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Lok Adalat


Submitted By Kri1988
Words 2345
Pages 10
1. Introduction And Brief History
The concept of conciliated settlement of disputes is not alien to the traditional Indian culture and social life. Nyaya Panchayats and Gram Panchayat provided seats for resolving the disputes in rural areas on an immediate basis. Generally, any crime or civil dispute used to be resolved within the village itself. Either village elders or caste elders or family elders used to facilitate the process.

The introduction of Lok Adalats added a new chapter to the justice dispensation system of this country and succeeded in providing a supplementary forum to the victims for satisfactory settlement of their disputes. This system is based on Gandhian principles. It is one of the components of ADR systems. It is an Indian contribution to the world jurisprudence of ADR. Lok Adalat (people’s courts), established by the government settles dispute by the principles of justice, equity and fair play, which are the guiding factors for decisions based on compromises to be arrived at before such Adalats.

The camps of Lok Adalats were initially started in the state of Gujarat in 1982. The first Lok Adalat was organized on 14th March 1982 at Junagarh. Maharashtra commenced the Lok Nyayalaya in 1984. The movement has now subsequently spread to the entire country. The reason to create such camps was only the pending cases and to give relief to the litigants who were in a queue to get justice.

2. Statutory Provisions
Eminent judges of the Supreme Court and High Courts have many a time emphasized the need for free legal aid to the poor. Legal Aid is a kind of human right in the context of conflicts and contradictory interests. The Central Government, taking note of the need for legal aid for the poor and the needy, had introduced Article 39 (A) in the Constitution in February 1977.

Article 39 A of the Constitution of India provides for equal

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