...just turn your head and Louis Vuitton is everywhere. The celebration of the 30th anniversary of the presence of the illustrious, glittering French multinational in Japan took place in Aoyama, one of Tokyo’s fashionable districts. A unique vision of luxury took shape when Louis Vuitton opened yet another new store inside Comme des Garçons on September 4, 2008, in the heart of Japan’s capital. The pop-up store situated on the prestigious Omotesando Street was an illustration of Louis Vuitton’s attachment to the Japanese luxury market. Yves Carcelle, chairman and CEO of Louis Vuitton, said, “This project not only brings a new meaning to luxury, but also speaks volumes about how the know-how and heritage of Louis Vuitton have always been perceived in Japan, including by its foremost designers. We are very proud to have been able to help Rei Kawakubo2 relive her memories in such an original and creative way.”3The Omotesando guerrilla marketing event reflected Louis Vuitton’s success in Japan. Louis Vuitton had been following an aggressive marketing strategy in the country, opening extravagant stores such as those in Ginza or Roppongi.Take a walk on Ginza’s main street, Chuo Dori, the centre of a paradise for shoppers, with longestablished department stores, such as Mitsukoshi, Takashimaya and Matsuzakaya. Continue through the high-end fashion street Namiki-dori. Stop. There it is. You have reached the massive flagship Louis Vuitton store. When Louis Vuitton, the world’s...
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...He was a man that found love at every corner because of his fame, much like the character King Louis XIV in “The Man in the Iron Mask.” King Louis XIV has a Spanish wife who is often times ignored, Maria Theresa. His mistress throughout the book is Louise la Valliere whom he casts aside and moves on from years later to a new mistress. But unlike Dumas, King Louis XIV was never really serious about any of the relationships that he had, he took these relationships for granted. When Louis XIV was placed in the Bastille – the prison that housed his twin brother, “the man in the iron mask,” for most of his life – it was Fouquet who went to Louis’ rescue although Louis thought it was Fouquet that had placed him in the Bastille and it was known that Louis wanted Fouquet imprisoned because of...
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...continious developpement result is that Louis Vuitton is now present in 54 countries, 360 shops all around the world, and 11000 employees. The brand opens around 12 hops per year, so we can qualify the leather trader as a really successful brand. Quality : The Quality Chart of Louis Vuitton is one of the most strict of the world. All the products which does not fit exactly with the Chart are destroyed within the workshop. This process guaranties a blameless quality for every products. In this way, they reinforce their image of perfection. Manufacturing : In order to preserve a high quality and a perfect brand image, Louis Vuitton has choosen 3 countries to establish its workshops : France, Spain, and Italy. The reson of this choice is that these countries benefit from an excellent leather quality. Moreover, they are not far from the headquarters which are located in Paris. Having its workshops in European Union contributes to convey an impression of trust. Reptuation : According to “Le Monde Economie 2011” , students from business schools rank LVMH as “the company number one” they wanted to work for. Once more, we can see that they enjoy a noble brand image. Human Resources : Nowadays, more and more companies are relocating in order to benefit from cheaper manufacturing costs. However, LVMH remains responsible. First, the brand does not employ children. Plus, the management policy is an example of open-minding. When you enter a Louis Vuitton boutique, the surroundings...
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...1. What has made Louis Vuitton’s business model successful in the Japanese luxury market? ლუის ვიტონის არჩეული ბიზნეს მოდელი მართლაც წარმატებული აღმოჩნდა იაპონურ ლაქშერი ბაზარზე, რომელზეც 2004 წლის მონაცემებით მთელი ფუფუნების საგნების 55% მოდიოდა. ეს ბრენდი გამოირჩეოდა იმითაც რომ მისი მოგების მარჟა შეადგენდა 45% - ს, როდესაც ანალოგიურ ბაზარზე 25% იყო ნორმა. რით იყო ეს გამოწვეული? თავდაპირველად დავიწყოთ ამ ბრენდის პროდუქტის განხილვით. Louis Vuitton- ის ჩანთები იკერებოდა საფრანგეთში, სადაც წარმოება გაცილებით ძვირი ჯდებოდა, მაგრამ სამაგიეროდ ბაზარზე მისი პოზიციონირება ხდებოდა როგორც ნამდვილი ფრანგული საქონლის. რაც შეეხება მის ხარისხს, აქცენტი უფრო დეტალებზე კეთდებოდა, მის მოსახერხებლობზე. შეუძლებელია იმის თქმა, რომ მისი მაღალი ფასი კონკურენტებთან შედარებით უშუალოდ შესამჩნევი ხარისხით იყო გამოწვეული. შედეგად ლუის ვიტონის ჩანთები იყო ძვირი, თუმცა ეს ფასი იყო სრულიად გამართლებული და მომგებიანი. ამ ჩანთებში გადახდილი ფული მომხმარებლისთვის იყო გამართლებული. ის ხდებოდა ახალი სოციალური ფენის ნაწილი და იღებდა საზოგადოებაში სტატუსს. ასევე მან წარმატებით მოახერხა დაპირისპირებოდა მის გაყალბებულ ვერსიებს. შემდეგ, გაამართლა შეზღუდულმა გამოცემებმა. ბრენდი ყურადღებას უთმობდა ადგილობრივ მომხმარებელს და ადგილობრივ ბაზარს, რაც საკმაოდ დადებითი იყო აზიური კულტურისთვის. კომპანია შეიტანა სიახლე იაპონიის ლაქშერი ბაზარზე, როდესაც „shop-in shop“ დანერგა. მართალია მისი მაღაზიები ყოველთვის წარმატებული იყო და გაყიდვების აღმატებოდა დაგეგმილს...
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...Ever heard of Pasteurization? It was a method created by Louis Pasteur to stop milk and wine from carrying disease. Louis Pasteur is a French chemist and microbiologist from the 19th century. He had many influences in both the causing and prevention of many diseases. Now let’s take a look in detail at the many accomplishments of this biologist. Louis Pasteur was born in Dole, on December 27th 1822. Louis Pasteur comes from a poor family of tanners, not a likely place for such a person to sprout from. He was an average student early on in his life and was also very good at painting and drawing. In 1840 the young Louis acquired his Bachelor of Arts degree and two years later in 1842, his bachelor’s in science, at the École Normale Supérieure. In 1848 he shortly worked as a professor of physics, and a year later became a professor of chemistry at the University of Strasbourg. At this university he met and later married Marie Laurent, whom he had 5 children with. Sadly of his five children only two of them lived all the way to adulthood, the others killed by a disease called typhoid. This is actually the reason that Pasteur decided to try to find cures for the multiple diseases that had killed his children. Pasteur has had many impacts on biology, such as pasteurization and certain cures for diseases and vaccines. Focusing on pasteurization, he was faced with a problem nobody could seem to answer. Why did some wine go bad and why didn’t...
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...Louis Vuitton Malletier , or the history that we are also a favorite as ' Louis Vuitton ' , but there are many girls who like to short the LV (LV) bags , Louis . Vuitton is a brand that was established at the year of 1854 when France by Louis Vuitton malware Lake Fortier present bags brand Louis Vuitton is a brand that can be considered a giant . most people around the world know . LV logo is just tremendous value it. This product brands that are available . Packaging bag , clothing , handbags , clothes , shoes, watches and jewelry. By all bags of Louis . Vuitton has potential inspiration that "Art of Travel" , which is the core of the design and concept of the design handbags , Louis Vuitton , all leaves and designers , the current of Louis . Vuitton 's Marc Jacobs , which is the design of his people , it is the favorite of the celebrities . Around the world. Bag Louis . Thailand women 's values , rather than just a bag . Believe that in a number of various bags brand bags Louis is one of the most popular women purse Thailand . Most women want to have the most possession . But with the price of the bag has a very high price to make a purchase using the card , it will not be easy , but if I do not pay for quality and a long history of the brand. Thailand had to accept that women are not less patience to collect money in order to have a pocket or purse LV logo Louis Vuitton...
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...Freedom. He had played over 20,000 performances worldwide over the span of his 50-year career. He took his first piano lesson around age seven or eight and he didn't retain the lessons that long. He was more favored to play baseball as a youngster . Duke went on a vacation in Asbury Park and he heard a pianist named Harvey Brooks playing. Duke sought Harvey out in Philadelphia where Harvey showed Duke some ...Expand to read entire bio >pianistic tricks and shortcuts. Duke later recounted that, "When I got home I had a real yearning to play. I hadn’t been able to get off the ground before, but after hearing him I said to myself, ‘Man you’re going to have to do it.’” Thus the music career of Duke Ellington was born. Oliver “Doc” Perry and Louis Brown,...
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...Malcolm X Life Span and Development ABSTRACT Malcolm X who was born Malcolm Little was a well known activists that had many different events that occurred in life which influenced his morals, personality and his emotional and physical development. Malcolm had both parents until his father was killed and mother was admitted to a psychiatric ward (Malcolm, 2012). After being sent to an orphanage and dropping out of school he was out on his own Malcolm turned to the streets and got into some trouble. After being incarcerated, Malcolm joined the nation of Islam becoming a spokesperson that had many followers (Lee, 1992). He was fighting for the right of equality for African Americans. Due to the departure from one of his teachers Elijah Muhammad Malcolm then began to go his own way and founded a more peaceful way of settling the racist acts. While giving his last speech Malcolm X was assassinated by three men (Malcolm, 2012). Malcolm X changes in life helped him to grow into the person he became to be. Malcolm X Life Span and Development Malcolm Little who is publicly known as Malcolm X was born May 19, 1925 in Omaha, Nebraska. He was born to the parents of Louise and Earl Little. He was one of eight siblings (Malcolm, 2012). Malcolm is famous for being an activist and prominent figure in the Nation of Islam. Malcolm dropped his name “Little” that was considered a slave name and inherited X (Malcolm, 2012). Malcolm went...
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...perfection. Jazz without trumpets would be equivalent to a peanut butter and jelly sandwich without peanut butter because it just would not be the same. So what makes the trumpet so special? The trumpet is by far the loudest and sharpest sounding horn in the band. The interesting shaped horn amplifies sound with the bends on pipes within it. This makes playing trumpet natural for leaders, and to become successful with it if they are good too. In 1894, early trumpet pioneer Buddy Bolden became the first known jazzman simply because he was a trumpeter. From then on other musicians followed this trend and the trumpet reigned king ever since. King Oliver was a very influential band to bring out the best of what the trumpet could offer. Musician Louis Armstrong began his ride to fame with this group in 1922. Armstrong's playing technique was honed by constant practice, which extended the range, tone and capabilities of the trumpet. Armstrong also almost single-handedly created the role of the jazz soloist, taking what was essentially a collective folk music and turning it into an art form with tremendous possibilities for individual expression. Another trumpet unit that should be noted as jazz greats is Duke Ellington’s trumpet section. Such musicians as Bubba Miley, Cootie Williams, and then the most well know of all is the “El Gato” as Duke would call him. El Gato or the cat in Spanish real name was Cat Anderson who helped make signature the trumpet feature in Duke’s...
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...During the Harlem Renaissance The Cotton Club was one of the most famous nightclubs in history. The cotton club was located in New York City in Harlem. The club operated from the 1920's to the 1930's. The Cotton Club was mostly about jazz. Jazz is the art of individuals working in unison to make one sublime sound. This establishment was for whites only, all though it featured some of the best black entertainers and jazz musicians this era had to offer. In 1920, heavyweight boxing champion Jack Johnson opened the Cotton Club under the name “Club Deluxe” on the corner of 142nd Street and Lenox Avenue in the heart of the Harlem district. Owney Madden, a prominent bootlegger and gangster, took over the club in 1923 while imprisoned in Sing Sing and changed its name to the Cotton Club. A deal was arranged between the two that allowed Johnson to still be the club’s manager. Madden used the cotton club as an outlet to sell his number one beer to the prohibition crowd. The Cotton Club was a “Whites-only” foundation. Even in the heart of Harlem, the race line divided the black performers from the white patrons. Inside the Cotton Club, African themes were exploited and only "jungle music" was played to an all white audience. Duke Ellington put together one of the most talented jazz bands ever to walk on stage to play for the patrons of The Cotton Club six nights a week. As the twenties went on, Ellington would continue his huge success at The Cotton Club into many classic recordings...
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...How to Save a Life: The discovery of the Germ Theory Scientists often develop new theories and ideas once previous postulates are shown to be inadequate. After numerous attempts to understand how germs spread, scientists still lacked a theory that explained the cause of diseases. The germ theory was instrumental in formulating an understanding of various diseases in order to protect the public from lethal epidemics. The development of the germ theory is credited to Dr. Robert Koch, Dr. Joseph Lister and chemist Louis Pasteur. The theory helped other scientists develop future vaccines and procedures to stop the spread of disease. The invention significantly changed how society and medical experts thought about and practiced medicine. The germ theory made it possible for scientists to discover the complex causes of infections and diseases such as cholera. At first, the general public was very apprehensive about the rapidly changing medical practices that resulted from the germ theory. However, once these practices were successful, the public trusted the new procedures such as the introduction of the antiseptic practice. Although many medical breakthroughs were introduced in the late 19th and early 20th century the most significant was the discovery of the germ theory because it allowed European physicians to discover other medicines. It was the foundation for the discovery of other medicines such as cholera and the inception of antiseptic surgery. Before the invention...
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...Louis Vuitton is known for using high quality raw materials in all of its products, the company has an empowering position to observe its products quality by marketing them through its own stores all over the world . Since the founding, the products are made by hand which differentiate the brand among its competitors in the industry. Before 2005, it took 20 to 30 craftsmen to put together each Louis Vuitton bag. Over the course of about eight days, separate workers would sew together leather panels, glue in linings and attach handles. For years the company paid far more attention to product design, craftsmanship and image than to the mechanics of keeping their stores stocked. With help from management consultants at McKinsey & Co., Vuitton set out to make its manufacturing process more flexible, borrowing techniques from car makers companies. Today, clusters of six to 12 workers, each of them performing several tasks, make LV-logo bags in a single day. The new settings improved company's production and the sales rose to 9% from the previous method of manufacturing. The reorganization extended beyond the factory floor. A distribution center in France used to send products directly to Vuitton's stores around the world. Now, the company is building a global distribution hub outside of Paris that will ship to six regional distribution centers: two in Japan, two elsewhere in Asia, one in the U.S. and one near Paris for European orders. Within a week of a product launch, stores...
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...Table of contest I. Foreword 3 II. Introduction 3 A. History 3 B. Standards and Values 4 III. Strategy 4 A. Takeover by Fung Brands Limited 4 B. Modern technology 5 C. Personalizing models 5 D. Magazine 5 E. On invitation only 5 F. Collaborations and special offers 5 a) The many faces of Delvaux 5 b) Studio Delvaux 6 IV. Market 8 A. Situation 8 a) Turnover 8 b) Prices 8 B. Target 9 C. Competitors 9 V. Assortment and Packaging 9 A. Most famous bags 9 B. Packaging 9 VI. Materials 9 A. Different sorts of leather 9 B. Different animals 10 C. Cleaning my bag 10 VII. Most latest news about Delvaux 10 A. Topman Salez quits at Delvaux 10 B. Illustrator Valentine De Cort creates a beautiful little picture book for the Madam Delvaux bag. 10 VIII. SWOT-Analysis 11 IX. References 12 Foreword I chose Delvaux for many reasons. First of all because, it is original a Belgian Brand. But most of all I love the brand because of it’s high level of craftsmanship. They have a lot of know how and intelligence. The designs the House makes are timeless with a very high quality of leathers. They are not humping on the trends they keep designing functional new creations. They have a certain hautain-look and that makes their Brand very strong. There is no room for unprofessionalism. Introduction History Charles Delvaux opened his first workshop in the centre of Brussels 1829. In 1883 the family were appointed...
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...Capitalist Posttextual Theory 1. Eco and deconstructive narrative If one examines capitalist posttextual theory, one is faced with a choice: either reject deconstructive narrative or conclude that context is created by communication, given that narrativity is equal to art. Therefore, the subject is interpolated into a subcultural patriarchialism that includes language as a reality. Bataille’s essay on capitalist posttextual theory implies that truth is fundamentally responsible for hierarchy. In the works of Eco, a predominant concept is the concept of deconstructivist language. But if deconstructive narrative holds, the works of Eco are postmodern. The premise of the precultural paradigm of narrative holds that art is used to entrench the status quo, but only if Baudrillard’s critique of capitalist posttextual theory is invalid; otherwise, Sartre’s model of textual libertarianism is one of “Foucaultist power relations”, and therefore part of the futility of culture. “Sexual identity is unattainable,” says Baudrillard; however, according to Long, it is not so much sexual identity that is unattainable, but rather the stasis, and some would say the dialectic, of sexual identity. Therefore, the subject is contextualised into a capitalist posttextual theory that includes sexuality as a totality. Marx promotes the use of patriarchialist discourse to challenge capitalism. But the subject is interpolated into a neoconceptual deconstruction that includes art as a whole. Lacan...
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... |Procedure: (How?) | |(Who?) |(How long?) | | | | | | | |Pre-text |What A Wonderful World |Picture of Louis |T-Ss |3 | |Lead In/Create interest | |Armstrong | |minutes | |To contextualize song |Show picture of Louis Armstrong. | | | | |To introduce themes of later tasks |...
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