano University Pasay branch and even in the other branches are also faced this kind of dilemma. Now, the department head, staff and the faculty enhance a strategies based on the concerns of the student and even the number address its problems increase of new enrollees. In this way, the Department will promote their courses in order to capture and persuade more enrollees to enroll to in AU-Pasay Campus. The enhancement of existing promotional strategies would be a basic of increasing number of enrollees that would realize the profit in the year to come. The company image and reputation of the school...
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...Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior Non-fiction analysis How can you give your children the best upbringing as possible? Is it by being strict and fill their lives with rules? Or is it better to give them the opportunity to decide for themselves? Amy Chua would definitely choose the first option and in her article, “Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior” which is written in January 2011, we hear a lot about her grounds for why she thinks the first option is the right one. Amy Chua who writes the article “Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior” is an approved lawyer and works as a professor at Yale Law School in USA. Already from that information we can guess that she is very well educated. She mentions that she knows that there are a lot of people wondering what it is like inside a Chinese family who has all these limits and strict rules. Amy Chua knows what it is like, because she is raised by that way herself and she has done it towards her two daughters, Sophia and Louise, as well. Amy has established the ground rules, and defined some things Sophia and Louise were never allowed to do. Already in the beginning of the article Amy Chua engages the reader with the list she revalue with all these things that her daughters were never allowed to do. As readers we quickly make a picture of this way of raising children seems harsh and maybe even brutal. There are so many normal things on the list that almost every child gets to do where Chinese children are missing out. Amy Chua...
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...Mutnofret, two of them also died at a young age. But one of the remaining two was Thutmose ll who would who later marry Hatshepsut. It is claimed that as a child, out of her siblings, Hatshepsut was the one her father liked the most. Supposedly the temple of Karak also favored her. This resulted in her being named by her father as next in line for the throne as queen. At age of twelve Hatshepsut and Thutmose ll were married. They were already married when Hatshepsut’s father died, which lead to Thutmose taking the throne and Hatshepsut being promoted to queen ruler alongside him. But being stuck at queen was to be short lived, sadly for Hatshepsut Thutmose died, leaving her a widow. Before Thutmose passed away he had a son named Thutmose lll who was going to be the next pharaoh, and was Hatshepsut’s nephew. She thought he was too young to rule (which he was), so she decided to become pharaoh till her nephew could rule the land. So she had some major changes made to the kingdom, such as citizens treating her, and portraying her as a male ruler. Hatshepsut was claimed to have died around 1458 B.C. in her mid-40s. She was buried in the valley of kings, she also had her father’s sarcophagus buried in her tomb so they...
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