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Eric Thomas Research Paper

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Advice that Changed “You’re in pain,” said Eric Thomas, “Why not get a reward from it?” Was something a man said to me through a video. I might not know him personally; he might not know I even exist, but this single piece of advice has changed my life completely. I now understand the values of obstacles. Things that have been blindsided by me for years. Why should I go through years of pointless and meaningless tasks, and not reap a reward from it? What is the point of living if I’m not going make the best of it? The world is full of excellent advice. Eric Thomas’s advice is very good, but there are also many other pieces of advice people have give me. Tai Lopez, Reza Mokhtarian, and Cody Sperber; has also given me excellent pieces of advice that have changed my life. Their advice has completely shaped how my mind thinks. I am always looking for different opportunities, and evaluating different paths I could take in life. …show more content…
This advice left a mental marking in my my mind. I am always looking for opportunities; anything that I might like to do (business ideas.) I’ve also started working on a plan to map out what I’m going do in the future. Which is to start off under the cybersecurity field as an employee in a cyber firm and then use my income to help create a business. I also narrowed my time being wasted on playing video games and anything that doesn’t benefit my future path. This advice opened up new opportunities that I haven’t seen before, because I didn’t really put too much thought in searching for a career

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