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London: a National Healthcare Prospective


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Pages 20
London: A National Healthcare Perspective
Kaye Leonard
Pfeiffer University
MHA 776

Dr. James Leist
Dr. Gwendolan Swain Abstract This paper provides an overall impression of the United Kingdom’s health service, inception of the National Health Service, challenges the NHS faces regarding financial sustainability, providing effective and efficient care, and the move towards more privatization . Comparisons are made between the National Health Service and heathcare in the United States across multiple sectors that include acute care settings, skilled nursing facilities, primary care providers and regualtions governing nursing practice and the challenges faced by both systems.

Table of Contents Introduction 4 Background 4 Impression of the NHS 5 Mr. John Smith Director, Civil Eyes Research 7 Mr. Andrew Cheesbrough, CEO Orders of St. John Care Trust 8 Mr. Robert Creighton, Transition Director and Government Advisor on Public Health 9 Dr. Elizabeth Fellows-Smith. Senior Policy Advisor, Mental Health 10 Dr. Rodney Taylor, Former Medial Director NHS Hospital 12 Professor Simon de Lusignan, Primary Care 12 Mr. Bernell Bussue, Director of London Region,Royal College of Nursing 12 Mr. Paul Holdom, CEO The London Clinic 14 Professor Duncan Empy, Group Medical Director of BMI Healthcare 14 Shirley Kramer, Chief Executive Institute of Healthcare Management 16 Strengths and Weaknesses 16 Summary 17 References 19

Since its inception in 1948, the United Kingdom’s National Health Service (NHS) formed an ideology that gave birth to the NHS’s service delivery and is simplistic in nature; good healthcare should be available to all regardless of wealth. This principal remains at the very core of the NHS today. For the purpose of this paper I will discuss the

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