...Ways of Losing Weight: Healthy vs Unhealthy To look good, the main important feature is a beautiful figure for both men and women. Nowadays people don’t have time to cook at home and as a result they depend on fast food. Generally fast foods have too many calories from butter, fat, sugar and preservatives which are very bad for health. Consequently, day by day people are becoming overweight. Thousands of people, who are now struggling to lose weight, can choose either a healthy or a dangerous way of losing weight. Both of these will help you to drop weight, but unlike the dangerous way, the healthy way has the long lasting benefit. The dangerous way of losing weight is easy and fast, whereas the healthy way takes time and lots of motivation and patience Some people take weight loss pills which is the shortcut way of losing weight. But these pills have many side effects. These kind of pills reduce the appetite and can destroy the metabolic system permanently . The healthy way does not recommend taking pills, rather it encourages people to eat five small servings throughout the day and drink lots of water. Some people do excessive exercise which is considered to be dangerous for losing weight because too much exercise can cause harm to the muscle and sometimes it causes muscle pull. On other hand, regular and slight exercises are a must for those who choose the healthy way of losing weight. Regular exercise can burn calories and make muscle slowly which is...
Words: 572 - Pages: 3
...structured. If you were to write an essay without following the writing process there is a very good chance that your paper can be all over the place and not exactly on topic. When you are writing you want it to follow a certain order. If you were to skip the writing process it might not follow in the order you want it to be in. All of the steps are vital to a well written paper. The topic that I choose for my final paper is, Two Methods for Losing Weight. The reason I chose this topic is because maintaining a healthy weight is important to maintain health and wellness. I feel that it is good to know what the differences are between different ways of losing weight. There are some ways of losing weight that can be harmful in many ways. In my paper I want to show one healthy way of losing weight and one way of losing weight that could be harmful. It is important to know a healthy way of losing weight. There are so many different ways of losing weight how do you accurately know what will work for you or if the way you chose is healthy? Those are the questions I am hoping to answer in my...
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...Two Methods for Losing Weight Gilbert Prescott COMM/155 September 14, 2012 Lorraine La Croix Two Methods for Losing Weight Moderate exercise incorporated with cause one a well-balanced diet, together, work well as weight loss program, and they are two methods for losing weight quite effectively. There are many Americans becoming more health conscious, yet the vast majority is still overweight. There could be many reasons for this; poor eating habits, or from plain ole laziness. An interest in one’s career or one’s family lifestyle could be the cause for one to neglect their physical well-being. In order for a person to maintain one’s health and to prolong one’s life, one needs to exercise along with eating healthy foods with nutritional value. Exercise and healthy diet regimen is the main ingredient to losing weight. Some folks think that if they skimp out on a couple of meals and taking it easy on the snacks, they can lose weight without exercising. Little do they know that when one exercises, not does he only burn off body fat, but he is also helping his body function better. If one does not have the time to go to the gym, simply taking the stairs rather than riding up a couple of floors in an elevator is one way of staying active, and one will notice that they have a little more pep in their step. The benefits of exercise go far beyond weight loss. Lifting weights for exercise can reduce one’s risk of osteoporosis, as well as reducing one’s risk for developing...
Words: 1037 - Pages: 5
...has become a struggle? Perhaps there are a few steps that were not taken into account that can assist individuals during a weight loss journey. With obesity at a staggeringly high rate in the United States, people are choosing incorrect and often controversial, methods of losing weight. As a result people are gaining back those pounds they have worked so hard to lose. Eating the right kinds of foods is the most important way to properly lose weight. Paying close attention to the nutrition labels on the back of the packaging can help. One should not focus entirely on the picture of the food and its’ price, but focus on the Nutrition Facts label. The amount of calories in a serving is how much energy the body will be receiving. Consuming an excess amount of calories each day can be linked to obesity. It is imperative to, also minimize the amount of nutrients like fat, cholesterol, and sodium one consumes. Knowing how much nutrients to eat can lower the risk of certain diseases, like heart disease and high blood pressure. Not all foods labeled as healthy foods are in fact healthy for the body. Do not assume because the words “fat free” or “low fat” are present on labels it must be healthy to eat. The body may not be getting all of the nutrients because of added ingredients that make foods appear healthier. The second most important way to lose weight is choosing foods that will boost metabolism. There are a variety of fruits and vegetables like apples, grapefruit, and broccoli...
Words: 1136 - Pages: 5
...unhealthy diet plans for people to lose weight. It does make an effect of losing weight but it does not last long-term. Commercial field people advertise these fad diets via magazine and TV advertisements with stars as spokesperson to make it attractive for people who are looking for a way of losing weight fast. It mostly gives a promise of dramatic weight results after a certain period of time like weeks or a month. Indeed, this unhealthy weight losing method do successfully seek people to process this route as people are trying to do anything to lose weight. However, the whole process does not result a long effect typically. Fad diets are diets to get you into a change of eating habits or restriction in certain kinds of food during the weight losing period and this does not hit the long term goal for it is only based on losing fluids but not fat. Take an example for a kind called South Beach Diet, a diet created by a cardiologist Dr. Arthur Agaston on controlling eating habit basically in carbohydrates. Also this healthy diet mentioned by Dr. Agaston also healthy to the heart and that it promises to lose up to 13 pounds in 2 weeks. The process of South Beach Diet is divided in to 3 phases which Phase 1 is a restrictive food resulting rapid weight loss, phase 2 of ongoing weight loss by reintroducing healthy carbs, and phase 3 of maintaining weight. According to Dr. Agaston’s work on the South Beach Diet, food that are restricted for rapid weight loss are lots of protein stuffs...
Words: 715 - Pages: 3
...August 8, 2013 COM 155 Dieting vs. Exercise: The trip to weight loss success While losing weight from dieting and exercise have distinct differences, the similarities make using both more effective in the weight loss process. Many people take the easier route, which they believe is dieting. The statistics for the long term success of dieting alone is poor so you need to consider dieting and exercise. Statistics say only about 5% of dieters are successful in keeping weight off, and re-gain is very common. Usually one-third of weight lost is regained within one year. In three to five years all the weight has been regained along with some additional weight. If you start exercising to lose weight, you won’t succeed with the mentality of “I can eat anything because I’ll burn it off later.” You will have better results if you choose a healthy diet of whole grains, fruits and vegetables, lean proteins and healthy fats while exercising. Healthy dieting can be effective for losing weight and keeping it off. One beneficial way to achieve this is through a diet that minimizes starches, sugars and animal fats from meat and dairy. The fact is, losing weight is time consuming. If you want to lose weight quickly, the approach is simple. Minimizing your sugar intake as well as starches is the first step. Sugar is addictive, highly fattening and is a leading cause of obesity and cardiovascular disease. While most of us on a weight loss mission concentrate on lowering fats, many of us fail...
Words: 1069 - Pages: 5
...Eating healthy and exercise are most effective for losing weight. Two methods of losing weight is good protein intake and nutrients. Fish and nuts are good means of protein, and if you eat vegetables it will help your muscles to stay stronger, and it will promote healthy weight lost. When trying to lose weight, you must try to eat fewer calories. Your body will begin to burn, and they you will begin to lose weight. For me I workout and I try to stay away from drinks that are high and sugars and that have a lot of calories. Your main goal is to focus on, is to make sure you are drinking plenty of water a day. By drinking a least eight glasses of water a day will defiantly keep your body hydrated. If you continue to eat healthy and exercise, you will lose more weight than , just dieting, because by working out you burn the necessary calories needed to lose the weight you are trying to lose. Also by working out you will burn more fat and this will also help a great deal. Another fact is that your body will be more energized. By be working out and exercising on a regular basis I know that I will meet my goals or losing weight and staying healthy. I wake up in the morning and I make it a point, not to forget what I am trying to do for myself so that I will have a longer life. Also you have to realize that if you do not make it a point to take care of yourself, no one else will. I know that most people want to exercise and eat healthy and sometimes it seems as everything you want...
Words: 903 - Pages: 4
... To fully understand weight lose, we need to come to grips with the the overwhelming of obesity in the United States. There are two methods of weight loss that could change one’s lifestyle. In today’s society the internet provides a sufficient amount of information about different methods to help with weight loss. Weight can be harmful factor in an individual’s life, it is not only about the body mass but weight often plays a role mentally and physically if it is abused. For example, being overweight can lead to obesity and low self-esteem. Losing weight can be a challenging, so many people look for the most effective way to lose weight through surgical procedures and weight lost programs. There are a variety of weight loss progams that offer extended support and dietary meal plans. Many weight loss programs provide the option of support, either through weekly excerise programs. These choices range from extreme workout methods, such as video games, such as the Nintendo WII fitness. Many people go to such extremes to lose weight that causes more damage to their bodies. However, even if you do like wht at you fine, consulting a doctor is even more important. With weight loss being in high, we forget that having a well-balanced diet, and exercise is healthier than bulimia and anorexia. People seem to not understand is that losing weight, can be a serious and obsessive problem if not done properly. Obesity and being weight are two of the problems that...
Words: 1681 - Pages: 7
...away but the excessive weight gain is a reminder of the behavior that the stress and worriation has caused. It is at this point that most people decide that it is time to lose weight. Although it may not seem like it, gaining weight happens over time, and therefore shedding the pounds takes time as well. Losing weight is a big commitment full of trial and error; however, it is not impossible. One can lose and maintain weight when taking the proper measures. Proper diet and exercise are very essential when trying to maintain one’s weight. There are many behaviors that can be helpful during the weight loss process but maintaining healthy eating habits and routine exercise are two very different but important factors. Eating properly is very important when trying to lose weight. Simply put, if one eats more calories than he/she burns, weight will be gained. Eating fewer calories than what is burned will cause weight loss. However, eating fewer calories does not necessarily mean that one has to eat less food; it just means that food should be chosen wisely. Certain foods can be eaten several times a day if they have a small amount of calories. Portion control is one of the most important ways to control over-eating. Successful portion control consists of monitoring serving sizes and caloric intake. Sometimes feelings and emotions allow individuals to eat for comfort, often causing one to eat beyond hunger. Over-eating definitely contributes to excessive weight gain.The Food Pyramid...
Words: 899 - Pages: 4
... COM/155 TWO METHODS OF WEIGHT LOSS Tamika Dixon COM/155 Two methods of losing weight Weight loss is an issue perpetually on many people's minds most people would like to be slim and toned in reality it is much easier to gain weight than to lose it. People should devote the effort necessary to reduce their weight to the recommended levels the benefits of doing so are less risk for developing life- threatening illnesses and psychological consequences of low self-esteem and anxiety. Eating the healthy way and exercising are the two most efficient and healthy ways to lose weight. Dieting and exercising are both effective at helping an individual achieve weight loss goals. Each has its benefits over the other a combination of consistent exercise and healthy eating is the key to achieving optimal health. In the past being obese was not really a factor because people worked hard and barely had food to eat and in the...
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...Why Fad Diets Do Not Work Prewriting What is your narrowed topic? Be detailed in your answer. You can use any of the versions you’ve developed for prior assignments. When I was overweight, lost, and had no one to turn to-I chose to fad diet that millions of people swear by…right? Fad diets are nothing more than cash grab until it burns out and another one takes its place in the limelight. There are a ton of uneducated people out there that see these fad diets on television and are convinced that they will work wonders to improve their weight. These people are so focused on losing the weight that they do not care if it jeopardizes their health. Yes, you read it correctly-fad diets can be harmful to your health! I hope to help take a stand against fad dieting and hopefully open the eyes of many people who choose to look the other way when it comes to this type of dieting. Who is your primary audience or reader? Why? Be detailed in your answer about your audience. My primary audience is those who want to be educated and stop wasting money on things that do not work. My secondary audience is my Professor and classmates, some whom may have experienced failure with a fad diet. Finally, my last audience would be one that shares my opinions and values and will likely be on my side. In a sentence or short paragraph, what is your thesis statement, including your angle? Write what will appear in your essay. My point is that Fad diets do not work because of the dynamic that...
Words: 2152 - Pages: 9
...need to stop because fad diets are unhealthy in many ways. First, fad diets are unhealthy because they cause rapid weight loss. The first cause of rapid weight loss in fad diets is women’s health, looks, and reproduction. David S. Goldbloom states in the book Medical Issues and the Eating Disorders: the Interface, “Females are more known for fad diets do to their physical complications reproduction.” Women are usually emotional during reproduction cycles, they do not like the way they look, and they begin dieting in dangerous ways. Looks are not everything! People should not diet quickly to cause happiness, because health wise it is not good for the human body. The way someone looks should not affect their lives in ways that they would look to dangerous dieting. A second cause of rapid weight loss in fad diets is eating too much due to reproduction appetitive drives. Goldbloom also mentions that “It is well-known that disturbed eating behavior from any cause can disrupt menstrual function, it is perhaps less well-known that the menstrual cycle itself influences appetitive drives.” Women will both eat too much and become obese, or they will starve themselves to lose weight quickly. Rapid weight loss is unhealthy and dangerous to any human being. A third cause of weight loss in fad diets is that people will go without food to lose weight. Some people go without food for a short period of time, resulting in faster weight loss than normal dieting would be. Going without food...
Words: 1540 - Pages: 7
...Natural Weight Loss and Diet Pills Taking diet pills could bring immediate results; however, eating healthy foods and exercising regularly is the best way to lose weight. The body can maintain its ideal weight when it is focused by a healthy lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle consists of eating nutritional foods as well as exercising regularly. Developing a new style of eating will show that food preferences will slowly change when high sugar and high fat snacks are cut out; cravings will go away in time. The body needs healthy food to function properly. Choosing foods from the four main food groups can be a guide for creating balanced and nutritional meals. By choosing to eat healthy, there is more room for enjoyment. Instead of the typical three meals a day (breakfast, lunch, and dinner), a person can eat four to five small proportional meals each day. The weight gain and loss will be controlled as long as the person does their homework. Counting the calorie food intake is necessary to be sure that a person consumes 1,200 to 2,000 calories a day. Drinking six to eight glasses of water a day and a large glass of water with meals as well as after a meal can help control appetites and metabolize fat. The day should begin with a healthy breakfast. This consists of foods such as eggs, which contain protein, orange juice that has vitamin C, and one slice of toast to give the body fiber. To help with hunger building up, try eating about two snacks between meals. However, it is best...
Words: 1012 - Pages: 5
...Methods of Losing Weight Com/155 University Composition and Commination I Hector Escalante The two methods of losing weight that I am going to present are exercising and eating more healthy. Eating healthier and taking smaller portions along with exercise are very important in losing weight. You may also incorporate some sort of exercise whether it is walking around the block or walking on the treadmill at the gym. Obesity comes with many [Only commercial shipments and real estate are measured in lots. To use "a lot of" to mean "many," "much," or "a large amount" is a colloquialism (not universally clear). Use another term.] health issues like diabetes, although you can have diabetes and not be overweight as well. According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, being [Doctoral rule (but good advice for any academic writer)--If not a noun (as in "human being"), the word "Being" is hard to imagine; it means "existing." Try to rewrite this without using "being"--with action words like "attending," "working," "living," "experiencing," simply "as"--or even removing "being" completely] overweight affects two–thirds of adults in the United States. Over one–third of these adults are considered obese. The condition of obesity begins when one takes too many calories. More than what is needed for basic consumption and lack of physical movement which results in gaining weight. Diet and exercise are the two most common ways of losing weight [Remove comma...
Words: 1088 - Pages: 5
...___I think that eating healthy and exercise are the most important for losing weight. Introduction Two ways of Losing Weight I. First main point Here are some fact that can help you make a choice. A. Supporting details Proteins are nutrients that your body need to stay healthy 1. Subdetails Fish 2. Subdetails eggs B. Supporting details Vegatable play a important role for losing weight. 1. Subdetails healthy 2. Subdetails muscles strong II. Second main point If you eat fewer calories than you burn you lose weight. A. Supporting details Instead of drinking sodas are sugary drinks 1. Subdetails you should drink plenty of water 2. Subdetails vegetable juice B. Supporting details Exercise and healthy eating will help you lose more weight than dieting 1. Subdetails muscle burns more fat 2. Subdetails exercise speeds up your metabolism III. Third main point You should also exercise daily A. Supporting details Decide how much weight you need to lose 1. Subdetails walking 2. Subdetails running B. Supporting details Regular exercise also brings more immediate benefits. 1. Subdetails It improves resistance to infections 2. Subdetails joint flexibility IV. Third main point With continued, regular exercise, you will find that you move easier A. Supporting details Walking is the ideal exercise for those of us with weight issue. 1. Subdetails...
Words: 285 - Pages: 2