...Looking Towards the Future During my lifetime, I have always wanted more for myself. I have always strived for more and pushed myself for better. Growing up, my goals have been very precise and clear. Three ongoing goals that would benefit in future endeavors, professionally and educationally would be: opening my own business, obtaining a bachelor’s degree, and becoming financially stable. Setting goals can be psychologically healthy. Using the S.M.A.R.T. goals process, the importance of goal setting can be determined (Cohen, Scott 2013). The first step to accomplishing goals is to set goals. While setting goals, I tend to have a bit of a challenge. I always want to set goals that are reasonable and can be obtained. The thought of opening my own business would be considered as a mastery goal. This goal is something that I would definitely have to work on. It takes hard work and determination to complete. My all time goal due to education would be obtaining a bachelor’s degree, which is categorized as a performance- achievement goal. Seeking a bachelor’s would be rewarding to me. This is something that I have wanted for a long time and is well overdue. I see this goal as being a great accomplishment that involves setting even higher goals to push myself even further in obtaining a higher education. My last goal of importance would be becoming financially stable. This goal is seen as a performance-avoidance goal. During my adulthood, I have encountered...
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...LOOKING TOWARDS THE FUTURE Professor Elizabeth Hoyle Psy202 Adult Development and Life Assessment March 31 2013 What are the goals in my life? As I got older I always set goal for myself. My number one Personal goal is to be a great Father to my son. Growing up I did not have the best role Models of what a good father was. A definition of a father to me was just a provider And that was it. I never got the love and nurture that I needed or any child deserved. But I was blessed And still blessed to have my brother in my life and even though he didn’t receive that love we Always tend to give that to each other. He was my role model and he was the definition of what a father Is and seeing how he is with his kids has showed and helped me to this day. My Professional goal is becoming a police officer and someday joining the FBI. I have Always wanted to become a person who’s willing to put his life on the line to help and Save others ever since I was young. When I was little I loved to play cops and robbers With my friends all day with our police toys it was my favorite thing to do after school. One of my biggest Reasons now to become a Police officer is mostly for my family and my community I want to be able to protect everyone as best as I can and give them a voice. There is so Much more I want to learn at Ashford so I can I apply it to my career as well as my goals. But to achieve that will be hard but if I keep my mind focus I know I will achieve it...
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...Looking Towards the Future Jeffrey A Peters Ashford University: PSY 202 11/02/2014 Looking Towards the Future Looking onward into my personal, professional, and academic goals will enable me to plan for success; which will be outlined within this paper. Preparing for my degree program, I will outline and correlate the SMART goal objectives. Continuing with a positive attitude is beneficial, and vital for my personal success that will lead me to achieve my goals. I have positioned myself from the beginning, by enrolling and attending at Ashford University via an online platform. SMART Goal Objectives Planning on my future I need to define what, how, and where to accomplish my goals for success within the next 10 years. Planning my goals and placing them into perspective will guide me to ultimate success for financial gain. First, I can accomplish my goals by receiving my degree in the Bachelor of Arts in Accounting within the next 15 to 18 months. Although, I have reached my last years to receive my degree, I choose to enroll in an online university to that is fast paced, and to complete one course at a time. Now that I am approaching the completion of my degree I need to remain focused. In this day and age it is imperative to stand out from the crowds to get noticed; which will allow me to remain competitive. In order to stand out from the crowd, I need to complete my degree in accounting; and to fully master this career field directly after I need to enroll into...
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...Looking Towards the Future Carolyn Y. Finley Ashford University: PSY 202 2/17/2014 Looking Towards the Future The purpose of this essay is to describe my personal, professional, and academic goal, for my major field of study, how they apply to the SMART goal process, an accountability plan to meet goals and overcome obstacles, and how my past positive experiences and personality will predict my success in my major field of study. I am attending Ashford as an online student to further my education, to assist in successfully acquiring employment in my field of study. My Goals and SMART Goals After reflecting upon my past life experiences, the things I want to do, and have always loved, my personal goal is to read through the Bible and my academic goal is to complete my degree in health care. I am able to undertake both of these goals due to my recent retirement allowing me to have the time throughout the day. These two goals will need me to be committed, organized and focused. To complete my personal goal in one year, I will need to get a reading plan and take on the 66 books one at a time. I love to read, but to progress through the Bible in a timely manner, I will need about 30 minutes a day to read somewhere between one to six chapters. I want to attain my academic goal, by completing my Health Care Studies degree within two years. I can accomplish my goal thanks to an Ashford program that allows military members who have earned their Associate degree...
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...Looking Toward the Future 1 Evaluating your goals can help you maintain motivation, benchmark your progress, and make useful connections as you move through your academic career (Student Health 101, 2013). There are several personal goals that I wish to accomplish, but one specific goal that is the most important to me is my financial management goal. This goal is important to me because, as I start to move up in position and make more money I don’t want my spending to increase just because I have the means to do so. I really don’t have any obligations as far as bills, but I am responsible for my sons afterschool care, school fees, summer camp, groceries, etc. Whereas my husband holds the heavier load with car notes, mortgage, and much more. With me being able to spend like I want I found that sometimes it’s a issue for me because I am unable to save as much as I should for those just in case days. Since I desire to do better, my husband and I have come up with a plan so I can learn how to not be irresponsible with my funds. We have decided to start with the 52 week money challenge. Every week from January to December I will put up that amount of money for whatever week we are in, for example week 5 I will put away five dollars, week 6 six dollars, and so on until I get to week 52 and have to deposit 52 dollars for that week with a total saving of over $1200. This is not much but it’s a start. Practical goals can help you strengthen your foundation for academic...
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...Looking Towards the Future Ellen Olszyk Ashford University: PSY 202 November 2nd, 2014 Looking Towards the Future When I was younger my parents always taught my siblings and I to set individual goals for ourselves and family goals for everyone to achieve. We would each write down one or two goals on New Year’s Day and we would sit around the dinner table and read our goals to the rest of the family. After all 7 of us read our personal goad and goal for the family we then would go and put them on the fridge where they stayed for the majority of the year. When our goal(s) got accomplished we would cross it off or put a check by it. Of course when we were all younger our goals were definitely not as specific as they were when we got older. At the time I thought my parents making us do this was dumb and ridiculous but as I got older I realized what a blessing it was, and how much it truly did help in our family life, and personal life. Since I’ve had to set goals my entire life I have learned that by doing this it makes projects, assignments, daily life, etc. a lot less stressful because I know what I want to achieve, how I’m going to do it, and by when I will accomplish these goals. Goal setting is also psychologically healthy. It helps you feel more purposeful, and that can stave off a sense of stagnation and mental health issues like depression (http://vizedhtmlcontent.next.ecollege.com/pub/content/9ab3605a-5a33-4b14-8048-143db6e60251/Setting_SMART_goals.pdf). Setting...
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...Looking Towards The Future This paper will describe the personal, professional, and academic goals relating to my degree plan and how the SMART goals apply to each goal. I will also explain my accountability plan to overcome challenges and predict future success from my past positive experiences and personality after completing online degree. Taking online courses through Ashford University will help me to achieve my goals in life and create future success for myself. My Goals and SMART Goal Process After asking myself what personal goal I wanted to achieve in life, I decided that I wanted to be financially stable. It’s very important for me to be financially comfortable so I can provide for my family. I’ve been very fortunate to be in the military and to have the luxury of purchasing the wants in life. To accomplish my personal goal, I will finish my degree in Business Administration within the next three to four years by taking one course at a time. Each course I complete will get me three credits closer to achieving my degree. This is how I will achieve my personal goal according to the SMART goal process. The next goal I will describe will be my professional goal. My professional goal will be to obtain a career that allows me to be happy and successful after I retire from the military. By using the SMART goal process, I will narrow my job search to careers that will make me happy and still provide the necessary income. After I completing 12 more years in the military...
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...offices, and employees within the organization. On the job, you would: •Operate telephone switchboard to answer, screen, or forward calls, providing information, taking messages, or scheduling appointments. •Greet persons entering establishment, determine nature and purpose of visit, and direct or escort them to specific destinations. •Transmit information or documents to customers, using computer, mail, or facsimile machine. Knowledge Business •customer service •administrative services Arts and Humanities •English language Engineering and Technology •computers and electronics Skills Basic Skills •talking to others •listening to others, not interrupting, and asking good questions Social •looking for ways to help people •changing what is done based on other people's actions Abilities Verbal •communicate by speaking •listen and understand what people say Attention •pay attention to something without being distracted Personality People interested in this work like activities that include data, detail, and regular routines. They do well at jobs that need: •Dependability •Attention to Detail •Integrity •Self Control •Cooperation •Social Orientation Technology You might use software like this on the job: Data base user interface and query software •IBM Check Processing Control System CPSC •St. Paul Travelers e-CARMA Medical software •GE Healthcare Centricity EMR ...
Words: 331 - Pages: 2
...Running head: LOOKING TOWARD THE FUTURE 1 PSY 202 Tykerra Cox Prof. Donn Leiske August 18, 2014 LOOKING TOWARD THE FUTURE 2 The three personal, professional and academic goals I chose for my major field of study was to buy a house, become a human resource manager and graduate from Ashford University with my Bachelor’s degree on Business Administration. S.M.A.R.T. goal is defined as one that is specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-bound. Specific: Goals should be simplistically written and clearly define what you are going to do. Measurable: Goals should be measurable so that you have tangible evidence that you have accomplished the goal. Attainable: Goals should be achievable. They should stretch you slightly so you feel challenged, but defined well enough so that you can achieve them. You must possess the appropriate knowledge, skills and abilities needed to achieve the goal. Realistic: Goals should measure outcome, not activities. Time-Bound: Goals should be linked to a time frame that creates a practical sense of urgency, or results in tension between the current reality and the vision of the goal. Without such tension, the goal is unlikely to produce a relevant outcome. Accountability Plan: 1. What are my goals? My goals are to buy a new home, become a human resource manager and graduate Ashford University with my bachelor’s degree. 2. I am responsible for meeting all requirements, doing all assignments to maintain good grades, having...
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...What if everything you lived for and loved all burned to the ground? How would you react and what would you do? In chapter eight of To Kill a Mockingbird, by Harper Lee, Miss Maudie, who is a family friend of the Finches, was found staring at her charred azaleas the same morning her house and garden burned down. In this passage, Lee uses the literary elements of conflict, tone, and foreshadowing to develop the theme that you have to keep your head up and continue looking ahead even during the hard times. Miss Maudie really loved her azaleas and took great care of them. The conflict with the fire shows how unexpected things can happen, but it is up to the person as to what they will do next. “At the front door, we saw fire spewing from Miss...
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...– it’s our future that matters the most. mbrace sustainability – it’s our future that matters the most. ision keeps us looking toward the future and learning from the past. ision keeps us looking toward the future and learning from the past. nnovative & Analytical thinking form the foundation for our strategy. nnovative & Analytical thinking form the foundation for our strategy. esponsibility to the next generations of our community to do our part. esponsibility to the next generations of our community to do our part. edication to the Global GHG reduction initiative ONE VEHICLE AT A TIME. edication to the Global GHG reduction initiative ONE VEHICLE AT A TIME. Values D.R.I.V.E is not just what we believe. It is how we operate. Values D.R.I.V.E is not just what we believe. It is how we operate. Vision The NTA is driven towards a 15% reduction in GHG emissions by 2015 and a 25% reduction by 2020. Overall, the Authority is building a sustainability initiative which will align with the 50% reduction needed by 2055. Vision The NTA is driven towards a 15% reduction in GHG emissions by 2015 and a 25% reduction by 2020. Overall, the Authority is building a sustainability initiative which will align with the 50% reduction needed by 2055. Mission The NTA is committed to provide new and expanded levels of service to the community. The D.R.I.V.E program is intended to incorporate sustainable practices in all that we do both now and in the future to lower our...
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...ultimately disrupted her wedding. In the end, Elaine runs off with Benjamin uncertain about her pre-determined destination. “The Graduate” cannot possibly begin to unravel the several very complex themes that run throughout the film. The coming of age story as the film attempted to relay a message of innocent being push in an unwanted direction through a society filled with expectations. It focuses on the development and the maturing of the young college graduate and his journey from child to adult as well as sex and relationship. It captures what it is to be young, restless, skeptical and confused. It is reflective of a time when no one has any idea what the future has in store. It is Benjamin’s notion of the uncertainty of reaching adulthood, the struggling to accept this transformation and the idea of how frightening the future really is. The obscurity of the certainty in becoming established and successful adult, the film relies heavily on the imagery of fish and water. In the scene where...
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...BACHELOR OF INTERNATIONAL RESTAURANT MANAGEMENT BACHELOR OF INTERNATIONAL RESTAURANT MANAGEMENT Course name: ADVANCED MARKETING Assessment: Assignment 1 : Essay Students name: SARAH BINTI ISKANDAR FAIZ Preferred name: SARAH Student # 640996 3. What is the purpose and what are the benefits of the marketing philosophy? How does it differ from past traditional philosophies? Give company examples (with appropriate referencing) to illustrate. Give examples to explain how companies are moving towards societal marketing within the hospitality and tourism sectors. An establishment of an organizations, business or products constantly applies marketing ideas by understanding customers need and developing the products and services to meet their satisfactions and needs. Peter F. Drucker who is a successful management consultant says “The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well the product or service fits him and sells itself.” Hospitality and tourism industry are rapidly changing and flexible therefore a combination of marketing concept or strategy will be needed and is also due to increasing level of globalization therefore trends and function has been constantly changing over the decades However the basics of marketing philosophy has constantly guiding one’s businesses marketing activities. Purpose of marketing philosophy means giving a complete customer his or her satisfactions by studying and analyze target market theirs needs...
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...go through years of pointless and meaningless tasks, and not reap a reward from it? What is the point of living if I’m not going make the best of it? The world is full of excellent advice. Eric Thomas’s advice is very good, but there are also many other pieces of advice people have give me. Tai Lopez, Reza Mokhtarian, and Cody Sperber; has also given me excellent pieces of advice that have changed my life. Their advice has completely shaped how my mind thinks. I am always looking for different opportunities, and evaluating different paths I could take in life....
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...has 140 department stores located in 28 states across on the East Coast and in the Midwest. Chern’s ultimate focus and foundation has been built on customer service because they are directly dealing with the customers at each department store. Their staffing strategy is geared towards hiring the right candidates for their full time and part time sales associates that are able to grow and develop their skills for potential higher positions in the organization. We are going to take an in depth look at their current staffing strategies and determine what alternate steps should be taken to allow them to remain competitive and grow their talent pool for future growth within the organization. Long term and short term process and outcome goals While developing the appropriate staffing strategy, Cherns should develop both long-term and short-term process goals that are related to the business strategy. This is important so the management team at Cherns has goals set in place to meet the objectives of the organization and understand how they are performing in accordance with these objectives. Since customer service is key to business success, the short-term process and outcome goals should be geared towards ensuring their staffing strategies meet the customer service requirements. The first process goal should be to attract a sufficient amount qualified, diversified candidates. The second process goal should be to reduce the amount of adverse impact identified through their affirmative...
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