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London Nursing Home Case Study

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1.1) Explain the factors that need to be considered when planning the recruitment of individuals to work at London Nursing Home.
The recently appointed Human Resources Officer at London Nursing Home has been informed about the high rate of employee turnover, and about its reasons, which were caused by: low pay, poor working conditions, long working hours, not enough benefits, fixed/inflexible contracts, inadequate salaries and recruitment based on favouritism.
The recruitment is a process of new employment, which complies with the law and depends on employing appropriate people for the right roles in the good time, and compares three stages: pre-selection, selection and post- selection.
To be prepared for a new recruitment, HR officer should …show more content…
The problem described by HR director concerning negative attitudes of employees at the end of their shift, when they: “just do their shift and go home “shows how the integration of the team is important for future work. The mentor can play supporting role for the new recruit and HR officer could also help provide welcome and support line managers with health and safety trainings and helps provide information about policies and procedures in London Nursing Home.
(1.2) Explain how relevant legislative and policy frameworks of the home country influence the selection, recruitment and employment of individuals to work in London Nursing …show more content…
The favouritism in selecting new workers is the one of the problems in London Nursing Home in employment. It may lead to lost productivity and also creates a poor condition of communication with the team. The favouritism is not always illegal until being favoured or disfavored depends on certain attributes, which can be treated as direct discrimination.
Direct discrimination is when deciding to do, not employ, dismissing or refusing training, denying a promotion or giving adverse terms and conditions, because of protected characteristics like age, sex, race, disability etc.
Positive action is lawful under Equality Act 2010 (as 158 or 159) and it has happened when employer helps or encourages certain groups of people or when they are disadvantaged in some way in access to work. But employ people with a protected characteristic rather than they are a best candidates is positive discrimination and it is

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